
U.S. ships pass through the Taiwan Strait, congressmen visit Taiwan, China's Ministry of National Defense: The policy is clear, three forevers

author:Beacon front station

Recently, the collusion between the United States and Taiwan has been quite prominent, and the "general election" on Taiwan is a prominent point in time; with the election of Lai Qingde, the DPP authorities on Taiwan have become very proud, because they can continue to control Taiwan for at least four years. The United States and Taiwan have close ties in many fields, and it can be seen from the deployment of fighter squadrons on Taiwan Island in the United States that Taiwan currently has 140 F-16V Brock 20 batch fighters, and Taiwan Island has also purchased 66 F-16V Brock 70/72 batch fighters, which are the main air force of Taiwan Island to "resist reunification by force" weapon systems, including dispensers, etc.

U.S. ships pass through the Taiwan Strait, congressmen visit Taiwan, China's Ministry of National Defense: The policy is clear, three forevers

According to the provisions of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, the Pentagon will provide "a wider range" of training to Taiwan, so as to improve Taiwan's comprehensive combat capability. Judging from the bill passed by the US Congress, the United States wants to arm Taiwan through the Philippine channel, and this is the strategic intention of the United States to use the "Taiwan card" for a long time. In order to prevent China's rise, the United States has continuously launched provocations on the Taiwan Strait issue, highlighting the sinister intentions of the United States, and in order to maintain its hegemonic status, the United States has already taken unscrupulous measures, ignoring the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiques in the slightest, and exposing the actual position of the United States in hollowing out the "one-China policy."

U.S. ships pass through the Taiwan Strait, congressmen visit Taiwan, China's Ministry of National Defense: The policy is clear, three forevers

Since entering 2024, the U.S. Navy has taken the lead in launching provocations, according to the announcement issued by the Eastern Theater of Operations, the U.S. Navy used the DDG113 Aegis missile destroyer USS Finn on January 24 to suddenly cross the Taiwan Strait to start a new round of provocations. When the US Navy was using a guided-missile destroyer to cross the Taiwan Strait, US congressmen were already visiting Taiwan, which shows that the Pentagon and the US Congress have closely coordinated and thus vigorously supported the US congressman's visit to Taiwan through military deployment. In fact, the US State Department has already issued a "congratulations," and US Secretary of State Blinken rushed to the front line and first issued a "congratulations" to Lai Ching-te.

U.S. ships pass through the Taiwan Strait, congressmen visit Taiwan, China's Ministry of National Defense: The policy is clear, three forevers

China's Ministry of Defense has responded to the passage of the US Navy Aegis ship through the Taiwan Strait and the visit of US congressmen to the island. In response to the provocation of the US Navy and the visit of US congressmen, Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said that China's policy on the Taiwan Strait issue has always been clear, that is, three "forevers": Taiwan will never be a country, "Taiwan independence" will never succeed, and external interference forces will never succeed. Wu Qian responded forcefully to the collusion between the United States and Taiwan and the United States' attempt to use the "Taiwan card" with three "forevers."

U.S. ships pass through the Taiwan Strait, congressmen visit Taiwan, China's Ministry of National Defense: The policy is clear, three forevers

In fact, the PLA not only has a public response from the Ministry of National Defense, but also has the Eastern Theater's deterrence patrol operation in the sea and air space around Taiwan Island, and Wu Qian, a spokesman for China's Ministry of National Defense, said that the PLA will use actions to speak, so as to maintain the integrity of territory and sovereignty.

U.S. ships pass through the Taiwan Strait, congressmen visit Taiwan, China's Ministry of National Defense: The policy is clear, three forevers

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