
On the 16th day of the lunar month, pray for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year!

author:The old fool blows the shell

The 16th end of the lunar month, a traditional festival full of mystery, occupies an important position in traditional Chinese culture. On this day, various rituals and activities are held to pray for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year.

1. The origin and legend of the end of the day

The end of the tooth day, also known as the "tooth sacrifice", is a traditional festival of the people in southern Fujian. It is rumored that the year-end day originated from the sacrificial ceremony of the ancient land lord and was the birthday of the land lord. On this day, people pray to the land lord for a good harvest and prosperous business, and perform rituals and folk activities. Over time, the end of the day has evolved into a traditional festival with local characteristics.

On the 16th day of the lunar month, pray for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year!

2. Traditional customs of the end of the year

1. Worship the Land Lord: On the day of the end of the year, people will hold a sacrifice ceremony in front of their own Land Gong Temple to pray to the Land Lord for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year. At the same time, various blessing activities are also held in the temple, such as incense and paper money burning.

2. Tail Tooth Banquet: In order to thank the land lord for his protection, people will hold a tail tooth feast at home or in a trading house. At the year-end banquet, people will taste a variety of delicacies, the most classic of which is the "tooth beating". It is said that the "Tooth Fighting Festival" was established to worship the land lord, and it means praying for peace and happiness.

On the 16th day of the lunar month, pray for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year!

3. Folk performances: Around the end of the year, folk performers perform a variety of traditional performances, such as dragon and lion dances, stilt performances, etc. These performances are diverse in form and rich in content, adding a strong cultural atmosphere to the festival.

3. The modern significance of the end of the year

With the changes of the times, the traditional festival of the end of the day itself has not been forgotten, but has been better inherited and developed in some areas. Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to this traditional festival and integrate it into their daily life. On this day, people not only participate in the sacrificial ceremonies and the year-end feast, but also learn about the relevant cultural knowledge through social media and other channels, so as to better pass on this traditional culture.

At the same time, the end of the day is also radiating new vitality in modern society. Some merchants use this festival to carry out commercial publicity and promotional activities, attracting a large number of consumers. In addition, some communities and institutions will also organize related cultural activities and public welfare undertakings, so that more people can understand and participate in this traditional festival.

On the 16th day of the lunar month, pray for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year!

As a part of traditional Chinese culture, the end of the day carries a rich history and cultural connotation. It not only represents people's awe of the land and yearning for a better life, but also embodies the traditional values and cultural essence of the Chinese nation.

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