
The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

author:Sir Literature
The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

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In November 1950, our army had participated in the Korean War for nearly two months, and launched two large-scale campaigns against the US army, which dealt a very heavy blow to the US army and forced the US army to withdraw southward.

After the Battle of Changjin Lake, the US army decided to retreat quickly in the face of the reality of heavy casualties of the 1st Marine Division, but at this time, the US army was already under the encirclement of our army's 38th Army, 39th Army and 40th Army in three different directions.

However, in front of the US army, our army had already gained insight into the US army's plan to retreat, and had already set up blocking positions in Longyuan-ri and Sansho-ri in advance, and in the face of such a situation, the US 9th Army received an order to open the road from Junyu-ri to Sunchon to support Longyuan-ri.

At this time, our army also learned the news that the U.S. army was going to send troops to support Longyuanli, so our army ordered the 335th Regiment of the 38th Army to go to block the attack, and asked to stop the reinforcement of the U.S. 9th Army in the Songgufeng area.

So reinforcements at all costs, a blockade at all costs, and a battle that will go down in history is destined to break out.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

"A battlefield of stalemate"

In 1950, after the second battle of the Korean War opened a gap in the Tokugawa area, Peng Dehuai, then the supreme commander of the Korean Battlefield Volunteer Army, ordered the 38th Army and the 42nd Army to penetrate deeply into the rear of the US 8th Army.

Among them, the 113th Division of the 38th Army penetrated into the rear of the US 8th Army at a speed of more than 140 miles in 14 hours, cutting off the retreat of the main force of the 9th Army of the US Army, and setting a world record for the speed of rapid marching in the world.

At this time, the U.S. troops had not had time to be dumbfounded by the lightning speed of our army's march, and now there was only one choice in front of them, to flee for their lives. Seeing that the retreat route of Sanyuanli was cut off by our army, the US army immediately chose to retreat from the Longyuanli area on the west side.

However, the 337th Regiment of the 113th Division of our army once again arrived at Longyuanli at an extraordinary marching speed, blocking the second retreat of the US army.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

At this time, except for the south side, the north circle of the US 9th Army is all the main force of our army, the 38th Army, the 39th Army and the 40th Army are eyeing and biting tightly behind the US 9th Army, and at this time, only the 113th Division of the 38th Army is blocking the retreat of the US 9th Army, so the choice left to the US army is naturally obvious, concentrate superior forces to break through the resistance of our 113th Division.

In order to ensure that the US Ninth Army could break through the Yongwon-ri area, the "United Nations" army sent the British 29th Brigade from Pyongyang to the north to aid the US troops, thus forming a flanking attack on Yongwon-ri.

However, at this time, the situation of our army is not optimistic, because in order to stop the retreat of the American army, the 337th Regiment of the 113th Division that came to block it can be said that it is lightly armed and simple, and discarded the vast majority of the baggage and heavy runs in the team, so as to exchange for the advantage of time.

But such a price is that it is not easy for the 337th Regiment to stop the breakthrough of the US 9th Army at the moment, not to mention the support of the British 29th Brigade, at this time there is only one choice in front of the 337th Regiment, to completely cut off the offensive momentum of the US 9th Army before the arrival of the British 29th Brigade.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

However, as we mentioned earlier, the vast majority of the US 9th Army troops were besieged in the Junyuli area, so the vanguard breakthrough force of the US 9th Army will inevitably send troops to support Longyuanli again after the attack on Longyuanli is blocked, so how can our army stop the reinforcements sent by the 9th Army?

And this is also a headache for Liang Xingchu, the commander of the 38th Army, at the moment, the 113th Regiment of the 337th Division is already under great pressure to resist the enemy's attack, not to mention the division of troops to block the reinforcements sent by the 9th Army.

However, the main force of our army at the moment is mostly concentrated in the area of Fengmingli on the northeast side, and if the reinforcements of the US 9th Army really arrive here at the 337th Regiment, then the US troops will definitely flee.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

For this reason, Liang Xingchu ordered the 112th and 114th Divisions in the Fengmingli area to annihilate as soon as possible or choose to directly get rid of the US troops fighting with them, and quickly move closer to the road from Junyuli to Shunchuan, and block the US 9th Army that came to send troops to support in the area of Songgufeng to support Longyuanli.

Songgu Peak is located at the intersection of the two roads of Junyuli and Fengmingli, and it is also the only way to go south to Longyuanli, and the strength of the American army has and only this place for them to gather, so it can be said that whoever takes Songgu Peak will win the final victory of this battle.

However, although the 112th and 114th Divisions were in an advantageous position at this time and could defeat the American troops engaged with them, it would take some time, and in the Fengmingli area, where the 112th and 114th Divisions were located at that time, if these two troops wanted to go to support, they had to defeat the American troops in front of them.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

However, on November 29, the US 9th Army, which had been besieged for 3 days, issued an order for the whole army to assemble and break through, which was another game related to time, but at the moment, our "contestants" were all dragged down by the US troops, and they could not get rid of it and go to Songgu Peak in time, which was very likely to lead to the escape of the US 9th Army.

