
The CBA champion coach calmed the opponent after the game! bluntly: This game is a bit of a win!

author:Mystic Drawing Board S8K

Last night, Beijing Control defeated Ningbo by 33 points away from home, and after the game, Beijing Control coach Min Lulei also sighed about the game process, and said bluntly: This game is a bit of a win, and I didn't prepare the opponent before the game.

The CBA champion coach calmed the opponent after the game! bluntly: This game is a bit of a win!

But don't get me wrong, Min Lulei didn't mean to look down on the opponent, he said that he didn't prepare the opponent's player analysis before the game and won, because there were many injuries in the Ningbo team, and the main 5 or 6 couldn't play, and said frankly that Adijiang had encountered great difficulties. Director Min Lulei also admitted that if he led the team with such a major injury, he would not be able to play this game.

The CBA champion coach calmed the opponent after the game! bluntly: This game is a bit of a win!

In fact, the suspense of this game was lost at halftime, because Beijing Control led the opponent by double the score of 74-37 in the first half, and after this battle, North Control also won five consecutive games and sat in the top eight in the league, so judging from the interview expression of Min Lulei's guidance, it was still very happy and relaxed. And he is very strict with his players, even if he wins such a big victory, he repeatedly emphasizes that it is the opponent who is defeated, and nothing can be explained.

The CBA champion coach calmed the opponent after the game! bluntly: This game is a bit of a win!

Min Lulei, as the champion coach who led Beijing to win 3 championships, has improved significantly in coaching Beijing Control this season, and the Beijing Control team, which has missed the playoffs for three consecutive years, is currently in the top eight rankings are very stable, and it can be said that the playoff places have been booked in advance.