
The drafting team of the 2024 Government Work Report answered questions from reporters on economic and social development and several current key tasks

author:Juancheng County Rong Media Center

Government Work Report Drafting Group

Answering reporters' questions on economic and social development and a number of current key tasks

The Second Session of the 14th Shandong Provincial People's Congress deliberated and approved the government work report, systematically summarized the achievements of economic and social development in 2023, and made arrangements for the key tasks of the province's economic and social development in 2024. The drafting team of the government work report was interviewed by reporters from Dazhong Daily and other media, and interpreted economic and social development and a number of key tasks at present.

1. The year just passed was the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it was also a year for economic recovery and development after three years of epidemic prevention and control. How to evaluate the achievements of the province's economic and social development in the past year, and how to continue to consolidate the positive trend of economic recovery this year and take new steps in high-quality development?

A: 2023 is a year of great significance in the history of Shandong's development. This year, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again visited Shandong for inspection and guidance, pointing out the direction for us to move forward and injecting strong impetus, and the whole province was greatly encouraged, excited and confident. Over the past year, the whole province has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, resolutely implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and requirements for Shandong's work, firmly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and promoted the "Three Ten" actions in depth with the construction of a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone, focusing on expanding domestic demand, optimizing structure, improving people's livelihood, preventing and resolving risks, and successfully completing the main goals and tasks of the year.

Over the past year, we have been steadily and steadfastly, winning one tough battle after another, forging ahead in overcoming difficulties, and the province's economy has continued to rebound, consolidate and improve, and make solid progress in high-quality development. The report summarizes last year's achievements into "eight new". That is, economic development has achieved a new leap, scientific and technological innovation has stimulated new momentum, industrial upgrading has increased new advantages, new progress has been made in major strategies, new steps have been taken in strengthening the agricultural province, infrastructure has been newly upgraded, the business environment has shown a new atmosphere, and the improvement of people's livelihood has handed over new answers. Many of these "eight new" are breakthrough, symbolic, and groundbreaking in the history of Shandong's development, which embodies the province's resolute implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and requirements for Shandong's work, and solidly promotes the responsibility of Shandong's practice of Chinese-style modernization. The solid results achieved by learning the right style and promoting work by learning are full of confidence and hope, showing confidence and momentum.

These "eight new" are remarkable, marking a new step in Shandong's economic strength: The regional GDP has reached 9.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 6 percent; the growth rate of industry, investment, consumption, and import and export has been higher than the national average, and Yantai has become the third trillion-level city in the province; and the total grain output is 113.1 billion jin and the yield per unit is 899 jin, setting a new record high. The "eight new" have demonstrated the quality and efficiency of Shandong's economic development: the number of business entities has exceeded 14.65 million, more than 9,500 new industrial and service enterprises above the designated size, 6,000 high-tech enterprises, and 45,000 small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises; the National Technology Innovation Center for Comprehensive Utilization of Saline-alkali Land has been inaugurated, and a number of landmark achievements have been made in the fields of supercomputing interconnection, image quality chips, and plant gene editing; the "Made in Shandong" EMU represents the first overseas operation of China's high-speed railway, and the Yulong Island refining and chemical project has been handed over one after another. These "eight new" highlights the green background of Shandong's development: the establishment of the Yellow River Estuary National Park is progressing smoothly, the world's first fourth-generation high-temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant has been put into commercial operation, the total installed capacity of new and renewable energy power generation has exceeded 93 million kilowatts, and the national ecological and environmental index plan has been overfulfilled. These "eight new" reflect the stamina support for Shandong's development: the Jizheng and Lairong high-speed railways have been opened to traffic, the construction of Xiongshang, Jinwei, Jibin and other projects has been carried out on the whole line, the construction of the Jizao high-speed railway, the Weisu high-speed railway and the Qingdao connection line has started, and the operating mileage of the high-speed railway has reached 2,810 kilometers, ranking first in the country; five expressways from Jinan to Weifang have been completed, and the operating mileage of the expressway has exceeded 8,400 kilometers; the main artery of the modern water network has been initially constructed, and the whole line of Xiaoqing River has the conditions for navigation. These "eight new" show the people's livelihood temperature of Shandong's high-quality development: 1.245 million new jobs in urban areas, 619,000 new urban and rural public welfare jobs, effective guarantee for 1.8 million school-age children to enroll in primary school in the autumn, the first national demonstration province for the integration of medical care and elderly care has passed the acceptance, and the number of canteens for the elderly has reached 12,000, and the average standard of urban and rural subsistence allowance has increased by 5% and 6.7% respectively, etc. These hard-won achievements are fundamentally due to the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the result of the Provincial Party Committee's overall situation and scientific decision-making, and the result of the continuous struggle and unremitting efforts of generations of Qilu sons and daughters.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a crucial year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. The report fully implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Economic Work Conference, thoroughly implements the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Shandong's work, deeply grasps the understanding of the "five musts" law, takes the promotion of Chinese-style modernization as the biggest politics, and adheres to high-quality development as the last word in the new era. In terms of target arrangement, the regional GDP will increase by more than 5 percent, the general public budget revenue will increase by 4 percent, the per capita disposable income of residents will increase by about 5.5 percent, and more than 1.1 million new jobs will be created in urban areas. These goals, taking into account the opportunities, challenges and environmental conditions, coordinating the current and long-term, and taking into account the needs and possibilities, are not only conducive to better playing the role of major economic provinces, but also conducive to guiding expectations and boosting confidence. In terms of work deployment, the report arranges "12 tasks", namely: to lead the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, to expand effective demand, to do a good job in the high-quality development of the digital economy, to do a good job in the reform of key areas, to build a new highland for opening up, to do a good job in the upgrading of the Qilu model of rural revitalization, to do a good job in the people-oriented new urbanization construction, to do a good job in regional coordinated development, to do a good job in carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green expansion, to do a good job in cultural prosperity, We should do a good job in improving the quality of life of the people and guarding the bottom line of safe development. The "12 practical and good work", each of which has measures, goals, implementation, and implementation, fully embodies the requirements of grasping the implementation to the letter, vigorously and resolutely, seeking truth and pragmatism, and daring to do good to grasp the implementation requirements, and ensure that the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the work arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee are transformed into a surging driving force for green, low-carbon and high-quality development, solid results in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Shandong, and tangible people's livelihood and well-being.

