
The book is so beautiful now, I really want to get it!

author:The bun has pleats, not on the meat


I've been diving in a special book group for many years, and I see that they often grab some special books in the group, the binding is particularly beautiful, all of them are collectible, and some of them are signed and stamped by the author, sometimes I really want to start. But there are too many books bought at home, almost nearly 10,000 copies, and I can't finish reading them at all, I can't finish reading them at all [covering my face] so I vowed two or three years ago that I would never buy books again, but when I saw beautiful books, I couldn't help but itch in my heart.

The book is so beautiful now, I really want to get it!

The main reason is that these books are sold at a cheap price, usually only about three folds, and they are illustrated and beautiful. I have to say, the profits of making books now are really too great. But after reading the publishing house of the book, I put up with it, and it is not a publishing institution I trust such as Zhonghua Book Company, the Commercial Press, and the People's Literature Publishing House. Don't buy it back and look at the typos, it will be troublesome.

The book is so beautiful now, I really want to get it!

Let's talk about it, do you usually buy books? When you buy books, do you pay attention to them, do you also choose bindings or publishers? Do you also buy collectible-level special bound books? Do you have a favorite publishing house? Do you think such books are collectible?

The book is so beautiful now, I really want to get it!