
A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

author:Meet the cold crisp
A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

Lu Yu once said in the book "Chance Encounter":

"Whoever we are, we have or are going through the darkest moment of our lives, a long, dark, cold, desperate tunnel. ”

There will be a particularly difficult road in everyone's life.

In this process, you live a bad life every day, work is not going well, feelings are unsatisfactory, stress is so great that there is nowhere to vent, and there is no one to talk to about your pain.

Your life is shrouded in darkness, with no hope in sight and no direction in life.

You long for someone to come and rescue you, but in the end you find that you are the only one who can save you when you are cornered.

You have to get through the days when you look at people's faces, when you are ridiculed, when you are ostracized.

I like a very philosophical passage:

You can't control the environment, but you can reinvent yourself, you can't decide the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the course, you can't control the temperature, but you can adjust the clothes, you don't have a unique look, but you can smile, you can't do it all the way, but you can give it your all.

Life is like a roller coaster, with highs and lows, and everyone will inevitably experience some twists and turns.

Life doesn't stop rocking because you're in pain, and it doesn't show mercy to your men just because you're throwing in the towel.

Only those who have endured hardships can truly appreciate the ups and downs of life, as well as the helplessness when encountering problems, and the sadness when asking for help.

A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body
A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

He doesn't like to talk and is always silent

Some people say: A person who has suffered hardships must have suffered a lot of losses.

A person, only when he really falls into a trough and his life is not as good as before, will he find that the person who reads your jokes is often the closest person around you.

When you encounter setbacks and go through hardships, you think they will help you and understand you, but you don't expect that people will either sarcastically mock you and ridicule you to your face, or make you stumble behind your back, expose your shortcomings, and do some things that fall into the trap.

Even, in order to slander your reputation, some people deliberately tell the truth so that you can't hold your head up in front of the crowd.

At first, you also try to explain to others, argue with others, and expect others to understand you and support you.

But slowly you will understand that some people are not unwilling to understand you, nor are they unintentionally misunderstanding you, but they have a bad heart, eager to hold your faults and accuse you, and threaten you with your weakness.

Therefore, you become more and more silent, unwilling to talk about your heart to others, and learn to hide everything in your heart.

As the saying goes, "The pain that can be said is not the real pain, but the unspeakable pain is the real pain."

Compared to those bad words, the most sad thing for you is the betrayal and alienation of the people you trust the most.

Others don't agree with you, in fact, you don't need to care at all, life is your own, what you want to live is only up to you, the voice of the outside world is just a reference, never be influenced and disturbed.

A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body
A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

Not very gregarious, always want to be alone

I once saw such a sentence: Trust to the right person is a weapon to protect you, and trust to the wrong person will become a weapon to hurt you.

Wang Zhiwen once said: A person's greatest ability is to learn to see people and recognize people, we have suffered a lot of losses, suffered a lot of injuries, all because it is not accurate to see people, some people's personalities are written on their faces, and some people are unfathomable.

A person who is silent is not necessarily a fool, and a person who is eloquent is not necessarily kind. True sincerity lies not in words, but in deeds.

There are those who are eloquent but may not be sincere, while there are those who are not good at words but show their sincerity by their deeds.

When dealing with people, don't look at what the other person says, but what the other person does for you.

A person who has been deceived, suffered, and suffered will often become out of place with the people around him because he sees the wrong person, is deceived, and is used.

When interacting with others, if you are too cautious and sensitive, when others say a word, you are easy to be cranky, and when others point to Sang and scold Huai, you will also feel that you are talking about yourself.

So much so that you gradually become less interested in the people and things around you, and just want to stay in familiar circles and do your own thing.

Writer Zhou Guoping said: Being alone is a beautiful moment and a beautiful experience in life, although there is some loneliness, there is a kind of fulfillment in loneliness.

If you can't fit in, you don't have to force it, and it's a pleasure to be alone.

Even if others say that you are unkind and difficult to get along with, you don't have to doubt yourself.

In the world, everyone has their own way of life, and there are troubles about being social, and it is good to be alone.

A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body
A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

Stingy with money and always budget-conscious

Zhang Ailing said: "I like money, because I have never suffered from money, I don't know the disadvantages of money, I only know the benefits of money. ”

People live in this world, whether it is clothing, food, housing, transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death, or human relations, interests are inseparable from money.

In many cases, the hardships you encounter and the hurdles that you can't overcome can actually be solved with money.

However, when something really happens, you have nothing in your pocket, and you can't get a penny out of it.

You can only keep your voice down, cautiously beg people, look for people to borrow from everywhere, and hope that others will reach out to help you.

But when you are in trouble, you will find that human nature cannot withstand the test, and the human heart cannot withstand the temptation.

When you're down, when you run out of money, no one will look at you squarely.

After suffering from no money, I realized what embarrassment is.

When you survive the days of no money alone, even if you are no longer short of money, you will subconsciously save what you can, and you will no longer spend money lavishly.

As the saying goes: "It is not difficult to be rich for a while, but it is difficult to have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime." ”

Have food in your hands, don't panic in your heart, and at any time, learn to save money and spend it on the edge.

As the saying goes: "The confidence of adults is given by money." ”

The greatest benefit of money is not to satisfy desires and vanity, but to be your most solid backing when you encounter difficulties.

A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body
A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

Martin once said: "Every powerful person has gritted his teeth and lived a period of time when no one helped, no one supported, no one asked for warmth. If you can't get over, beg for mercy, this is your bottomless pit, but it's over, this is your coming-of-age ceremony. ”

One day you will understand that in the torrent of fate, pain and suffering are the inevitability of life.

Instead of complaining about the unfairness of fate and the confusion, it is better to face it bravely, struggle hard, and save yourself ashore.

You must know that if you don't work hard, no one can move forward for you, and if you are not brave and fearless, no one can be strong for you.

There is no real empathy in this world, don't crave someone to share it for you, the more difficult the time, the more you must learn to support yourself and become your own backer.

A person who has endured a lot of hardships will have these characteristics in his body

Author: Han Su

A long-termist who believes in writing.

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