
It is said that raising children to prevent old age, but giving birth to a daughter, you will know how happy you are, and your daughter is really a little padded jacket

author:Chinese granny in Canada


我是1985年结婚的,女儿是1988年出生的,社会在进步,在发达的大城市里,拥有“重男轻女”愚昧思想的父母已寥寥无几‬。 The ancients said that those who give birth to daughters are blessed men. ‬

Speaking from the heart, my traditional concern is quite deep, I still like my son in my heart, I still have the old concept of the past in my bones, I don't want to raise children to prevent old age, I just want to give birth to a son, there will be a future in the future, our family will be in the market, I like this feeling, I like the feeling of getting ahead.

But I didn't give birth to a son, I gave birth to a daughter, and I thought this little girl was so ugly at the time, I remember that the child's aunt said at the time, your daughter is so ugly, how can you find a partner in the future. Because of this sentence, I am not happy anymore. At that time, I scolded her a few words.

My daughter has been kissing me since she was a child, and maybe I care about her a lot, and since I was a child, my daughter has told me everything, including that male classmate likes her or something.

In the 1990s, when I was teaching full-time among the workers of the enterprises, the efficiency of the state-owned enterprises was not very good, and they often failed to pay wages for several months, so each unit had its own politics, and let some people go out to generate income, and give some wages to individuals, and the units were intercepting part of the wages.

I don't want to be lonely, and I don't want to be idle all day, so I applied to go out and earn income. At the beginning, I sold fish with my relatives in the Daoli vegetable market, got up at three o'clock in the morning every day, my family's bicycle sent me to a place with a car, and at four or five o'clock I went to the morning market on Tongjiang Street to sell fish, and then pulled back to the vegetable market to sell, every day was very hard, I did it for a few months, and in the autumn, when I caught fish in the water every day, the water was cold and biting, and I thought that we couldn't bear this hardship, and I earned more than 1,000 yuan in a few months, so I gave up.

It is said that raising children to prevent old age, but giving birth to a daughter, you will know how happy you are, and your daughter is really a little padded jacket

When I went back to school, I still didn't give up, and I still wanted to go out to do something, and it happened that a colleague's family was engaged in wholesale and retail in Daowai Nan, and I needed two people to issue invoices, so I went out with my colleague again to generate income. In those days, there were very few buses, and it was not easy to ride, so I got up early and left my daughter alone at home every day and rode my bicycle to travel. You have to ride for two hours round trip.

One day I saw a junior high school classmate, she was a teacher in the children's school, in the communication with her, her words woke me up, she said that the child will go to school soon, and if you train the child well, isn't it just to make money for you. I thought she was so right. If your child studies well and gets admitted to a good junior high school, high school, or university, isn't it just to save me money!

So when my daughter was in elementary school, I was transferred from the staff secondary school to the middle school where she went to teach mathematics for her. When she was in junior high school, she was admitted to another school, and my daughter was the first in the exam out of all the candidates, and I transferred to the school where she went to middle school for her.

I stayed in the same school with my daughter for four years, and I taught them other classes for the school year until she was admitted to Ha No. 3 Middle School. When my daughter was growing up, I felt that I was conscientious, not ignoring her for earning money, and at the same time supporting and encouraging her when she needed company the most, until she was admitted to university.

It is said that raising children to prevent old age, but giving birth to a daughter, you will know how happy you are, and your daughter is really a little padded jacket

Our daughter graduated with a bachelor's degree in China in 2010. I came to Canada to study in 2011. 2011年女‬儿‬、‬女‬婿‬出国留学,为了帮助她‬们‬度过难关,我那个时候基本上每天晚上在外面上课,周六周日也不休息,就是为了多挣点钱,让我的女儿在外面过得好一点。 Later, because I couldn't eat well in class every day, I kept having stomach pain, and I thought I had stomach cancer! I went to the medical university to have a gastroscopy that said it was superficial gastritis, and I was so scared that I didn't dare to eat well in the future.