And you must know that the 38th Army was just in the first battle after entering the DPRK, because of its own slow movements, delayed the fighter plane, which caused the US troops surrounded by our army to escape, and was scolded by Peng Dehuai in front of the commanders and fighters of various units to the 38th Army, which became a shame in the hearts of the officers and men of the 38th Army.

But is this really going to happen again?

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

"Heavenly Soldier Fan Tianen"

At this time, Yang Dayi, the commander of the 112th Division of our army, was frowning in his own headquarters, because the troops of the 112th Division were closer to Songgu Peak than the 114th Division, so the task of seizing Songgu Peak was handed over to the 112th Division.

But at the moment, the 112th Division did not have extra troops to go out to seize Songgu Peak, because the 112th Division actually only had two regiments of troops to participate in the battle at this time, one was used to block the US troops in the Fengmingli area, one was taken by the large army to intersperse at the beginning of the war, and the other was borrowed by the brother troops to command, so it can be said that there is no remaining troops in hand at this time.

But just when the 112th Division was at a loss, the 335th Regiment of the 112th Division miraculously appeared in the Junyuli area.

At that time, the 335th Regiment had just resisted the US army's five days and nights of repeated attacks in the Feihu Mountain area, and was attacked by more than 2,000 shells of the US army in one day on the largest number of positions, but the Feihu Mountain position was held by the 335th Regiment.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

But this also brought a lot of casualties to the 335th Regiment, so after the end of the Flying Tiger Mountain Blockade, the 335th Regiment was ordered to repair in situ, and at the same time took on the task of resisting the support of the surrounding South Korean troops, but the military strength of the South Korean Army was really difficult to compliment at that time, and the commander of the 335th Regiment, Fan Tianen, did not take these South Korean troops into account at all.

At this time, the task of blocking Songgu Peak was very important but there were no soldiers to adjust, and Fan Tianen, the commander of the 335th Regiment, just wanted to carry the heavy burden to fight and not confront these weak Korean troops, so Fan Tianen immediately contacted the headquarters of the 112th Division.

The headquarters of the 112th Division was also overjoyed after learning the news, and immediately agreed to Fan Tianen's invitation to fight, so Fan Tianen, who was allowed, immediately rushed to Songgu Peak with his 335th Regiment non-stop, so the task of seizing Songgu Peak fell on Fan Tianen's 335th Regiment.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

On November 30, Fan Tianen, who was working day and night, finally rushed to Songgu Peak at dawn to deploy his troops, and ordered the 1st Battalion and 3 companies of heavy machine guns to be platoon on the nameless high ground in the area of Shutang Station at the foot of Songgu Peak.

Therefore, it can be said that although the strategic location of the Songgu Peak position is important, the defensive conditions are really not good, but at about six o'clock in the morning, when Fan Tianen was still directing the troops to dig fortifications, the 9th Regiment, the vanguard of the US army, arrived at the road at the foot of Songgu Peak at this time.

This vanguard took the lead in sending a pointed force, only three trucks and two tanks, naturally just emerged from Songgu Peak, and was quickly attacked by our army, these three trucks and two tanks were scrapped here under the offensive of our army, and the American troops who followed the vehicles were also annihilated by our army.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

Sloan, the commander of the 9th US Regiment, judged from the gunfire of our army that the weapons used by the troops who came to block the attack were all light weapons, and the firepower was not strong, and it was not difficult for the US troops to break through.

Then the U.S. army launched an attack on Songgu Peak, and the attack method was also a typical U.S. military tactics, first using artillery to carry out a round of bombardment of the Songgu Peak position, and then dispatched eight tanks, and the infantry launched an attack on the Songgu Peak position.

However, the American troops who launched the attack at this time found that the hill was surprisingly quiet, and it turned out that the American troops did not have time to dig trenches when they arrived here, and after the American artillery bombarded a round, the soldiers of the third company happened to hide in the crater blown up by the American troops.

It was not until the U.S. troops reached a distance of 30 meters from the soldiers of the Third Company that they launched an attack on the U.S. troops, because the distance was relatively close, which could not only effectively kill and injure the U.S. troops, but also make the U.S. tanks unable to play their full effect.

The commander of the volunteer corps was too lazy to fight because he thought the enemy was too weak, so he created a miracle in the history of warfare

The U.S. troops who were repulsed suddenly became angry, and they really didn't expect that just such a little volunteer army would be able to beat the U.S. troops with tanks and not occupy the high ground, so the U.S. troops called for aerial bombardment and bombed the Songgu Peak position for three rounds, during which there were countless incendiary bombs and gasoline bombs.

Later, when Fan Tianen recalled this incident, he said: "I watched our soldiers, all covered in fire, screaming and shooting at the enemy, until they fell and rolled and then remained motionless, and I will never forget that scene for the rest of my life." ”

From 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., Van Thien and his 335th Regiment resisted the enemy's attack for seven hours here, and the corpses and destroyed cars blocked the road at the foot of Songgu Peak, and the U.S. troops finally had to give up.

And the 335th Regiment also paid the tragic price of 600 sacrifices, especially the 3rd Company in charge of the first front, and only 7 people remained in the whole company. After this battle, Pham Tien En's 335th Regiment was awarded the glorious title of "Heroic Unit".