
In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

author:Song Ziyi

In daily life, many elderly people are very particular about some things to welcome the New Year, seeing that the 2023 Year is about to pass, and it will be the Jiachen Year of 2024.

For this Jiachen year, many old people often say: "The green dragon meets no spring, and the five people want to hide from the spring", in addition to the taboo, this is also a lot of old people want to get a good fortune in the new year.

So, what does it mean that Qinglong meets no spring, and why do these five people want to hide from spring?

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

The green dragon meets no spring

In Chinese myths and legends, there are four sacred beasts, namely the green dragon, the white tiger, the Xuanwu and the Vermilion Bird, and the green dragon is a sacred beast representing the East.

According to the Five Elements Theory, the East represents spring, so the green dragon represents spring, as for why the green dragon is cyan and not other colors, it is because the East is wood, and wood is green.

And in the spring, everything recovers, and the earth is blue-green, so there is a green dragon.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

2024 is the Year of the Dragon, so old people also like to say that 2024 is the Year of the Dragon.

As for "no spring", it is better to understand, no spring means that there is no Lichun, then there is no Lichun in 2024, where does its Lichun go, and the Lichun of 2024 runs into the tail of 2023.

In ancient times, no spring is a very unlucky phenomenon, we all know that the plan of the year lies in spring, if the Spring Festival is gone, then this year can be smooth?

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

Therefore, the ancients called the year of no spring "blind year", "year of widows", and "year of widows" is also very outrageous, because the ancients associated the beginning of spring with childbirth.

Spring in the eyes of the ancients is the season of reproduction and childbirth, spring does not stand, then fertility is not prosperous, fertility is not prosperous for the ancients is a very serious taboo, in the ancient society of patriarchy, if there is no male in a family, it will always be born.

Just imagine, there is a saying that fertility is not prosperous in the year of no spring, so who would dare to get married in this year? Hence the saying of "widow's year".

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

But these are superstitious behaviors without scientific basis, fertility has nothing to do with no spring, and the ancients would have such thinking because the social productivity at that time was low, and the cultural level was also very low, and they always liked to use divination and sacrificial behavior to make choices about unknown things, so there would be such a situation.

So what "blind year", "widow's year" everyone don't take seriously, just listen to it, and the interesting thing is that if the ancients wanted to get married in the year of no spring, let the bride bring a bag of boiled eggs, and when she got off the sedan chair, the cooked eggs were scattered to the crowd, and then the onlookers shouted loudly: "The bride is spring", so that it can be cracked.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

However, now that the social productive forces have improved, everyone's cultural level and scientific cognitive ability have also improved, so this kind of thing will not happen.

But in the past, people would not be so calm when they encountered a springless year, and even avoided spring.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

The five of them want to hide from the spring

Avoiding spring is actually to avoid disasters, after all, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and no one can be in danger in the face of danger, so since the year of no spring has arrived, then hide from spring.

But what exactly does it mean to hide from spring? In fact, to put it bluntly, to hide from spring is to hide from Tai Sui.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

Let's understand Tai Sui a little better, Tai Sui refers to the annual zodiac, Tai Sui is a year that changes, what zodiac year this year is what Tai Sui, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, indicating that Tai Sui is a dragon.

Tai Sui is also the patron saint of the world, in charge of the good fortune and misfortune of the world, in the "Yuanhai Ziping" about Tai Sui recorded such a sentence, "Tai Sui is the son of heaven in the year, so you can't commit it, and if you commit it, you will be vicious." ”

This obviously explains why he hides Tai Sui, because it will be unlucky if he doesn't hide Tai Sui.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

So who hides Tai Sui, first of all, it is the dragon of the natal year, everyone should know this, as long as it is the natal year, then the parents will definitely buy red clothes for everyone to wear, and if you wear red clothes, you will not commit Tai Sui in this year.

But why do you want to wear red clothes, because red is a very sacred color in the eyes of the ancients, it is a color that can resist evil spirits, and it is a color that can bring good luck, so they will wear red clothes in the natal year.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

There is also a phase dog, but also need to hide Tai Sui, this is because the dog and the dragon in the attributes of each other, in the five elements of the dog belongs to the earth, the dragon belongs to the wood, and the earth Ke wood, so the dog also needs to hide in the year of the dragon.

