
My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

author:Douyin Group

You may not know how many people's "electronic parents" your parents are on Douyin.

TA may be a food blogger who often shares his home-cooked food, which warms many wandering strangers. They may also like to dance with music, chasing a dynamic life regardless of age, so that young people are no longer afraid of getting old.

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

Douyin "Old Friends Mutual Application" special video

You may not know how many people's "little padded jackets" their children are on Douyin.

TA may be an opera anchor who chases love, accompanies and heals many lonely elderly people. He may no longer be a "child who does not grow up", and can already be a teacher in an elderly university.

In the world of the Internet, we find that in the stories of parents, there are also love, dreams and "being yourself", and in the stories of children, there are also mature, understanding and "growing up".

What separates parents and children may not be the distance between different places, nor the age gap, but a heart that wants to understand each other and a door waiting to be opened.

Recently, Douyin held an offline exhibition with the theme of "Don't 'Shut Up', Go Attention" in Beijing's 1733 commercial space, hoping to open the "heart door" between the two generations.

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

The exhibition calls on two generations not to be segregated by age, but to open my "door" with attention. The picture shows the on-site interactive installation

Open this door, you can see that there are many "young" and "trendy" older generations on Douyin:

@Suzhou Grandma Fitness Group who dances aerobics live every night, @80 Xu Grandma who makes iron pot stewed geese, @哏都nursing home who loves to perform "Sober in the World" small theater, @ who shares daily life with her daughter who likes to take her daughter to the supermarket, @ who doesn't brush questions to share various interesting experiments......

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

On Douyin, it is full of vitality or warm and healing life for the elderly

Behind this door, you can also see those young people who "yearn for retirement" and "have experience":

The "child sister" who takes her parents to see the world @急吼吼蛋; @Yaomei who simulates "living in a nursing home with her girlfriends in advance"; the post-00s who go to the university for the elderly and make friends with "old classmates"@-Shiyue Pear-;The big boy who dominates the square dance @Xiaoguo sleeps all the time;@Xiaoma, who imitates the clothes of the older generation, is called Xiaoma......

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

Young people take their parents to see the world and get close to the lives of the elderly

On the "Intergenerational Exchange Q&A Wall", the older generation and the new generation also wrote their own life answers.

Ask the older generation to recommend hobbies that you can play for 20 years, and they say: food, flowers, fitness, anything you like to do.

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

When asked how to solve age anxiety, some people said "play with children", some people said that "every age has its unique beauty", and some people said frankly that "it is not solved, but they slowly accept it through reading".

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

Let the new generation put forward suggestions for retirement life, and the most common answers are "enjoy life to the fullest, learn to love yourself", "think more about yourself, and be the one you you were when you were younger".

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

At the exhibition site, there were mothers and daughters who came to visit and opened the video "Any Door" together, and there were also grandfathers who came alone and left answers on the Q&A wall.

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

On January 20, at the "Focus on Old Friends" chat held at the exhibition site, Wang Dahua, professor of the Department of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, Jin Yongai, associate professor of the Population and Development Research Center of Chinese University, and Douyin creator @Jiali, chatted about "intergenerational communication".

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

The "Follow Old Friends" chat will be broadcast on January 26 on accounts such as "Douyin Group".

Belle shared a little story about herself and her mother. Once she sent her mother to take the high-speed train, and saw that her mother couldn't find her direction inside the station, and she couldn't do anything outside the station, only to suddenly find that her mother was far away from her own world. Since then, she has decided to let her mother into her life, and she has also discovered that her mother has never lost her curiosity about the world.

In Professor Jin Yongai's view, short videos provide a platform for the elderly to grasp knowledge and information because of their low threshold, fast access to information, and strong entertainment, and can better connect with society. At the same time, short videos also provide a channel for children to learn about their parents.

Professor Wang Dahua concluded that intergenerational communication barriers can be summed up in three words: "short, straight, and angry", that is, the topic ends in two or three sentences, does not consider the feelings of the other party, and the ending is always unhappy. The emergence of short videos provides two generations with topics to communicate with, examples of parent-child relationship patterns, and familiarizes them with popular things in each other's life circles.

The popular "potato chips and roses" on Douyin hide the blessings of young people to their elders. Many people gave roses with gifts tied to them in potato chip cones to their parents, which touched them.

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

On Douyin, young people surprise their parents with roses and gifts in potato chip cones

"Potato Chips and Roses" also appeared at the exhibition site, each containing a different heart-warming note. For example, "In the past, you helped me to be a toddler, and in the future I will accompany you for a sunset stroll."

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

The girl in front of the "Potato Chip Rose", which is a gift to the viewers of this exhibition

In Douyin, there are more real cases, allowing us to see that young people and their parents have "connected with each other". Some people pretend to be peers and chat with their mothers, some people share videos with their mothers, and some grandmothers take the initiative to learn to read and write from young people in order to play Douyin.

My parents are Douyin bloggers? Don't be segregated by age, remember to "relate to each other" with your elders

The warm story of young people and elders "caring for each other" on Douyin

No matter what age you are, no matter where you are, remember to always pay attention to the "old friends" and "little friends" in your life.