The way to strengthen the province is to work hard. Hard work is strength, hard work is responsibility. At present, Shandong's strategic opportunities are superimposed, the development foundation is solid, the comparative advantages are prominent, and hundreds of millions of Qilu sons and daughters are high-spirited, enterprising, and their enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is unprecedentedly high. As long as we have firm confidence, work with one heart and one mind, and always move forward bravely and resolutely in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we will be able to overcome difficulties, move forward, and run towards a better tomorrow where Shandong develops higher quality and people's lives are happier!

2. Leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation is an important task for the construction of a modern and strong province. What measures will Shandong take to strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and form more new quality productivity?

Answer: The modern industrial system is an industrial system in which the real economy, scientific and technological innovation, modern finance, and human resources are developed in a coordinated manner. The key to realizing the modernization of the industrial system lies in the modernization of science and technology, and only by playing the "first move" of scientific and technological innovation can we take the lead and win advantages in industrial development. The report emphasizes the promotion of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, and the promotion of industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation. Comprehensively stimulate the vitality of industrial scientific and technological innovation, focus on giving full play to the main role of enterprise innovation, the supporting role of the laboratory system, and the leading role of strategic talents, and promote the deep integration of industrial chain, innovation chain, talent chain and capital chain. This year, it is necessary to carry out actions such as the promotion of leading enterprises in science and technology and the high-quality development of the iconic industrial chain, implement 100 major scientific and technological innovation projects, create a number of new national key laboratories, lay out and reorganize a number of provincial laboratories and provincial key laboratories, and do a good job in creating a high-level platform for attracting and gathering talents in Jiqing, so that more talents can display their talents and innovate and start businesses in the land of Qilu. To comprehensively accelerate the process of new industrialization, the starting point is to deepen the number one project of the industrial economy and implement the advanced manufacturing industry. Traditional industries focus on improving quality and efficiency, which is our background, not only can not be regarded as a "low-end industry" simply withdraw, but also to further do a good job, bigger and stronger. It is necessary to speed up the transformation and upgrading of metallurgy, chemical industry, light industry and other industries, and highlight major projects such as the second phase of Shandong Iron and Steel Baowu Rizhao Fine Steel Base. Emerging industries focus on cluster agglomeration, and at the same time of improving the energy level of Zaozhuang lithium battery new energy and other industrial clusters, about 10 provincial-level strategic emerging industrial clusters should be cultivated. The future industry has a major leading and transformative role, and it must be forward-looking. This year, it is necessary to focus on artificial intelligence, life sciences, humanoid robots and other fields, implement about 20 cutting-edge technology research, promote the accelerated growth of 15 provincial-level future industrial clusters, and support Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai to build future industry pilot areas. Comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the service industry, establish and improve the cultivation bank of key service industry enterprises, support the development of 180 service industry innovation centers, build about 20 modern service industry clusters, enhance the radiation capacity of national logistics hubs and backbone cold chain logistics bases, open up the "main artery" and smooth the "microcirculation", so that Shandong can flow smoothly and goods can be connected to the world.