At the same time, there is also a phase cow, and it is also necessary to hide from Tai Sui, because the ox and the dragon are also opposites in attributes, but this is a superstitious statement, because in ancient mythology, the ox is farming is land, and the dragon is rainfall and the sea, and the relationship between the two is complementary, not that it is completely opposite.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

In addition to dogs and cows, there are also sheep and rabbits, and those who belong to sheep and rabbits must also hide Tai Sui in the Year of the Dragon.

Although these behaviors have no scientific basis, they are all wisdom created by the ancients for good luck in the New Year, and we can not accept it, but we must learn to understand it.

After saying that, the five people want to hide from the spring, let's see how to hide from the spring.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

Hiding spring does not mean that people who belong to dragons, dogs, cows, sheep, and rabbits cannot go out throughout the year, but that they can stay at home and not go out for a specific period of time.

This time is the handover time of the beginning of spring in 2024, that is, between three and five o'clock in the afternoon on February 4, you can stay at home and not go out, and this time period is the time to hide from spring.

After this time has passed, there is no need to hide from spring, and you can go out normally, but it is still the same sentence, this is also an act without scientific basis, so you don't need to take it too seriously.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

After knowing who wants to hide from spring, let's see what is the reason for Wuchun, and how is Wuchun caused?

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

The reason for the absence of spring

No spring is that there is no beginning of spring in the lunar year, and the beginning of spring is the first of the 24 solar terms, so the beginning of spring is also very important in the 24 solar terms, but there is no fixed time on the day of the beginning of spring.

Because the ancients determined the time of the beginning of spring according to the degree of the sun's yellow longitude, when the sun reached the yellow longitude of 315 degrees, it was the beginning of spring, so this day was not fixed.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

The occurrence of no spring is due to the "yin and yang error" of the solar calendar and the lunar calendar, which is formulated according to the law of the sun's revolution, and its law is 365.24 days per year.

The lunar calendar is formulated according to the law of the moon's waxing and waning, which is also the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, the year is also divided into 12 months, but the year is 364 days, and the ancients added leap months to the lunar calendar in order to adapt to the changes in the cold and summer seasons.

The function of the leap month is to make each month of the lunar calendar contain the meaning of the moon phase, in order to better distinguish the solar terms.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

Therefore, in the lunar calendar, the ancients would add 7 leap months every 19 years, and the 7 years with leap months are 13 months of the year, so 7 of these 19 years are double springs, 7 years are no springs, and five years are single springs.

The mainland adopts the lunar calendar and the solar calendar combined, so the difference in the number of days between the yin and yang is the reason for the lack of spring, in fact, the generation of no spring is also the embodiment of the wisdom of the ancients, and the appearance of the 24 solar terms just shows that the ancients are very wise in the study of the weather.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

In the year of no spring, he said that the people who need to hide from the spring, so what should the rest of the people do in the year of no spring?

Biting spring, hitting spring, stepping on spring

To bite spring is to eat spring cakes and radishes, which are later known as spring rolls.

In the eyes of the ancients, radish was the food that relieved spring sleepiness, so they would eat radish on the day of the beginning of spring, hoping that they would not be lazy in the new year.

As for eating spring cakes, it is actually a custom, and this custom has appeared in the Wei and Jin dynasties.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

"Beat the spring cow" is not a real cow, it is a cow made of clay, and after it is done and dried, it is necessary to put grains in the belly of the cow, but set off firecrackers, and then beat the cow with a stick.

This means a good harvest in the new year, and everyone's harvest will be very good.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them

There are two ways to step on the spring, one is to go to the spring outing on the day of the beginning of spring, go out of the house to step on the spring, and the other is to work, which is more common in the countryside, because there is a saying of "chopping spring firewood" in the countryside, that is, every household comes out to chop firewood on the day of the beginning of spring, and then carries these firewood home, and the firewood that is carried home is also called "carrying spring firewood", which means that I hope to carry the fortune back to the family and make a fortune in the New Year.

Therefore, the behavior of stepping on spring is different in different places, but no matter which one, stepping on spring is everyone's beautiful expectation for the Spring Festival.

In the beginning of spring in 2024, these 5 genera want to avoid spring, and please a good lottery head for 1 whole year, are there you among them


Although the saying of dodging spring is superstitious and unscientific, it is also an indispensable part of our traditional customs, and it is also the beautiful vision of the ancients for the New Year, so we can not believe it, but we must know these customs.

Of course, there is no need to agree with a vice like the "Year of the Widow", which is a completely wrong behavior and perception!

However, the new year is coming soon, Xiaobian is here to wish everyone a good year, to collect the New Year's money to get soft, work step by step, entrepreneurial financial resources rolling good luck.