
"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

author:Mr. Shinshi

Artist: Shinfumi-kun

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"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

We all know that waging a war, whether it is out of justice or evil, must conform to one law, that is, "the teacher is famous"

Because the purpose of war is to conquer the other, not to destroy the other!

Even if the slogan you shout is to lie to yourself, you must make this slogan boast of righteousness and righteousness!

And in the history of the world, it is none other than the Yamato nation that has used the realm of self-deception to the extreme!

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

Everyone must have heard of the so-called "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere", during World War II, the Japanese relied on this powerful self-obscenity to revel and coax themselves, and forcibly practiced the old Chinese saying "greed is not enough to swallow an elephant".

Of course, if you were to point this elephant to China, you would be underestimating the ambitions of this Japanese snake.

According to the blueprint for the new East Asian order established by Japan in 1940, this elephant does not refer to China!

It's the whole Asian region

Hypocritical Japanese

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

In 1940, the Japanese were somewhat inflated at this time, because they had just conquered half of China, and several important provinces in the Central Plains and the medium-sized and large cities along the Yangtze River and Yellow River valley had all fallen.

Occupying these places means owning the economic tax rights and resource mineral rights of these places, which is tantamount to a mouthful of old blood for a small resource country like Japan.

At the same time, however, the Japanese were also a little overinflated, and on the Chinese battlefield, the Nationalist Government was driven into the ravines and ravines of Sichuan after several large-scale battles, and some other anti-Japanese forces did not dare to come out and stand up to it.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

As a result, Japan, dissatisfied with this, formed a military alliance with Germany and Italy on the Western Front in September 1940 and drew up different blueprints for World War II, that is, Hitler's "new European order" and Hideki Tojo's "new East Asian order," and the war of aggression against China was part of this "new East Asian order."

In order to beautify this so-called "new order in East Asia," Japan has given it a nice name -- the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" -- in order to beautify and package its aggressive behavior.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

On the battlefields of Vietnam and Burma, they would hold guns and tell the local people: 'We have come to save you from being enslaved by white Americans, so that we Asians can build our own democracy and freedom.'

On the battlefield in China, they would dig holes and say: "We are brothers of the same species and culture, and we should unite to resist the aggression of the Western powers and maintain peace and stability in East Asia."

In the face of those who are obedient, they will be seen as good citizens who support the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, and vice versa, a mob!

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

So how big is this circle?

If you look at this map, from the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean in the east, to India and Pakistan in the west, to Siberia in the north, and to all of Australia in the south, this is the entire extent of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as envisioned by the Japanese at that time, including the whole of Asia and even extending to Europe and the Americas.

Under this territory, even the Pacific Ocean has become an inland sea under its jurisdiction, facing such a huge game of chess!

Why do Japanese people think they can do it?

Yelang is arrogant after getting rich

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

If we look at the modern history of Japan, it is not difficult to find that since the rise of Emperor Meiji in 1868, the Meiji Restoration was carried out, and Japan accelerated from an agricultural country to an industrial country.

Its development was like a hanging, and it took just 30 years to defeat the Qing Dynasty's Beiyang Fleet, the sixth navy in the world at that time.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

Before 1853, Japan was still an agrarian country with a population of less than one-tenth of the Qing Dynasty, and such a victory could not be withstood by anyone, let alone Japan, which had always believed in China as the supreme kingdom of the Celestial Empire.

With its own strength, coupled with the perennial territorial confinement of the land that is not satisfied with the projectile land, and the fact that Western powers such as Britain and France have colonized and invaded everywhere in the world, their aggressive heart has also begun to be lonely and unbearable.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

After the end of World War I in 1918, the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference held by the victorious powers established the Versailles Washington system, which simply means that everyone began to divide the interests after winning the war, and this system redivided the world.

During this period, Japan carried out in-depth cooperation with the Western powers and vigorously developed itself, and it was after that that it gradually began to expand from Japan itself to the world.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

By 1940, when Japan proposed the concept of a "new order in East Asia."

He has occupied almost all of Southeast Asia, as well as almost half of China, and established the puppet Manchurian regime in the northeast, as well as some islands such as the Korean Peninsula.

From this point of view, it seems that he is only left with the hard bone of China to complete this new order, and his combination of using the puppet regime to carry out colonial rule has given him a taste of the pleasure of future imperial rule in advance, and his ambitions have intensified.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

However, the war machine required to rule such a large territory is also huge, and in order to operate this machine, it is necessary to maintain energy, and Japan itself will definitely not be able to meet it, so it must be expanded to carry out plundering and aggression.

The so-called Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere is in fact an act of aggression under the guise of "coexistence and co-prosperity" in East Asia, which is politically dominated by Japan.

The purpose was to monopolize the resources and markets in the Co-Prosperity Sphere, and to establish a military strategic base to establish Japan's dominance by using the resources of this region.

"Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle", why do the Japanese dare to play such a big game of chess?

Therefore, no matter what beautiful words are used to embellish it, its main purpose is to invade Japan, and secondly, to solve the current situation of Japan's economic difficulties, so as to maintain the need for the ever-expanding war.

So if you ask why the Japanese dare to come up with such a bold idea, let me answer it in one sentence:

That is, the arrogance of Yelang after getting rich!

Like a peasant, he suddenly found a way to get rich, and in just a few years, he was made to wear gold and silver, so he began to look at no one and was domineering, although it took a while, but the final outcome was only a stronger education.

I am the true historian who only talks about the real history,

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