
The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

author:Garden pond scale fish

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The incident happened in Hanshou, Hunan Province, and at about 1 a.m., the local emergency center received a call that there was a drunk woman, unconscious, and needed to be taken to the hospital for treatment.

The local people's hospital immediately dispatched an ambulance to the scene to take the woman to the hospital for treatment.

Then there was an unbearable scene, when the woman got out of the car and smashed a white sedan parked at the hospital.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

What the hell is going on? Let's recap it first.

1. Review of things

According to the news of Shanxi News Network on January 25, 2024

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

It is said that the woman, after being drunk, was taken to the hospital from the local Waterworks Lane neighborhood.

On the way to the hospital at 120, because the woman was drunk and unconscious, she kept attacking the accompanying doctor in the car.

In the face of such a situation, the accompanying doctor felt helpless, especially in the face of female patients, who lost consciousness at this time, could not beat and scold, but could only endure it, hoping to rush to the hospital and find a way to deal with it while there were many people.

When she arrived at the hospital, as soon as the woman got out of the car, she stared at a white car and smashed the window desperately with the bag she was carrying.

Although it was early in the morning, some people had gathered at the entrance of the hospital, and they tried to dissuade the woman, but where could she listen when she was drunk?

Everyone watched helplessly as she smashed the car, and the scene was chaotic.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

The white sedan was said to be a patient's car.

The patient originally came to see a doctor, but unexpectedly encountered this unjustified disaster.

Regardless of the issue of vehicle repairs and compensation, it was also a problem for the patient to drive away after the car was smashed and treated in the hospital.

The car was smashed like this, how can this go back?

I'm afraid that I will have to keep the evidence and wait for the traffic police to come and deal with it.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

What's even more shocking is that the woman still felt uncomfortable after smashing the car, so she climbed on the roof of the car and continued to pedal.

However, she was unconscious at the time and fell headlong from the car.

This scene really made people pinch a cold sweat for her, especially when her head hit the ground, I don't know if she was injured.

Judging from the woman's dress, she is tall, although the clothes are not very fashionable, but they are also decent, I don't know if I will regret my actions today when I wake up.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

2. The police come to deal with it

As soon as everyone saw that the woman was in this situation, it was not a way for her to make trouble, so someone chose to call the police.

When the police arrived at the scene, they found that the woman, under the influence of drunkenness, was still not aware of the danger of her behavior and continued to wantonly attack the white car.

Faced with such a situation, after many warnings were ineffective, the police could only choose to take coercive measures to control the woman and bring her back to the police station for processing.

After the woman's family arrived, they were very reasonable, and they felt deeply guilty about the woman's attack on the white car, and said that they would bear the corresponding responsibility and give the owner appropriate compensation.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

After the incident, the reporter tried to learn the details of the incident from the local police station, but the comrades of the police said that it was inconvenient to disclose the relevant details.

We can also guess one or two of the reasons for this!

First, the woman's family may not want the incident to be over-exposed so as not to adversely affect the woman's life.

Second, if the woman's family has an explanation, the comrades of the people's police will naturally try their best to keep it confidential for them, so as to prevent the woman's privacy from being leaked.

In any case, we still hope that the woman will sober up as soon as possible and, with the help of the police and her family, will regain consciousness and return to normal life as soon as possible.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

3. Netizens discuss

Seeing the woman's situation, netizens were shocked.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

Some netizens said that when I saw the woman for the first time, her body movements made me feel like a zombie.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

Some netizens commented, I almost thought it was a monster.

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

Some netizens also reminded everyone that if you can't drink, then don't drink it, so as not to cause trouble to others.

Of course, some netizens have conducted an in-depth analysis of the woman's behavior, and the woman's body movements when she smashed the car seemed groggy and disorderly, but in fact, she knew very well what she was doing!

The tall woman was drunk, climbed into the car window and smashed the car and fell down, netizens were distressed: she was going to die of pain

In addition, some netizens also pointed out the key to a problem, doesn't it hurt for a girl to fall from such a high place? It is estimated that when she sobers up, it will hurt terribly.

4. Write to the end

While everyone criticizes the woman's behavior, they may also wonder why she is drunk?

So, what caused the woman to be so drunk?

By observing the woman's behavior, it is not difficult to guess that the woman must have been in a bad mood before she was drunk, so she took advantage of the alcohol to smash someone else's car.

This condition is often associated with emotional issues, and in general, there are three main factors that can trigger emotional swings!

1. Friends

2. Work

3. Family and marriage

There is no definite information on what caused the woman's drunkenness, but we hope that after the woman sobers up, her family can give her enough care and support to help her get out of the predicament.

First of all, let's leave aside the cost of repairing the car for the time being, but the important thing is that the woman's behavior in a drunken state can cause serious harm to her body.

Especially the moment when she fell out of the car, you can feel the pain through the screen.

Therefore, after the woman is conscious, it is hoped that the family will take her to the hospital in time for a comprehensive physical examination to ensure that there are no other underlying health problems.

Secondly, it can be seen from the fact that the woman's family is willing to bear the cost of repairing the car, which shows that they are responsible and responsible people.

We also hope that after the problem of the woman's intoxication is properly resolved, the family and the woman can communicate sincerely with the owner of the car and jointly negotiate how to repair the vehicle and other related compensation matters.

Finally, we appeal to the majority of netizens not to make too many remarks attacking women.

After all, as long as it is an individual, it is possible to encounter a hurdle that cannot be overcome, and if she loses control of her emotions and makes a mistake, she will bear the corresponding responsibility, and she will surely remember this lesson.

What we can do is to look at the woman's behavior rationally and give her a certain understanding and tolerance.

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