3. Insufficient effective demand is still a prominent constraint on the current economic development. On the basis of good investment and consumption growth, how can our province innovate measures to further expand effective demand and provide key support for high-quality development?

Answer: Expanding domestic demand is a strategic basis that we must firmly grasp. The more complex and changeable the situation and environment, the more uncertainties we face, the more we must adhere to the system concept, put the expansion of domestic demand in a prominent position, coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen the supply-side structural reform, and launch a series of policies and measures to promote consumption and stabilize investment, so as to form a virtuous circle in which consumption and investment promote each other, and better play the basic role of consumption and the key role of investment. We will continue to stimulate potential consumption, and focus on cultivating and optimizing the three growth points of bulk consumption, new consumption and housing consumption. Among them, bulk consumption is the "bull's nose", and it is necessary to expand the consumption of new energy vehicles, home appliances, and home furnishings by holding a series of promotional activities, improving charging infrastructure, and innovating trade-in measures. In line with the trend of consumption upgrading, new consumption should launch a number of services and products such as characteristic medical care, health care for the elderly, and sports events, and cultivate consumption hotspots such as smart wearable devices and domestic "trendy brands" and "trendy products". The real estate chain is long and involves a wide range. It is necessary to give full play to the role of key cities such as Jinan and Qingdao, launch a number of new improved high-quality residential projects, expand the consumption of functional housing such as health care, leisure and vacation, and make good use of policies such as "recognising housing without recognising loans", reducing down payments, and "transferring ownership with mortgages" to better meet residents' rigid and improved housing needs. Efforts should be made to expand profitable investment, focusing on the implementation of 15,000 key projects at the provincial, municipal and county levels. In particular, infrastructure projects are conducive to expanding effective investment and ensuring the improvement of people's livelihood. The report focuses on the two major fields of transportation and water conservancy, and makes arrangements for the construction of major projects. In terms of high-speed railways, it is necessary to promote seven high-speed railway projects in Xiongshang, Jibin, and Jinwei, build the Weiyan high-speed railway, and strive to start construction of the Lailin high-speed railway, with the mileage of the high-speed railway exceeding 3,000 kilometers; in terms of expressways, the construction of expressway projects from Linyi to Xuzhou will be started, and 34 projects under construction will be completed, and the Linzi (Zi) and Linyi expressway projects will be completed, and the mileage of the expressway will reach 8,600 kilometers. In terms of airports, we will promote the opening and operation of the second phase of Yantai Airport, and accelerate the construction of the second phase of Jinan Airport and Zaozhuang Airport. In terms of water network, we will implement the construction of reservoir projects such as the southern flood discharge in the old lake area of Dongping Lake and the reservoir projects of Qingdao Guanlu, Linyi Shuangwei and Jinan Taiping. In specific work, it is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of land, capital, environment and other factors, pay more attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of private investment, innovate the cooperation mechanism between the government and social capital, and promote socialized investment to become lively, hot and strong.

4. The digital economy is a key increment and strategic support for green, low-carbon, and high-quality development. What arrangements does our province have for the formation of new momentum led by the digital economy?

