
250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

author:Chief Business Intelligence
250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

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  • Source/Chief Business Intelligence
  • Author/Chief Business Intelligence

Introduction: Last Wednesday local time, more than 250 of the world's top billionaires released an open letter: proud to pay more, levy more taxes on us......

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Attracting foreign super-rich people to take the initiative to send a joint letter, demanding more taxes on them and levying a higher "rich tax", sure enough, the rich are different when they reach a certain height, and there is no harm if there is no comparison......

Disney's heirs said: "The Davos attendees are all talking about solving the world's problems, but they refuse to discuss the only thing that will have an impact on "taxing the rich!"

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

His cry was deafening, and many rich people called for and supported this joint letter, and under extreme wealth is the rampant power and the black miasma of negative social winds.

No wonder, as soon as the news came out, netizens exploded, "Is there such a rich man in China?"

01. 250 billionaires around the world jointly asked for a rich tax, can the rich tax really alleviate the gap between the rich and the poor?

This news became an international hot search, and foreign media reported that more than 100 billionaires "jointly signed a letter" to demand more taxes.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

The reason is that he feels that he really has too much money, too rich, and is willing to spend more money to pay taxes and contribute to reducing the huge gap between the rich and the poor in the world.

And the cause of the incident was at the Davos Forum organized some time ago, where Oxfam (a charitable organization) accused the world's top rich people of wantonly enriching themselves and ignoring benevolence and morality.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Oxfam compares the combined wealth of Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and Bezos, the world's richest people to hundreds of billions of dollars, as they grow their wealth while billions of people around the world become poorer.

And blamed the formation of the gap between the rich and the poor on the rich, so the rich faced this "bombardment accusation", and some of the rich jointly wrote a letter in response to the matter.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

The joint letter, titled "Proud to Pay More (Taxes)", was signed by as many as 17 wealthy people, as well as many familiar names.

Among them are Disney's successor, Abigail Disney, and the famous writer, director, and actor Simon Pegg......

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

The letter was accompanied by a poll of 2,300 wealthy people, each with at least $1 million in discretionary assets.

In addition, more than 70 percent of the wealthy agree and support a 2 percent tax for those worth $10 million, and more than 70 percent believe it should be higher.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

In fact, this dramatic scene at the Davos forum took place a few years ago.

At that time, 102 billionaires in the world called for a "wealth tax" in various countries, and the group they formed was called "Patriotic Millionaires".

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Their joint letter said: "The current tax system in the world is unbalanced and unfair, and people are trapped in their livelihoods due to hardship during the epidemic time, while the wealth of our rich people is not only not damaged, but is accumulating and increasing.

They appealed "Taxes us!" and even came up with a new tax plan: for wealth accumulation of $5 million, it would need to increase by 2%, and 50 million would need to increase by 3%, and more than that.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

For example, if we follow the above tax scheme, a billionaire worth $50 million can spend $1.5 million on social public services.

It is also calculated that according to the "wealth tax", 2.5 trillion US dollars can be paid in taxes every year, which is a large amount of money that can help the world's 2 billion people solve the problem of poverty.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

But this is the result of idealization, back to reality, whether we can implement the "wealth tax" and whether this money can really be used to solve the gap between the rich and the poor, and how to solve the gap between the rich and the poor is unknown.

02. Proud of paying higher taxes, there are only a handful of billionaires with assets of more than one million dollars

The rich demand to pay more "wealth tax", the main support behind which is those top rich, the accumulation of wealth, basically standing at the top of the wealth and realizing the value of life.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Only a handful of people stand at the top of the pyramid, and there are only a handful of billionaires in the world whose own assets (excluding real estate) are worth more than one million dollars.

The "regal tax" proposed by the top rich is finally invested in urban infrastructure, which is the best result, and is the implementation of this measure really purely out of the idea of public welfare?

After the wealth tax of the rich is submitted to the government, will they take further action to seek tax reductions from the government for enterprises or certain economic purposes, and reasonably avoid taxes?

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

What if we take a step back and think about it, once it is determined that the top rich people are required to levy wealth tax, a small number of them are unwilling to use part of their assets to pay taxes, and transfer their assets until their assets do not meet the criteria for wealth tax?

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Of course, paying the rich tax is finally used for social construction, of course, we believe that it is a purely charitable act, the gap between the rich and the poor in the world is getting wider and wider, and the lives of the people at the bottom are in dire straits.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

In a society with a high concentration of resources, the money of the rich is a fortress that is constantly being built.

And at present, China's rich are still unmoved, and I wonder if they will speak out in the future.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

However, our society and even the world are facing severe class differentiation and the gap between the rich and the poor.

03, the rich "money begets money", and how many poor people are backstabbed by hundreds of millions of assets under the "28 law".

The rule of 28 simply is: more than 80% of the world's wealth is basically in the hands of 20% of this group of people.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

The first 28 law was proposed at the end of the 19th century, and it is still popular today, and it is still used in all major industries and fields.

It is hard to imagine that this law has passed for a hundred years today, and perhaps our concept of a hundred years of time is rather vague, and if we compare it with the historical changes in modern China, it may be more concrete.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

At the same time, in the midst of the changes in modern China, the economic pattern is also quietly changing.

