
What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?


01. About the change of Jingkang

The Jingkang Revolution refers to an important historical event in 1127 when the Jin Dynasty attacked Tokyo, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, in the second year of Jingkang (the fifth year of the Jin Tianhui), captured the two emperors of Hui and Qin, and led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty. The incident is also known as the Jingkang Rebellion, the Jingkang Disaster, the Jingkang Disaster, and the Jingkang Shame.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

The change of Jingkang, the Jin Dynasty rode like a dragon, stepped through the tranquility of the Northern Song Dynasty, and turned the prosperous Tokyo into ruins. The tragic songs of the two emperors of Hui and Qin resounded in the sky, and the glory of the Northern Song Dynasty disappeared from then on. The Jin army was like a wolf and a tiger, and went south to break Yanjing, cross the Yellow River, and force Bianjing. Song Huizong hurriedly abdicated, and the crown prince Zhao Huan hurriedly ascended the throne. In the first year of Jingkang, the greedy hand of the Jin people stretched out to the prosperous Bianjing, five million taels of gold, 50 million taels of silver, and the land of the three towns were all in the hands of the Jin people.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

In August of that year, the autumn wind was bleak, the Jin army rose again, and the mourning of breaking the city was surging like a tide. In leap November, the Jin army joined forces, and the once glorious Bianjing trembled in the symphony of gold and iron. Song Qinzong went to the enemy camp alone, but in exchange for the cage of his life experience. In addition to the two emperors of Hui and Qin, more than 3,000 people were swept by the north wind like falling leaves, and were swept into the cold foreign country. The bustle of Tokyo, like a dream bubble, shattered in an instant. The Jingkang Revolution not only buried the glory of the Northern Song Dynasty, but also carved a deep scar on the pages of history.

02. War background

The Jingkang Revolution was a major event in Chinese history, and its war background involved many aspects. The following is a brief analysis of the background of the Jingkang Rebellion War.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

First of all, political corruption was one of the important backgrounds of the Jingkang Revolution. In the middle and late Northern Song Dynasty, bureaucratic corruption was serious, officials were corrupt and bribed, and people's livelihood withered. At the same time, there is also a serious power struggle in the bureaucracy, with various political factions fighting openly and covertly, which seriously weakens the government's ability to rule. This political corruption led to popular discontent and revolt, which hastened the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

Second, the decline of military power was also one of the important reasons for the Jingkang Change. The Northern Song Dynasty army was once one of the most powerful in Chinese history, but its military power gradually declined after many wars and political upheaval. At the same time, the equipment and tactics of the Northern Song army were relatively backward and could not compete with the emerging nomadic army. This decline in military power led to the inability of the Northern Song Dynasty to resist in the face of Jin aggression, which eventually led to the Jingkang Rebellion.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

In addition, the intensification of social contradictions is also one of the important backgrounds of the Jingkang Change. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a serious differentiation of social classes, and the gap between the rich and the poor was huge. The peasants were burdened and the livelihood of the people was miserable, while the officials lived in luxury. The intensification of this social contradiction led to popular discontent and resistance, and also accelerated the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty. Finally, the rise of the Jin Dynasty was also one of the important backgrounds of the Jingkang Revolution. The Jin Dynasty rose to prominence in a short period of time, and its military power grew rapidly, posing a great threat to the Northern Song Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty's invasion of the Northern Song Dynasty was one of the important reasons for the Jingkang Rebellion.

03. Causes of war

The cause of the war in the Jingkang Revolution can be traced back to a series of political disputes within the Song Dynasty. During the Song Zhezong period, the struggle between conservatives and reformers was fierce, which eventually led to the alternation of the old and new parties. Under the rule of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, although ostensibly prosperity was maintained, in reality the country's finances were already in trouble. In order to solve the financial problem, Song Huizong began to implement the "Huashi Gang" policy, forcibly leviing all kinds of harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes on the people, making the people's lives miserable.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

At the same time, relations between the Song dynasty and the Jin dynasty in the north were increasingly strained. The Jin dynasty's growing power posed a threat to the Song dynasty's territory and resources. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty sent envoys to the Jin Dynasty to negotiate peace, but due to a dispute between the two sides over ceremonial issues, the Jin Dynasty detained the envoys of the Song Dynasty. This incident became the fuse for the Jingkang Change. In 1122, the Jin dynasty attacked the Song dynasty and approached Kaifeng. Song Huizong was forced to order a personal expedition, but in the end he chose to escape. Under the onslaught of the Jin Dynasty army, the Song defenders surrendered. In 1127, the Jin Dynasty captured Kaifeng and captured Song Huizong, Song Qinzong and other royal family members and a large number of officials, craftsmen, artists, etc., known as the "Jingkang Change".

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

To sum up, the causes of the Jingkang Revolution were many, including internal political disputes, financial difficulties, and ethnic contradictions in the Song Dynasty. These factors interacted and eventually led to the demise of the Song Dynasty and the tragedy of the Jingkang Revolution.

04. The outcome of the war

The Jingkang Revolution was a major event in Chinese history, and its outcome had a profound impact on China's politics, economy, and society. First, the war led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty. During the war, the Jin Dynasty army broke through Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and captured the emperor and a large number of members of the imperial family of the Northern Song Dynasty, which dealt a heavy blow to the Northern Song regime. After that, the Jin dynasty ruled the Central Plains region and established a new regime. Second, the Jingkang Revolution had a huge impact on China's economy. The war caused a large number of casualties and property losses, and the economy of the Central Plains fell into depression for a time. In addition, after the Jin Dynasty occupied the Central Plains, in order to meet its own needs, it brutally exploited and oppressed the local people, resulting in extreme hardship for the people.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

Finally, the Jingkang Revolution also had a profound impact on Chinese society and culture. The war exacerbated the ethnic contradictions in Chinese society as never before, and the rule of the Jin Dynasty also caused serious cultural destruction in some regions. Since then, Chinese history has entered the Southern Song Dynasty, which was full of wars and turmoil, with people living in hardship and social contradictions.

05. Summary

The background of the war in Jingkang was multifaceted, among which political corruption, the decline of military power, the intensification of social contradictions, and the rise of the Jin Dynasty were all important reasons. These factors interacted and eventually led to the Jingkang Change, which also had a profound impact on Chinese history.

What is the historical event of Jingkang's shame and what is the historical background?

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