A: The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to the development of the digital economy. Last year, a high-level conference on the development of the digital economy was held, focusing on building a new highland for the development of the country's leading digital economy, and deploying the "Ten Major Projects" of digital industrialization and the "Eight Major Actions" of industrial digitalization. For this year's work, the report emphasizes the implementation of the spirit of the conference and the formation of new momentum for economic development with the new track of digital transformation. Efforts to break through digital industrialization are the foundation and source of power for the development of the digital economy. This year, it is necessary to cultivate and strengthen a number of leading and backbone enterprises, accelerate the promotion of 100 major projects, and strive to increase the revenue of the information technology industry by more than 10 percent; accelerate the layout of third-generation semiconductor industries such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride, and cultivate about 10 digital industry clusters. At the same time, we will implement the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, build a national digital transformation promotion center for small and medium-sized enterprises, and accelerate the "cloud and data empowerment" of small and medium-sized enterprises. To consolidate the foundation of the digital economy, if the support in this regard is insufficient, the development of the digital economy will not be able to be discussed. It is necessary to deploy a high-performance intelligent computing center, coordinate the layout of general and vertical large-scale model computing power, build a "Shandong computing network", thoroughly implement the "double gigabit" network system project, and build a number of secondary nodes for industrial Internet identification analysis. At present, the value of data as a key factor of production is becoming increasingly prominent, and it is necessary to carry out pilot projects of data assetization and data intellectual property registration, and do a good job in activating the value of data.

5. To promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Shandong, we must make good use of the "key move" of reform and opening up. What aspects will the reform of key areas in our province focus on this year, and what are the specific measures?

A: Deepening reforms in key areas will help enhance economic vitality and promote high-quality development. The report emphasizes that reform should improve efficiency, strengthen confidence, and improve the environment, so as to effectively stimulate the vitality of the market and society. At the same time, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and financial institutions, do a good job in the pilot reform of science and technology innovation finance, inclusive finance and green finance, and promote the innovative development of digital finance and pension finance. More practical measures to optimize and improve the private economic service mechanism, resolutely implement the "two unswerving", and treat all types of business entities equally and equally. Thoroughly implement the regulations on the promotion of the development of the private economy, take practical measures and seek practical results in terms of fair rights, fair opportunities, and fair rules; protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, improve the mechanism for soliciting the opinions of relevant stakeholders on enterprise-related policies; innovate the financial partnership mechanism, and increase the cultivation of private enterprises listed on the market; carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit and Confucian spirit of the new era, respect and care for entrepreneurs, and increase the training of private entrepreneurs, so that the majority of entrepreneurs can look at the world, take root in Shandong, and start a business with peace of mind. Higher standards of innovation to improve the business environment, improve the normalization of the promotion mechanism of "efficient completion of one thing", smooth the channels of "face-to-face consultation" and "through train to the governor", and give full play to the role of the "Lu Li Office" supervision and implementation platform; promote the construction of digital government, dynamically launch the application scenario of "one thing at a time", and make greater efforts to promote the preferential policies for enterprises to enjoy directly and quickly and without application, deepen the system of connecting and serving private enterprises and business associations, and implement the negative list of political and business exchanges to ensure that the level of the province's business environment continues to be at the forefront of the country.

6. Shandong is a large open coastal province. How to deal with the uncertainty of the external environment, give full play to the advantages of location and strategic platform, and continue to build a new highland for opening up?

A: Building a new highland for opening up to the outside world is a major political task entrusted to Shandong by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is necessary to focus on deepening foreign economic and trade cooperation, consolidating the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment, actively expanding high-level opening up, and forming a pattern of opening up to the outside world on a larger scale, in a wider range of fields, and at a deeper level. Accelerate the cultivation of new momentum for foreign trade, vigorously expand new markets, cultivate new business formats, and create new advantages. This year, it is necessary to organize about 260 overseas exhibitions, focusing on expanding the scale of cross-border e-commerce, market procurement trade and other businesses, enhancing the export advantages of intermediate goods, and expanding the export of "new three types", green and low-carbon products, and second-hand cars. At the same time, we will build a leading enterprise in the import and export supply chain and expand the import of bulk commodities such as oil and gas, grain, and iron ore. Establish a clear orientation of "double recruitment and double introduction", continue to carry out a series of activities to attract investment in Shandong, take the initiative to connect with the world's top 500 companies and industry leaders, and promote the integrated implementation of talents, teams, projects and funds; give full play to the role of platforms such as the Qingdao Summit of Leaders of Multinational Corporations and the Singapore Shandong Week, and hold activities such as the Hong Kong, Macao, Shandong Week, and Lu-Taiwan Economic and Trade Fair, so as to "attract investment with business" and "attract talents with talents", so as to make Shandong a blessed land for investment and business and a treasure place for displaying talents. Jianqiang makes good use of open platforms to accelerate the upgrading of open platforms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone, Jinan's new and old kinetic energy conversion starting area, pilot free trade zone, various development zones and provincial-level new areas. For example, the report proposes to do a good job in introducing international and domestic first-class developers and operators, creating an environment and supporting functions, and building an international hub port of the SCO Demonstration Zone. Deeply integrate into the "Belt and Road" cooperation, focus on the implementation of the achievements of the "Three Central Asian Countries" project, increase the "Shanghai Cooperation Express" and "Japan-South Korea Land-Sea Express" routes of the China-Europe Express, build 16 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones at a high level, deepen international cultural exchanges, and attract more foreigners to Shandong for business, study and tourism.

7. Promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside is the general starting point of the "three rural" work. As a major agricultural province, how can Shandong keep in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, shoulder the responsibility and mission, and accelerate the upgrading of the Qilu model of rural revitalization?

A: To promote Chinese-style modernization, we must unremittingly consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It is necessary to learn and apply the development concept, working methods and promotion mechanism contained in the "Ten Million Project", start from the practical problems that the peasant masses have strong reactions, find the entry point of rural revitalization, and improve the effectiveness of work. Take ensuring food security as the primary task, and solidly promote the construction of "Qilu granary". On the one hand, we should stabilize the area, resolutely curb the "non-agricultural" and "non-grain" conversion of cultivated land, and ensure that the sown area of grain is stable at more than 125 million mu; on the other hand, we will increase yields, implement large-scale yields improvement actions for major grain and oil crops, carry out joint research on corn, wheat, soybean and other provenance technologies, and draw up an overall plan for the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, so as to further improve the capacity of grain drying services and promote the reduction of losses in the whole grain chain. Take the enrichment of rural industries as a priority direction, start the pilot project of improving the quality and efficiency of the whole industrial chain of advantageous and characteristic agriculture, and strengthen the industrial clusters of grain, vegetables, forest fruits, etc.; do a good job in "local specialties" articles, support Shouguang, Lanling and other places to build vegetable brands, speed up the preparation of Zaozhuang pomegranate, Rushan oysters, the Yellow River old road Sanghuang, Guanxian Ganoderma lucidum, Yangxin beef cattle and other local industry development plans, implement agricultural leading enterprises to boost the action, accelerate the construction of agriculture into a modern industry, and drive more villagers to get rich. Taking the construction of demonstration areas as an important starting point, about 70 provincial-level demonstration areas have been newly created, promoting the "five revitalizations" of rural areas with all elements, and promoting the integration of party building, resource integration, industrial integration, and talent aggregation in the area; The integration rate of urban and rural water supply allows the people to drink clean and hygienic water.

8. Shandong is a major economic province with a permanent population and a registered population of "more than 100 million". How to coordinate the new urbanization and the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and embark on a new urbanization path with Shandong characteristics?

A: Deepening the people-oriented new type of urbanization is not only conducive to stimulating consumption and investment, continuously unleashing the potential of domestic demand, but also conducive to improving people's livelihood and promoting social fairness and justice. The report emphasizes that the county seat is an important carrier, and the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities and towns is the focus on promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Focus on optimizing the development pattern of cities and towns, guide the development of counties by category, implement plans such as strong counties leading and weak counties leapfrogging, and strive to make new breakthroughs in the construction of "100 billion counties"; deepen the innovation and upgrading of small towns, promote characteristic towns to build micro-industrial clusters, strengthen the connection of town and village facilities, and promote the two-way flow of various elements. Focusing on promoting urban renewal, we will firmly grasp the "Ten Major Projects", steadily promote the comprehensive renewal of 160 old areas, accelerate the transformation of urban villages, and the construction of public infrastructure projects such as "peacetime and emergency". Focus on improving the quality of urbanization of the rural migrant population, strengthen the precise service for the floating population, improve the mechanism for linking the basic financial security awards and subsidies at the county level with the permanent resident population, fully implement the school enrollment policy for the children of the floating population, and include the basic public health service funds for the permanent resident floating population in the public financial expenditure budget, and start the construction of a number of affordable housing, including eligible migrant workers in the scope of protection, so that the rural migrant population can truly "enter, settle down, and live well".

9. Shandong is connected to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in the northeast, the Yangtze River Delta in the south, Japan and South Korea in the east, and the "Belt and Road" in the west. How to give full play to this geographical advantage, make greater efforts to promote coordinated regional development, and expand the space for high-quality development in service and integration into the construction of a new development pattern?

