
It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:The fisherman chats

Recently, the topic "Northerners are crying in the south" has rushed to the hot search list, which has attracted people's attention and discussion.

Northern netizens in the south complained wildly: It's cold outside, and it's cold inside, do you have any tricks for winter?

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The northerners were frozen and cried in the south

Since December 2023, the continuous snowfall in the north has aroused enthusiastic attention in the south, and the little golden beans in the south have gone to the north to enjoy the snow scene and experience sub-zero life.

Harbin has taken advantage of this opportunity to become a big winner.

We Chinese pay attention to your coming and going, you come to my house, I also want to visit home.

Under the vigorous promotion of cultural tourism in various places, many friends from the north have also come to the south for tourism.

Places like Wuhan, Changsha, Hefei and other places have seen a surge in the number of tourists and have become new popular tourist destinations.

However, many northerners came to the south and cried from the cold.

This netizen who was frozen so that his nose is not his nose and his mouth is not his mouth, is from Harbin.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

He posted a video complaining:

He came to Fuyang, Anhui Province from the northeast for a tour, and wanted to explore this land, but the local weather made him so cold that he almost doubted his life. At present, he is frozen to the point of snot and his voice is hoarse and speechless. He was curious, his friends in the south, how to keep warm in winter.

There is more than one netizen like him, and the Internet complains that the south is cold to the northerners.

The wind drills into the bones.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I bought a down jacket overnight and put it on, but it still felt so cold.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Is it really colder in the south than in the north?

You must know that the north, especially the northeast, is now more than minus 20 degrees.

The south is only minus one or two degrees at most, how can it be colder than the north?

In fact, in terms of temperature, it is colder in the north, but why are northerners not adapting to the south?

There could be two reasons for this.

First, the north is usually dry and cold, while the south is humid and cold.

This suggests that the humidity in the south is higher for the same temperature, resulting in a lower perceived temperature.

In short, the cold in the north can be dealt with by wearing more clothes, while the cold in the south is when the cold is pervasive and you feel that there is nowhere to escape.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Secondly, there is heating in the north.

Although it is cold outside in winter, northerners need to wear three layers inside and three layers outside, but in fact, there are not many times when they are outside, and they wear short sleeves in the heating room.

Southerners also have heating equipment, such as air conditioners, firecrackers, etc., but there is no heating effect like heating, and some families are reluctant to turn on air conditioning, so southerners are indeed more resistant to frost.

Northerners are not accustomed to being cold for long periods of time (some people really 24 hours) like southerners.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Therefore, it is strange that northerners come to the south and are not frozen and cry.

The comment section is very funny

Shaanxi netizens asked: Do southerners really take a bath every day?

Guangdong netizens replied: It's true, it's not cold when it's washed, and it's cold if it's not washed.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Gansu netizens also raised the same question: My friends in the south just want to ask, no matter how late it is, do you have to take a bath? My roommate ran to take a bath at two o'clock in the evening.

Sichuan netizens replied: Yes, if you don't take a bath, you feel like you can't end today.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In fact, southerners really generally take a bath every day, Xiaobian is from Hunan, and the people around Xiaobian, including Xiaobian, take a bath almost every day, even if it is snowing.

I always feel uncomfortable not taking a shower. And after taking a hot shower, it does feel much warmer.

Xinjiang netizens sent out soul torture: No, I'm very curious about one thing, southerners are stiff? Air conditioning, electric heating, and electric blankets are not used?

Hainan netizens replied funny: No, it all depends on a lifetime of righteousness.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In fact, in the South, all these things are available. However, the effect is definitely not as good as heating, and there is not air conditioning in every place, for example, many rural families in Hunan use electric baking tables, sitting in front of the table is warm, but after leaving, it will still be cold.

Fortunately, the fire box is baked, slippers are needed, many people share a blanket, and many people feel dirty and unhygienic, so they are too lazy to slipper, and they are frozen, and they are also adapted.

So what he said about "all by righteousness" is not a joke.

Heilongjiang netizens think: I still don't admit that the south is colder than the north, but I admit that the southerners are more frost-resistant than us.

Guangdong netizens replied: The temperature must be low in the north, but in the south, no matter how much clothes you wear, how thick they are, it's the same as if you didn't wear them, so it's hard to top.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

It makes sense that Guangdong replied a lot, and the damp and cold wind in the south is really not covered.

As a southerner, I suddenly felt very proud, and I had carried it all over the cold for so many years. In fact, children in the south are the least afraid of the cold, playing outside every day in the heavy snow, and they can't stay at home, so they don't need to roast the fire.

Maybe the physique of southerners has been cultivated since childhood.

A netizen in Hebei popularized a southern cold knowledge: cold knowledge: No matter how cold it is, southerners will open the window or open the door, which is said to be to breathe fresh air.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Netizens in Hunan and Fujian also said that it is important to open windows for ventilation.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens
It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

At this point, as a southerner, the editor has this habit.

Even in winter, I will open a crack in the window to breathe.

If it's too cold, the next morning, the window will be opened for some air.

I always feel that if the air is not circulated, it is not good for the body.

This is just a personal habit of the editor. Not representative of all Southerners.

Heilongjiang netizens: There is heating and geothermal heat in the north, it's really warm and it's really warm.

Jiangsu netizens: The south relies on righteousness and trembles.

It's even colder outside and even colder in the house! Northerners cried coldly in the south, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In just one sentence, the editor saw the annoyance of northern netizens and the toughness of southern netizens.


According to the editor's humble opinion, the south really bathes every day, relying on righteousness and shaking to survive the winter.

There is mainly no heating, and there are ice cellars inside and outside the house. Twenty-four hours a day, it is cold online, and turning on the air conditioner can only be a hands-off temperature.

Do you agree?