
检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

At the beginning of 2024, the research route of the "Inspection Gas Station" Innovation Laboratory has started! The Changning District Procuratorate and the Institute of Juvenile Delinquency of East China University of Political Science and Law are actively revitalizing the legal resources at the "doorstep" to create a research route for teenagers and children to learn legal knowledge and inspire legal thinking.

Recently, the "School Inspection Gas Station" invited high school students from Shanghai Yan'an Middle School and Shanghai No. 3 Girls' High School to participate in the first research activity of 2024.

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The opening ceremony of the camp was launched

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检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

At the opening ceremony, Zhu Wenbo, the vice principal of the rule of law of Yan'an Middle School, presented the flag to the representatives of the research students and announced the start of the first research activity of the "School Inspection Gas Station" in 2024. Immediately afterwards, Deputy Procurator General Liu Yan wore the commemorative badge of "Inspection Gas Station" for the student representatives, which was printed with the logo of the Changning non-inspection team and the words "Ning Xiaojian".

After that, Deputy Procurator General Zhou Yi and Deputy Procurator General Cheng Yan presented books on the protection of minors and Changning Procuratorate Culture to the student representatives. It is hoped that the students will start from the professional experience of "little prosecutors", raise their attention to the protection of the rights and interests of minors, and even the work of juvenile prosecutors, and take root in the dream of procurators.

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检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

Explore the uninspected work station

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The Changning District Procuratorate is the birthplace of the national juvenile prosecution system, and the "inspection gas station" also has unique resources for legal education. Under the leadership of the unprosecuted prosecutors, the students "immersed" themselves in the development of Shanghai's juvenile procuratorial system, and also visited the psychological counseling room, supervision and prevention room and Ningmeng co-education workshop in the judicial case-handling area, and talked freely about their inner ideals of the rule of law.

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检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→
检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

Unlock the rule of law "script killing"

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In order to better understand the daily work of unprosecuted prosecutors, the students played different roles such as prosecutors, non-prosecuted minors, legal representatives, defenders, investigators, and juvenile social workers, and simulated a non-prosecution announcement meeting for a juvenile fraud case. Through a series of processes, such as announcing discipline, reading out the decision not to prosecute, and admonishing and educating juvenile non-prosecution persons, and providing family education guidance, the students fully realized the social harmfulness of criminal behavior and enhanced their awareness of the rule of law.

A closer look at the judicial case hall

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The students also visited the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center, remote arraignment room and other judicial case-handling places, experienced the process of procurators receiving complaints and appeals from the public, arraignment and interrogation of criminal suspects, and learned about the daily work of procurators up close.

Explore the temple of Chinese politics and law

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检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

Members of the Juvenile Delinquency Research Institute of East China University of Political Science and Law continued to lead the students to visit the Changning Campus of Huazheng University, feel the cultural heritage and the charm of the rule of law of the century-old university, and have a discussion and exchange with the students.

The "Inspection Gas Station" Innovation Lab will continue to polish the brand and contribute Changning's wisdom to the new development of juvenile prosecution in Shanghai.

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"Inspection and Correction Gas Station"

Jointly built by the Changning District Procuratorate and the Institute of Juvenile Delinquency of East China University of Political Science and Law, the "Inspection Gas Station" focuses on a high-level education and training platform, a full-coverage practical teaching platform, and an open theoretical research platform, fully releasing the superposition effect of the "1+1>2" cooperation between procuratorial organs and universities, and promoting the deep integration of juvenile procuratorial and judicial practice and theoretical research.

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Source: Changning Procuratorate Online

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检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→
检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→
检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→
检察风云 | “检校加油站”首场研学活动,火热启航→

Peace and tranquility

Peace to you

Looking forward to your support "watching"

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