
When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year

author:Sister Yun's home-cooked food

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, people are buying New Year's goods, in addition to buying meat, fish, vegetables, etc., fruits are also essential, so what fruits to buy?

Buy fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits", meaning good luck in the New Year, it is recommended to buy.

When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year


The first type: apples - meaning peace and security

Apple, because of its homonym for "apple" and "ping", is believed to bring happiness and peace to the family in the new year. In addition, apples are brightly colored, which also symbolizes a prosperous business. So be sure to buy apples for the New Year. It is recommended to eat at least 1-2 apples per day to replenish the nutrients.

When choosing apples, remember to choose apples with a well-proportioned appearance and a rounded overall shape, and do not buy apples with strange shapes. In addition, the color of the peel of apples is not as red as possible, and apples that are too red in color have a bad taste, and apples with thin peels are better than apples with thick skins.

When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year


The second type: dragon fruit - meaning red and prosperous

Dragon fruit was chosen for its red skin and red flesh, symbolizing a prosperous life.

When picking, you can judge its freshness by pressing, don't buy too soft or too hard, don't buy dragon fruit with uneven surface and black rhizomes, and at the same time, there are red hearts and white hearts in dragon fruit, and the taste of red heart dragon fruit is sweeter.

When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year


The third type: grapefruit - a fable to bless children with health and safety

Yuzu is a very common fruit in autumn and winter, and because of its thick skin and durability, it is also called natural "canned fruit". Yuzu sound is the same as "Youzi", meaning to bless children, there is a meaning of blessing children's health and safety, it is an auspicious fruit with special significance, it is recommended that you must buy.

When buying grapefruit, you should remember that "grapefruit is flat and not round". Don't buy grapefruit with a round overall silhouette, such grapefruit usually has a thicker skin. We should pick grapefruit with a slightly pointed top and a flatter bottom, which usually tastes better. Weigh it with your hands, and buy a slightly heavier one for the same volume.

In the middle-aged and elderly population, it is recommended to consume about 100 grams of grapefruit per day as it helps to clear away heat and reduce fire and strengthen immunity.

When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year

Kim Tung

Fourth: kumquat - meaning auspicious

Kumquat is also regarded as a symbol of good luck because its name contains the meaning of "auspicious" and "ruyi". Kumquat can be used to make a variety of food items or used as a decoration to add to the festive atmosphere.

Tips for the selection of kumquats: it is advisable to choose the one with a well-proportioned head and a correct shape, and do not buy the deformed one. At the same time, the skin is delicate and evenly pored, and the skin is generally thin and juicy, and the taste is sweet, while the skin is coarse, and the moisture content is usually not high, and the taste is relatively poor.

In terms of color, golden yellow and orange kumquats have high ripeness, more abundant light time, and generally have more sugar content, making them sweeter to eat.

The fruit pedicles are bright green, small, and not easy to fall off, and the fruit pedicles are larger, dark green or brown in color, and they are stored for a longer time and are not suitable for purchase.

When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year


The fifth: orange - meaning that all wishes come true

The orange skin is golden, the shape is round and round, the orange and the success is homophonic, the orange on the New Year's table is on the table, which means that the whole family will come true in the new year, and the wealth is prosperous, so the orange is also a must-buy fruit for the New Year.

Orange selection skills: When choosing oranges, everyone should remember a mantra, "tall orange, flat orange, bare orange", that is, the shape of the orange is not the rounder the better, but should choose the orange with a round middle, slightly smaller ends, and an oval shape as a whole. Such oranges grow ripe and have a sweeter taste.

When buying fruits for the New Year, don't forget the old tradition, these six kinds of "auspicious fruits" imply good luck in the New Year


Sixth: Longan - meaning the New Year's prosperity and wealth

Because the "gui" of longan is homophonic with the noble of wealth, and its appearance is round, it represents perfection, so longan has a symbol of perfection and wealth.

Longan should be selected without spots, clean and tidy, and without cracks on the outside. The choice of color is very important, generally to choose the earthy yellow, this kind of sunshine and moisture are more abundant, and it will be sweeter. At the same time, the longan should feel full and elastic when pinched. If it's soft to the touch, something like that with a noticeable depression on the surface won't be fresh. If the peeled flesh looks transparent, the core inside can be faintly seen, and there is more moisture, it is the best longan.

In summary, when choosing New Year's fruits, one should take into account the meaning of these traditions and choose the right type of fruit according to personal tastes and health needs.

That's all for today's sharing, I'm Sister Yun's home-cooked food, if you like my sharing, remember to follow me, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you for your support, we'll see you next time.

#Winter Life Check-in Season#