A: Coordinated regional development is an inevitable requirement for high-quality development. The key to doing a good job in this article is to give full play to our comparative advantages, actively serve and integrate into the construction of a new development pattern. As far as Shandong is concerned, it is necessary to give better play to the leading role of the urban agglomeration on the Shandong Peninsula and continue to optimize the regional development pattern of "a group of two hearts and three circles". Comprehensively improve the level of cooperation along the Yellow River, strengthen cooperation with the provinces along the Yellow River in the fields of transportation, industry, ecology and other fields, strive to become a national regional science and technology innovation center, plan to build a large corridor along the Yellow River, and guide the integrated development of nine cities along the Yellow River in the province; implement the flood control project in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, implement the requirements of "four waters and four determinations", and do a good job in the national pilot project of reclaimed water utilization. More active service and integration into major national and regional strategies, focusing on deepening docking and cooperation with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Central Plains urban agglomeration, Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, etc., and comprehensively strengthening scientific and technological cooperation, industrial docking, and market development. We will build the Jinan-Qingdao metropolitan area at a high level, implement the strategy of "strengthening the provincial capital" and Qingdao as a "strong leader", do a good job in the construction of major projects in the fields of transportation, industry and people's livelihood, and promote the coordinated and integrated development of cities in the metropolitan area. Promote the development of land-sea linkage with high quality, build and strengthen the three major platforms of the National Deep-sea Gene Bank, Deep-sea Specimen Sample Museum and Deep-sea Big Data Center, continue to expand advantageous industrial clusters such as marine engineering equipment, marine biomedicine, and smart ocean, implement the three-year action for the construction of world-class port clusters, compile coastal zone and marine spatial planning, and build a solid blue ecological barrier. At the same time, Shandong is located in the center of the regional economy in Northeast Asia, and has the natural conditions to build a large channel for east-west connectivity. It is necessary to actively explore new paths and new methods to expand opening up and cooperation, and make Shandong's contribution to accelerating the construction of a new development pattern of dual circulation.

10. Building a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone is an important mission entrusted to Shandong by the state. This year, how to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green expansion, solidly promote the construction of beautiful Shandong, and create a green and low-carbon development highland?

A: To promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, we must firmly grasp the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Energy conservation and carbon reduction highlight the source of governance, focus on speeding up the construction of five clean energy bases, do a good job in offshore wind power, nuclear power, centralized onshore wind power and other projects, accelerate pumped storage, compressed air energy storage, electrochemical energy storage, optical hydrogen storage and other projects, this year new energy and renewable energy power generation capacity to exceed 100 million kilowatts, new energy storage scale to reach more than 5 million kilowatts; at the same time, explore the "source-grid-load-storage" integrated development model, "one industry, one policy" Promote emission reduction in high-carbon industries, do a good job in exploring dual control of carbon emissions, and deepen the pilot of near-zero carbon creation and ecological product value realization mechanism. Pollution prevention and control highlight comprehensive policies, resolutely fight the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water and pure land, promote the reduction of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, upgrade the environmental protection performance of key industries, and promote the orderly withdrawal of coking production capacity in channel cities; accelerate the "two clearances and one standard", carry out the construction of "zero-waste cities" in the whole region, do a good job in rectifying the feedback problems of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and carry out the third round of provincial ecological and environmental protection inspections. Ecological protection and restoration highlight precise science, strict ecological environment zoning control, and launch the public version of the "three lines and one order" data application platform; build the Northern Marine Environmental Emergency Response Center, and do a good job in the construction of the country's first key laboratory of land-sea integrated ecological governance; thoroughly implement the river chief system, lake chief system, forest chief system, and bay chief system, implement ecological restoration projects in key areas such as Yimeng Mountain, Laizhou Bay, and the Grand Canal, promote the construction of scientific greening pilot demonstration provinces, strive to create national-level beautiful rivers, lakes and bays, and draw a new picture of lucid waters and lush mountains ecological Qilu.

11. It is a new cultural mission in the new era to solidly promote the "two innovations" of culture and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. How can Shandong implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought, give full play to the advantages of excellent traditional culture, and promote cultural prosperity?