Now that the Internet and technology are flying, batch after batch of financial tycoons have slowly grasped the right to speak in the business world, grasped the rules of the industry, and forged their own business empire.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

In fact, from another level, these predators in the financial industry have basically achieved a monopoly on technology and the market, and it is difficult to shake their indestructible resources and status in a certain industry.

We can also see from the side that the economy is no longer a simple "28 law", social development is moving forward, is the ratio of wealth distribution among human beings still in the ratio of 20:80?

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Class is gradually divided, and the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more and more obvious.

This law may have been applicable ten years ago, but in today's polarized world, where the rich will only get more and more money, the poor will only get poorer, and the walls of class barriers will only be strengthened.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

To be sure, the law of 28 is evolving to a more extreme level, with the 20% of the upper elite slowly shrinking, and the 80% of wealth increasing in value.

In other words, the "28th Law" began to move towards the "19th Law", and at this time the general public realized the seriousness of the matter, if it directly mutated to 1% of the people who controlled 99% of the wealth, this is even more terrifying.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

How can ordinary people share the basic guarantee of survival from the value of wealth? How can ordinary people go up the elite class, and one class is more stable than the other, and how can ordinary people break through such a heavy barrier?

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Where should the people at the bottom go, and what should the poor people at the bottom do to make a living?

Do they have two choices, either to be content with the fact that it is difficult to cross the class now, or to become berserk and fight with the elite class, twisting their arms and thighs?

If you choose the latter, you will be tired and disappointed, and when resources are scarce, the means of competition will only be more cruel and bloody.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Let's simply imagine that when the class really ushers in the solidification, the descendants of the people at the bottom are waiting for a hopeless struggle against the class, which is a dead end!

And what the upper class has to do is simply rule downward, we refer to India's "strict caste system", the untouchable Dalit to the high-caste Brahmin, it is difficult to leap into the shackles of life.

04. There is constant news about domestic tycoons, and it is not uncommon for celebrities to evade taxes and avoid taxes

The rich man on the front foot has just signed a joint letter, and Zheng Shuang on the back foot has been on the hot search again, and the equity has been frozen again.

In terms of China's current economic trend, will the domestic rich follow suit?

Putting these aside, are all walks of life actively responding to the stable tax environment in China? Is every money legal and reasonable?

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Not long ago, Evergrande Group was thundered, and the director Xu Jiayin was investigated for suspected economic crimes, which can be described as a sensation from all walks of life, from the business empire to the current high debts, the amount involved has reached an astronomical amount of 10 billion.

The charges include embezzlement, embezzlement, fraud, money laundering and tax evasion......

Behind the collapse of Evergrande is the unpaid arrears, under which tens of thousands of families are damaged.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

The most fundamental thing is whether the bottom line can be kept in the face of huge wealth, and the only way to stabilize the enterprise is to clean the direction of money.

The reason why Yu Donglai, the founder of "China's No. 1 Supermarket", can become bigger and stronger lies in whether the company is responsible for itself and consumers.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Similarly, in the face of the negative real estate market, Country Garden is "smashing the pot and selling iron" and "three guarantees" (ensuring delivery, operation, and credit).

Yang Huiyan also said: After completing the financial sensitivity analysis in the group's finance, we can repair the debt, and we will work together for development.

Once the stable chain of money going between businesses is broken, it is an invisible landmine that will explode one day, and it is only a matter of time.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

And the same tax evasion is even more common in the entertainment industry, cutting the leeks of the fan economy, the more they earn, the more they evade taxes, and their greedy nature ruins their career prospects.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay
250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

Mao Amin even fell twice in one place, escaped taxes once and then again, and then Liu Xiaoqing faced more than 400 days in prison for tax evasion!

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

The amount of tax evasion they evaded was only in the millions, and Fan Bingbing said the sentence "I am a wealthy family", and the amount of tax evasion was as high as 800 million, and the daily salary reached more than 10 million.

Since Fan Bingbing, celebrity tax evasion has begun to be measured in "100 million"!

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

After the department interviewed the major stars, the amount of back taxes reached 11.747 billion, of which Deng Chao and his wife were as high as 250 million.

It's really poverty that limits imagination, and illegal income will eventually become a bottomless black hole that swallows oneself, and law-abiding and getting rich is the broad road of life.

05. Conclusion

In the face of new global economic and political trends, should China do something or not?

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

In fact, the answer is yes, China plays an important role in the world economic and political pattern, and as a major country, it has always adhered to the concept of "community with a shared future for mankind", and the greatest common divisor of prosperity and aspiration.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

However, the implementation and implementation of a policy need to weigh the interests of all parties to ensure fairness and reasonableness, and China will make a more open-minded and wise choice in the future in the face of this global joint letter.

250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

In the end, "a gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way", whether it is the wealth accumulation of the rich and celebrities or the survival funds of the people and the people, do not make money with a clear conscience, or even take risks and find another way.

After all, Skynet is magnificent and sparse, and in the end, whether it is thunder or fireworks, sooner or later it will explode.

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250 billionaires around the world sent a letter to Davos asking for a higher "rich tax": they are willing to take the initiative to pay

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