Married in 2014. I happened to retire this year. I thought at the time, no matter where my daughter is in the future, I will help her take care of the child. I can't be chic in the country by myself, and let my daughter be busy alone.



It is said that raising children to prevent old age, but giving birth to a daughter, you will know how happy you are, and your daughter is really a little padded jacket

My daughter's idea is that we will be with them in the future. My daughter is responsible for eating, drinking and wearing here, and I wrote a Q&A a while ago, about what shoes are comfortable to wear, I took pictures of my shoes and sent them out, and someone left a message saying that there were no more than three hundred shoes worn. Here my daughter bought us clothes and shoes, all of them are branded and all comfortable.

We both have a lot of clothes and shoes, which can be worn for many years, and our daughter and son-in-law are never stingy with spending money for us, especially the son-in-law who tells us what we want to buy before every time we go to the street.

还有就是,我先生身体不好,2019年心脏支架后,定期复查,心脏头两年半年一复查,后来一年一查,现在可以两年一查了,还有就是我先生心脏支架后得进行康复训练,从2020年3月份开始每天康复训‬练‬,‬然后疫‬情‬开始了‬,‬就‬自己回家走‬路‬训练了。 ‬

In the summer of 2020, my daughter hurriedly led her to the hospital for examination and said that there were three bone cracks in her spine. Until now, I can't walk a long way, and later a check for severe osteoporosis.

In the past few years, my husband has been coughing, when he was able to return to China in the past, for three consecutive years, every time he returned to China, he was hospitalized with cough, and every time he didn't figure out what the reason was, he started coughing again in March this year until he used medicine in May, and he didn't have any diagnosis of what caused it, only said that the lungs were enlarged, and the doctor just said that his own immunity was low.

CT of the lungs, bone density test, blood test once a month, my husband took 7 or 8 kinds of medicine, and my daughter went to take it, go to see it, and prescribe medicine.

And me, all the regular physical examinations are also led by my daughter, once a year abdominal ultrasound, bone density test, breast examination, uterine examination, including teeth cleaning, my daughter led her granddaughter, there for more than two hours, my daughter has to be a translator.

再说我爸妈,三个女儿,1979年我‬考‬上了师‬范‬学院数学系,大妹1981年考入北京医学院,现在的北京大学医学部,毕业后留在北京人民医院,后来出国,现在在英国当医生,小妹‬在‬大‬庆油‬田‬当‬工‬程师‬。 ‬八‬十年代我‬大‬学‬毕业后留‬在哈‬尔滨,也就是在父母身边当老师。

我来加拿大之前,一直是我在我父母身边照顾他们,2001年我‬爸‬查出的肺癌。 At that time, surgery was performed to remove a lobe of the lung. My dad was 71 years old. Because my eldest sister is a doctor in the UK, after the operation, my sister did not let my father have chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Only one medicine recommended by the doctor at the time. It costs less than a thousand dollars a month.

In the years that followed, my dad stayed in the hospital several times a year. Lung infections are often frequent. Cough almost all year round. We are also worried about the metastasis of cancer cells. As soon as I have a cough and fever, I go to the hospital for a CT scan. By April 2007, my dad was wheezing and couldn't breathe.

He was admitted to the respiratory department of the Second Hospital of the Medical University. At that time, the blood oxygen was only 39, and the doctor said that the normal blood oxygen should be more than 80, so the doctor said that my dad was very dangerous. The test results showed that the cancer cells had not metastasized. But pulmonary fibrosis. At that time, I didn't understand the severity of pulmonary fibrosis, and I just wanted to be thankful that the cancer cells didn't spread. I stayed for more than ten days, inhaled oxygen all day long, anti-inflammatory, and the doctor also asked me to take a hormone.