A: General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is the only way to open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and to integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and China's excellent traditional culture. Shandong is a major cultural province, with the foundation, conditions and ability to play a greater role and make more contributions to the development of cultural inheritance. Focusing on the excellent traditional cultural brand of Qilu, focusing on the excavation and interpretation of Confucian culture and Qi culture, and speeding up the construction of the Shandong section of the Great Wall, the Grand Canal and the Yellow River National Cultural Park; strengthening the mechanism for the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, implementing projects such as "Shandong cultural context", "cultural relics revitalization", and exploring the source of Chinese civilization, polishing the brand of "Haidai Archaeology", and running the Nishan World Civilization Forum; doing a good job in the protection of ancient towns, ancient villages, ancient buildings, ancient streets and alleys, and ancient trees; The construction of red cultural areas such as Luxi has integrated red genes into the bloodline and passed on from generation to generation. Focusing on improving the level of public cultural services and industrial competitiveness, practicing the core values of socialism, and implementing the "five for" civilization practice, promoting the Qilu Literary and Art Summit Plan, shaping the new advantages of Lu opera, including online Lu opera, building a good Qilu cultural cloud, and building a number of urban art complexes, cultural stations, and urban and rural study rooms, implementing the innovation project of 100 digital cultural enterprises, accelerating the promotion of "handmade in Shandong" to go out, and telling the "Shandong story" in the new era in a truthful manner. Focusing on promoting the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism, we will create a number of high-quality products such as leisure and vacation, tourism and performing arts, cruise tourism, etc., launch a number of demonstration projects such as hot spring tourism and ice and snow sports, promote projects such as the renewal of scenic spots, and continue to strengthen the brand of "Hospitality Shandong, Good Products Shandong", so that visitors from all over the world can come from near and far and enjoy Qilu.

12. Improving people's livelihood and well-being is the fundamental purpose of development. What are the specific arrangements for ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the process of development and better meeting the people's growing needs for a better life?

Answer: It is our unswerving goal to let the people live a good life. The report stressed that it is necessary to always put the people in the highest position in our hearts, firmly establish the concept of political achievements for the benefit of the people, solve the problems of the masses with heart, strength and affection, and make arrangements for the rolling implementation of 20 key livelihood matters and continuously improve the quality of life of the people. We will make every effort to stabilize employment and increase income. Employment is the greatest livelihood of the people, and it is necessary to focus on key groups, implement actions such as "community micro-industry" and entrepreneurship Qilu, build a high-quality and full-employment province, increase the income of urban and rural residents through multiple channels, and actively explore effective ways to promote common prosperity at multiple levels and in multiple fields. We will make every effort to promote quality education. Education is the hope of every family and must be done well and in a down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to optimize the layout, improve the quality of supply, and highlight the work of inclusive development of preschool education and the expansion of compulsory education, so as to effectively satisfy the masses. Make every effort to weave a dense social safety net. Social security is the basic system for maintaining social fairness, and it is necessary to implement provincial-level overall planning of employee medical insurance and work-related injury insurance, carry out pilot projects on occupational injury protection for new forms of employment such as food delivery riders and online car-hailing drivers, and do a good job of social assistance and normalized assistance at different levels and categories. We will make every effort to deepen the construction of a healthy Shandong. Health is the common yearning and pursuit of the people, and it is necessary to support Qilu Hospital and provincial hospitals to establish national medical centers and national clinical medical research centers, and implement major projects for the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine. Strengthen the construction of pediatrics, emergency and other specialties, improve the rural health service system, renovate and upgrade 10,000 village clinics, and train rural doctors in rotation in three years, so that more people can enjoy clean and hygienic high-quality medical services at their doorsteps. Make every effort to improve the service of "one old and one young". "One old and one young" is related to family happiness and social harmony, and it is necessary to improve the network of elderly care services in urban and rural communities, vigorously develop community canteens, study and formulate support measures for the development of the silver economy, and increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels, so that every elderly person can take care of them and every child can grow up strongly. Hold the bottom line of safe development. The report runs through the overall planning of high-quality development and high-level safety requirements, emphasizing the need to enhance the sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", prevent and control all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, and ensure high-quality development with high-level security. It is necessary to carry out a three-year action to tackle the root cause of production safety, deepen the rectification and improvement of safety production in the chemical industry, strengthen safety supervision in key industries such as mining, construction and maritime safety, build a big data platform for financial risk prevention and control, and actively prevent and resolve local debt risks and real estate risks; adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, improve the "one-stop" diversified contradiction and dispute resolution mechanism, accelerate the modernization of the social security prevention and control system, and maintain the harmony and stability of the overall social situation.

Source: Shandong Political Affairs, Dazhong Daily

Juancheng Rong Media Wu Changlei

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