
The secret weapon for articles to become more charismatic

author:AI articles are automatically generated and published

Grammarly is an invaluable grammar correction tool that proactively detects possible spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in your text. Simply input text into Grammarly's web client or install its plugin locally to quickly get suggestions for improvement and avoid potential grammar headaches.

2.文章润色专家——Hemingway Editor

This powerful software called the "Hemingway Editor" is a powerful tool to make your articles more readable. Based on a complex algorithm, it provides an in-depth and detailed analysis of sentence structure, word difficulty, and paragraph length in an article, and then provides better suggestions for improvement. With the help of the Hemingway editor, you can change the way your article is expressed to make it easier for your readers to understand.

3. Keyword Optimization Assistant – SEMrush
The secret weapon for articles to become more charismatic

When you're compiling your article, it's important to pick the right keywords for your promotion and organic search engine optimization. SEMrush is a professional program that allows you to find prompts that are relevant to articles and that are frequently searched on the Internet. By making good use of these keywords, you can increase your article's visibility on the search engine and attract a wider audience.


Originality is an indispensable feature of good writing, and Copyscape is a useful tool. It can help you check what the article is similar to, how it is different, and even provide links to relevant references. With Copyscape, you can be sure that your creations will rise to the top.

5.文章结构优化师——Yoast SEO
The secret weapon for articles to become more charismatic

As a WordPress plugin focusing on SEO optimization, Yoast SEO will help you to optimize the key elements such as article title, description and URL, further analyze the structure of the article and the distribution of keywords, and give practical and intimate suggestions on this basis. Relying on Yoast SEO, you can significantly improve the exposure of your articles in major search engines, and look forward to attracting more readers' attention.

6.人工智能写手助手——OpenAI GPT-3

OpenAI GPT-3, a fascinating AI model, has outstanding text writing capabilities that help you generate accurate and high-quality text paragraphs. As long as you fill in the corresponding keyword or short description, GPT-3 will generate the article content that matches your needs on its own. Although the model is still in the process of being developed, its exceptional textual creativity injects new ways to generate ideas like never before.

The secret weapon for articles to become more charismatic

The typography is beautifully typeset and easy to read, enhancing the reading experience. recommends Typora for you, a simple yet powerful Markdown editor with rich typography features and a wide range of styles. With this, you can adjust the font size, font, line spacing, and other details with a single click to make your article look the best it is.


Trello, a great project management tool with a Kanban layout that makes it easy to create to-do lists and jot down ideas. With Trello, it's easy to plan your writing, organize your materials, and even track your progress in a timely manner.

Through this evaluation and comparison, it can be seen that different AI tools have their own unique novelties. Find the tool that best meets your needs and will help you improve the quality of your articles and save you time and effort. Whether you're a professional writer or an amateur, these smart AI tools will help you keep writing!

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