In the fall, my dad was mostly in the hospital. I remember in December 2007, my dad's condition worsened, but he could still walk slowly to the hospital to be hospitalized, we booked a single room, it seemed to be 200 yuan a day, at that time I taught the graduating class, my little sister and child were small. Can't come back. Basically, my mother and I took care of it in the hospital, but my mother had synovitis in her leg and couldn't walk, and the key was that her old man didn't know the way.

When we went to the Second Hospital of the Medical University, I had to reverse the bus, and I had to be responsible for my parents' three meals a day, and the winter in Harbin was really cold. I was also reluctant to take a taxi, so I finished my class at school, got a good meal, and put it in a particularly large down jacket, afraid of the cold.

At that time, I asked the principal for leave, and the principal said that the graduating class could not find anyone to lead the class, so you should be flexible. Just don't do classes, leave after class. I took the workbook to my dad's ward all day long, preparing for classes, and the nurses knew that I was busy as a teacher.

When my little sister was young, the child was still in the field, and it was very inconvenient on the way back, and there were children at home. If my eldest sister is in China, can my parents count on her?

Before New Year's Day in 2008, my dad Zhang Luo went home, and at this time, my dad had a hard time getting off the ground, and basically couldn't go by himself.

In 2008, it seemed that on the morning of the 3rd, I was giving students morning self-study, and I received a call from my mother saying that my father had fallen. I didn't get dressed, so I ran to my mother's house, calling 120 as I ran, and my mother's house was close to my school, 5 minutes away.

Because I had just been discharged from the hospital, the discharge procedures had not yet been completed, so I quickly called my father's attending doctor, and she said that you should come directly to the inpatient department, there is no single room. Only 6 people can live in a room.

After this fall, my dad was confused, and I basically didn't close my eyes in the hospital for 7 days and 7 nights. On the seventh day I couldn't take it anymore, so I asked my mother to take my place for a while, and I slept in the bed of a person who didn't stay here for the night. I didn't hear my dad making trouble.

Later, the attending doctor said, you should transfer to a hospital close to home, and there is no point in living in the second hospital of the medical university. Let me contact the hospital myself.

I contacted a hospital close to our school and my mother's house, and asked the head nurse to book a private room. This is a staff hospital, and the cost of a single room is 50 a day. I asked for a 120 to pull my dad to this hospital.........

After my dad left, I basically stayed at home with my mom because the school I worked to was close to my mom's house. 我‬妈‬家‬的冰箱永远都是满满的。 ‬我基本不‬让‬我妈‬花钱。 ‬一是‬我‬妈‬会‬过‬,‬舍不得,‬二‬是我‬妈‬愿意攒‬钱‬,‬老‬怕‬自己有‬病‬,‬没‬线钱‬看‬病‬,‬三‬是我‬们‬学校老师开‬的也‬不‬少‬。 ‬我爸‬的‬穿着也是我‬们‬姐妹给‬她买‬,‬我领‬着‬她老‬人家买‬鞋‬,‬一‬买‬买‬两‬双‬,‬都会是‬四‬、‬五‬百‬一‬双‬的,‬我妈‬不‬让‬买‬闲‬贵‬。 ‬

Since my dad left, my mom was also hospitalized every year in those years, my mom had high blood pressure, and every time she got sick, she called 120 ambulance. Three cerebral infarctions, two eye surgeries. Fortunately, every time, my husband and I called 120 as soon as possible to send my mother to the first or second hospital of the hospital. There were no sequelae of cerebral infarction several times.

自从2016年我来加拿大给‬女儿看‬孩子,我妈就去我小妹家了,现在我‬妈‬和‬我‬小‬妹‬在‬大‬连‬。 Fortunately, I have a younger sister in China, and I want my three daughters to be abroad, but what can I do. Since my mom was at my little sister's house, my mom was in really good spirits, and I am especially grateful to my sister and my brother-in-law.

So. I'm also glad that my mother gave birth to three daughters, if these are three sons, can my mother be as happy as she is now? #精品长文创作季#