
This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

author:Village camp

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

Now it has entered the five-nine, as the saying goes, "five-nine-six-nine, see the willows along the river", at this time I also felt the advent of spring, according to the normal solar terms, Wujiu has seen the willow sprouts.

As the saying goes, "spring hits five and nine tails, spring hits six and nine heads", looking at the calendar, the intersection time of this year's Spring Festival is on the tail of May Nine, which is also "before the beginning of Spring Chinese New Year's Eve", which also highlights the unusual features of this year's Spring Festival.

There are also many folk customs in the countryside about the "beginning of spring" solar term, such as "biting spring", "beating spring cattle", "hiding spring" and so on. Take the custom of "hiding from spring" as an example, the old people in the countryside believe that there is still a special way to avoid spring on this day, not only the four genera want to hide from spring, but also "the time to hide from spring" is also said.

Therefore, the saying "two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year" also comes from this, so what does this sentence mean, what is the saying? Let me answer:

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary:

In ancient times, the day of the beginning of spring was the traditional folk festival - the Spring Festival, which is also known as the "beginning of the Spring Festival".

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, the beginning of spring is also very important, because in the ancient agricultural society, spring planting and autumn harvest, the key lies in spring, so there is also a saying that "the plan of the year lies in spring".

Of course, the saying of the beginning of the spring festival is recorded in the ancient book "The Origin of Things":

"Zhou Gong began to make spring cattle, and covered the earth cattle to show the morning and evening of farming. ”

It means that after entering the "beginning of the Spring Festival", some folk activities should be held, such as "the gift of whipping spring", "hiding spring" and so on, to pray for and bless this year's agricultural harvest.

However, compared with last year, this year's Spring Festival is also unusual: because after the Spring Festival in 2024, there will be a "no spring year".

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

As we all know, our ancestors used the "Ganzhi Year" in the past, which means that the Ganzhi Year is divided by 24 solar terms.

For example, spring corresponds to "Yinyue, Maoyue, and Chenyue", summer corresponds to "Siyue, Wuyue, and Weiyue", autumn corresponds to "Shenyue, Youyue, and Xuyue", and winter corresponds to "Haiyue, Ziyue, and Chouyue".

Therefore, the ancients used the lunar calendar to divide the time of the year into 24 solar terms, and the first solar term is the "Lichun" solar term, which is also the beginning of the Spring Festival.

However, when Yuan Shikai became the president of the Republic of China, he revised the old calendar and used the dual calendar of "A.D. year" and "Ganzhi year". That is to say, from this year onwards, the day of the Spring Festival is the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar, not the day of the beginning of spring. Of course, after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the mainland officially promulgated the "double calendar".

Looking at the calendar, since the 2023 lunar year is a double spring year, after entering the 2024 lunar year, it is naturally a "no spring year".

As for the saying "no spring year", there is a saying "no spring year, no pool"; Widow's year, don't be fulfilled"!

In addition, there is a saying that "there is no spring in a year, and widows are everywhere" and so on.

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

The meaning of "two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year":

What is Hiding Spring?

Hiding from spring, this is a Chinese folk custom, also known as "hiding Tai Sui".

The ancestors believed that spring is the beginning of the four seasons of the year, and it is also "vitality", but after entering the winter, due to the cold weather, its energy and atmosphere may be unstable reasons, resulting in the expulsion of spring and winter.

For example, after entering the cold winter weather, people have become accustomed to the cold time of winter, but the hot and cold weather in spring makes many "weak" people unbearable, so they need to stay at home on the day of the beginning of spring, hide it, and "hide from spring".

However, the ancestors also believe that "hiding from spring" and "Tai Sui" are also related, according to folk sayings, it is "hiding from Tai Sui".

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

Everyone is very familiar with "Tai Sui", such as "Tai Sui's head breaking ground" in martial arts novels, but the existence and role of "Tai Sui" has always been controversial in the biological community.

(1) Tai Sui "meat Ganoderma lucidum" said.

Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" records:

"The meat is like meat. Attached to a boulder, the head and tail have it, and it is a living thing. ”

According to Li Shizhen, Tai Sui data is a fungus.

(2) Tai Sui "Sui Xing" said.

The ancients believed that Tai Sui was actually "Jupiter", also known as the Star of the Year.

The star also revolves around the sun, and its orbit around the sky is about 11.83 years, which is almost equal to 12 times of the earth. Therefore, when the Earth orbits the Sun, Jupiter only moves 30 degrees.

For example, last year, the year star was in the "Mao" position in the east, so Mao belongs to the "Tai Sui" of the year.

After the Year of the Dragon in 2024, the year star has moved from the "Mao" position to the Chen position, so Chen belongs to the "Year Tai Sui".

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

"Four zodiac signs to avoid spring, two times to avoid spring":

Four zodiac signs to avoid spring:

It is also according to folklore that since the Year of the Dragon in 2024 is "the year of the year", the zodiac sign of the dragon belongs to the "year of the year", which is to avoid spring.

There is also the reason for "Chenchen's self-punishment", so the year of the dragon is also "Xing Tai Sui", and there is no saying that it belongs to the sheep zodiac "Xing Tai Sui".

After entering the Year of the Dragon in 2024, the position of the year star is facing the "戌 position" in the northwest position, because of the relationship between "Chen and Xu", the dog zodiac belongs to the "Chong Tai Sui", and it is also necessary to avoid spring.

Because of the relationship between "punishment and harm", and because of "Chen Mao wears each other", the zodiac of the rabbit also has to hide from spring because of "harm Tai Sui".

There is also "ugly" located in the north of the year's star, because "Chen ugly is broken", so the zodiac of the ox also has to hide from spring because of "breaking Tai Sui".

This year's Spring Festival is not ordinary: "Two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", what does it mean?

Two times to avoid spring:

(1) The time of the beginning of spring.

Since the time of the beginning of spring in 2024 is at 16:26 on the afternoon of February 4, that is, the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month of 2023. And this point in time is the alternation of the old and new in the year of 2023 and the year of Jiachen in 2024.

Therefore, the rural elderly believe that from 15:26 to 17:26 on the afternoon of February 4, they need to take shelter at home, because according to the ancient calendar of the ancestors, two hours is counted as an hour.

(2) The time of the Spring Festival.

The 2024 Spring Festival is on February 10. Therefore, the folk elders believe that from 23 o'clock on February 9, that is, 23 o'clock on the Chinese New Year's Eve, to 1 o'clock on February 10, those who need to "hide from spring" at home cannot go out.

According to folk customs, this year is the day of the fifth watch, but at this time it belongs to the "child time", which is the strongest and the cold power of time, and it is not suitable for going out. However, this is all a folk saying, and there is no scientific basis for it, so we can just use it as entertainment.

Write at the end:

Through the above, as for the statement that "two times to avoid spring, smooth and smooth for a whole year", it is just the inheritance of folk culture. Of course, some of the old customs are no longer applicable, so let's not believe it, just as a form of entertainment.