
The retired department-level uncle warned me: The leader wants you to take the blame for him, don't answer like this!

author:Mu Han reads

As the year approaches, there is always an indescribable atmosphere in the company. Assessment, evaluation, bonus...... These words are like an invisible hammer, hanging over the head of every staff member at all times.

I'm no exception, especially this year, when one of the several projects I was responsible for went awry and didn't meet the company's expectations.

That afternoon, I was digging through a pile of data, trying to figure out why the project was failing. Suddenly, the leader's voice sounded in my ears: "Xiao Li, come to my office." "I chuckled inwardly, and my gut told me that it wasn't a good thing.

Walking into the leader's office, he motioned for me to sit down, and then said slowly: "Xiao Li, you know that project, something went wrong." When the company is appraised, someone needs to take responsibility, and I want to hear your thoughts. ”

The retired department-level uncle warned me: The leader wants you to take the blame for him, don't answer like this!

I instantly understood what the leader meant - he wanted me to take the blame for him. I was flustered, but I managed to keep my composure. At this moment, I suddenly remembered what my retired uncle had said to me.

Uncle is a very wise man, he has worked hard in officialdom for decades and has a deep insight into human nature.

He once told me: "In the workplace, sometimes the leader will ask you to take the blame for him. At this time, you must not say, 'I'll think about it', this kind of ambiguous answer will only make the leader feel that you are unreliable, you must learn to deal with it with high emotional intelligence. ”

So, what is a high emotional intelligence response? My uncle gave me three suggestions.

First, don't rush to take a stand.

When the leader offers to let you take the blame for him, the first thing you have to do is to stay calm and not be intimidated by the leader's words.

You can say, "Leader, I see what you mean. But this issue is more complicated, and I need time to sort it out. ”

In this way, it not only gives yourself time to buffer, but also does not directly refuse the leader, and will not make the scene embarrassing.

The retired department-level uncle warned me: The leader wants you to take the blame for him, don't answer like this!

Second, we must be clear about our position.

In the process of sorting out problems, you must clearly know where your bottom line is, which responsibilities can be borne and which responsibilities must not be touched.

Then, you can communicate with the leader once and express your thoughts and positions clearly.

You can say, "Leader, I thought about it. On the issue of that project, I am willing to take some responsibility. But there are some issues that are really beyond my ability and I hope you can understand. ”

This not only shows his attitude, but also leaves a way back for himself.

Third, come up with solutions.

Blame is not the goal, solving the problem is the key. You can put forward your own suggestions to the leader: "Leader, I think we can start to solve the problem from these aspects. First...... The second is ...... The third is ......"

This not only reflects your professionalism and sense of responsibility, but also allows the leader to see that you are actively solving problems rather than evading responsibility.

The retired department-level uncle warned me: The leader wants you to take the blame for him, don't answer like this!

Recalling my uncle's teachings, I took a deep breath, and then slowly said to the leader:

"Leader, I understand your concerns, and I did not fulfill some of my responsibilities regarding that project. But there are some issues that are really beyond my reach. I hope that together we can find out the root cause of the problem and then take responsibility together. ”

The leader was obviously stunned for a moment when he heard my words, he probably didn't expect me to express my thoughts so directly.

After being silent for a while, he spoke: "Xiao Li, you are right. This issue is indeed not your responsibility alone, and we should all share it. ”

I let out a long sigh of relief when I came out of the leader's office, and I knew I had handled it pretty well. did not directly refuse the leader or blindly take the blame for him, but clarified his position and proposed a solution.

In the workplace, we must learn to deal with various emergencies with high emotional intelligence, not only to protect our own interests but also to take into account the overall situation, so as to gain a foothold in the workplace.