
Should you help or ignore stray animals?

author:Curious researchers' research

I've seen stray or abandoned animals, from angora cats to yellow ducks. I even saw a baby rabbit, which was apparently an Easter gift, as it also wore a ribbon around its neck.

I was shocked to see these poor things. Many are scrawny, dirty, visibly hungry, and/or injured. I can't just stand there or pass by and not do anything. But what am I going to do? I don't know. I'm not an animal program expert. I don't know of any groups that can help. I certainly wouldn't spend my money to feed them, would I?

Well, actually, that's exactly what I think I need to do: shell out and give them food.

Should you help or ignore stray animals?

Common strays: cats and dogs

The two most common stray animals are cats and dogs. People get them as babies and then get inundated with vet and grocery bills. More often than not, the adult version is thrown over the ears in favor of another cute little version. These animals are already fed and kept warm and comfortable as babies and do not know how to survive outside. They don't know how to hunt and don't know how to fight for shelter. They basically have to wait for death. This is a terrible death for any living being.

Should you help or ignore stray animals?

Unusual wanderers

Other types of wanderers are even sadder. Most domesticated forage animals lack the knowledge and instincts needed to survive in the wild. All they know is that they are cold and hungry. I once saw a little rabbit sitting outside my fenced garden. I didn't touch it because I thought my mom was nearby and would take it away soon. However, when the child stayed for a day and a night, I realized that it no longer had a mother. Well, what now?

Should you help or ignore stray animals?

Should we help the homeless?

Dogs and cats have strong survival instincts, and some are able to adapt. But feeding them every now and then will only encourage them to stay nearby for simple food instead of finding food on their own. Cats will often "mark" where someone feeds them to warn others.

Dogs get into fights (and sometimes they do) because you prepare leftovers for them every now and then. Any outside animal that finds a food source will stay near that source. This means they won't seek better shelter, they won't seek assistance elsewhere, and they may die trying to stay near food sources.

This situation means that animals can be abused by neighbors who don't want them to show up. This means that animals can be injured by traffic. Without proper shelter, they may be freezing. They may become weak and become victims of other animals. They may be shunned by their own partners or family members because they emit different smells when they eat near humans.

Should you help or ignore stray animals?

Do stray animals pose a danger to humans if you feed them?

Yes, because stray animals can contract various types of diseases. They can be infected with parasites such as ticks, worms, and fleas. They can contract rabies. They may have other diseases that can be transmitted to humans or your own pets.

Should you help or ignore stray animals?

If you touch a stray animal or something that a stray animal has marked in some way (usually their urine), you may be able to transmit the disease to your pet. Your pet may get into a fight with you or other pets because they can smell stray odors on your skin, clothes, or the bowl you use to feed stray animals. Trust me, I often find it hard to see animals suffering and not wanting to help, and my animals let me know all my wrong thoughts. (But I usually find ways to help.) )

So what should you do for the cats and dogs you see?

There are ways to help, but they won't cause problems, depending on the animal and your help. For example, helping a stray cat may cause the cat to mark your door (so they now smell strong with urine) in an attempt to stop other cats from approaching. Usually, you can avoid this by feeding your cat away from the door. In addition, if you plan to feed your cat regularly, there are a few things you will need to do to protect yourself and your family, and of course, the cat.

One step is to use humane traps for cats so that you can have a veterinarian examine the cat and treat parasites, diseases, etc., and fix cats to avoid tagging and mating problems (and more kittens). Also, build a shelter for the cat near where it is fed. A dog house can be used just as a Styrofoam cooler with a hole on one side can be used. Put a stone or two on top to prevent the wind from blowing it away. Put hay in it, not a blanket or any type of cloth. The cloth absorbs moisture from the air and freezes in winter. If you want to help a stray dog, the steps are basically the same.

Should you help or ignore stray animals?

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