
The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

author:Late life

In China, wedding entourage is part of traditional Chinese culture, and people usually decide how much money they want based on their relationship with the couple. However, in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, a couple expressed their blessings in a special way, using 5 stacks of 1 yuan banknotes, a total of 5,000 pieces, as part of the wedding money.

The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

Ms. Lui is the initiator of this special share of money, and together with her husband, she specially prepared this special gift for their friends. These 5,000 1 yuan banknotes are not only an expression of gift money for them, but also an emotional sustenance. Ms. Lu said that the groom is the youngest of her husband for more than 20 years, and the friendship between them is deep, so she hopes to express their blessings in this way.

The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

In order to prepare this special gift, Ms. Lu and her husband traveled to many places to exchange these 1 yuan notes. It's a time-consuming and labor-intensive job for them, but when they see how much the gift can cause so much surprise and emotion at the couple's wedding, they feel that it is all worth it.

The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

Ms. Lu said that they hope that this special money can bring some memorial significance to the couple and make their wedding more memorable. When they handed these banknotes to their friends who registered the gift money, the other party was also very surprised, and repeatedly said that they had never seen such a special piece of money.

The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

This special money is not only an expression of gift money, but also an emotional sustenance and a testimony to the deep friendship of the newlyweds. It allows us to see the unique understanding and expression of Chinese people for wedding money, and also allows us to see the charm and profound heritage of traditional Chinese culture.

The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

In modern society, with the development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the amount of wedding money is increasing, and sometimes it even becomes a burden for people. However, this special money from Ms. Lu and his wife allows us to see another possibility of wedding money, that is, the expression and sustenance of emotions.

The man brought 5,000 pieces of 1 yuan in cash to the small entourage, and his wife: I had this idea 1 year ago

This special money not only makes the wedding of the newlyweds more memorable, but also allows us to see the charm and profound heritage of traditional Chinese culture. I hope that this special gift can bring happiness and joy to the newlyweds, and I also hope that their friendship will last forever.