
January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

author:Wuhan story
January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

Spring Festival Exam: How does 12306 deal with the eagerness of hundreds of millions of wanderers to go home?


On January 26, the first day of the Spring Festival, hundreds of millions of travelers embarked on their way home, and 12306, as the official website for railway ticket purchases, once again became the focus of public attention. Back in 2011, 12306 was officially launched, but soon after it was launched, it encountered the impact of massive traffic during the Spring Festival, which caused the system to crash and aroused strong dissatisfaction among netizens. Why is that?


First, let's break down the technical challenges behind 12306. Unlike common network applications, 12306 involves not only ticketing transactions, but also complex scheduling calculations. Every time a user buys a ticket, the system needs to complete a series of complex background operations in a very short time to ensure the synchronization of online and offline information. At the same time, when users query tickets, a lot of calculations and scheduling need to be carried out in the background to meet the needs of hundreds of millions of users.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

And during the Spring Festival, these challenges were magnified countless times. Many users will continue to refresh the page when they can't get a ticket, and various ticket-grabbing tools are also flooded, resulting in a surge in queries. In addition, due to the special nature of train tickets, users may be looking for various transfer options, which also makes the query and ticketing logic more complicated.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

To address these issues, the Ministry of Railways has worked with a number of tech giants. Initially, IBM came up with a solution, but it was unsuccessful for various reasons. Subsequently, the Ministry of Railways found Alibaba Cloud. At that time, although Alibaba Cloud's technology was gradually maturing, it still faced considerable challenges. It wasn't until four years later, with the continuous advancement of technology, Alibaba Cloud finally succeeded in supporting the remaining ticket query business of 12306.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

In order to ensure everyone's way home, 12306 is doing its best to invest in technology every year. At this special moment of the Spring Festival, we saw the hardships of grabbing tickets, and also saw the power of science and technology.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

On the first day of the Spring Festival, we not only saw the mood of the wanderer going home, but also saw the coexistence of technology and warmth. In the P5 parking lot of Zhengzhou East High-speed Railway Station, some passengers are taking a break in the living room of Yuzhou City, preparing to go home for a reunion. "I just got off the high-speed rail, I haven't been home for a year, and I miss my family very much. Ms. Wang said, "I usually don't have holidays, but it's finally the New Year, and the company has also given out some benefits, thinking about bringing them back to my parents." ”

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

For these travelers, the journey home may be long, but advances in technology have made the process more convenient. Nowadays, with the development of cloud computing, big data and other technologies, the problem of difficulty in purchasing tickets for the Spring Festival is gradually being solved. 12306, as the official website of railway ticketing, is also constantly upgrading and improving the technical architecture. Through the introduction of cloud computing, big data and other technical means to improve the stability and concurrent processing capacity of the system. At the same time, strengthening cooperation and resource sharing with major e-commerce platforms is also an effective way to alleviate the pressure of purchasing tickets for the Spring Festival.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

The first day of the Spring Festival is also a day when 12306 faces a huge test. In the face of the demand for hundreds of millions of wanderers to go home and the impact of the flood of traffic, the 12306 system needs to withstand huge pressure and challenges. However, it is through continuous upgrading and improvement of the technical architecture that more wanderers can smoothly return home and reunite with their loved ones.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

Of course, during the Spring Festival, we also need to pay attention to some details, such as how to ensure the safety and rights of passengers, how to provide more humanized services, etc., these are all problems that we need to think about and solve.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

During the Spring Festival, 12306 will face three major challenges

1. Traffic peak impact: During the Spring Festival, hundreds of millions of travelers concentrated on online ticket purchases, resulting in a sharp increase in traffic and huge pressure on the 12306 system.

2. Technical complexity: In addition to the basic ticketing function, 12306 also needs to carry out complex scheduling calculations to ensure the synchronization of online and offline information. In addition, the peculiarities of train tickets make the query and ticketing logic more complicated.

3. User experience requirements: During the Spring Festival, users have an urgent demand for ticket purchases, and have high expectations for the response speed and service stability of the system.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

Four major countermeasures for 12306 during the Spring Festival

1. Introduce cloud computing and big data technology: Use the elasticity and metering methods of cloud computing to support massive query services and improve system stability and concurrent processing capabilities.

2. Cooperation and resource sharing: Strengthen cooperation with major e-commerce platforms, share resources, and alleviate the pressure of purchasing tickets for the Spring Festival.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

3. Continuous technology upgrading and improvement: Continuously optimize the system architecture to improve service quality and user experience.

4. Humanized service and safety guarantee: In addition to technical response, it is also necessary to pay attention to the safety and rights of passengers, and provide more humanized services.

January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?
January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

Message: The first day of the Spring Festival is a day full of challenges and opportunities, and it is also a day to show the power of science and technology and humanistic care, let us look forward to a better Spring Festival journey!

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January 26 | The first day of the Spring Festival: the technical challenges behind 12306, how to ensure a smooth ticket purchase?

#2024 Spring Festival Travel Guide##12306##Wuhan Headlines#