
I was 58 years old, I had been taking care of my sick mother for 8 years, my son was married, and my brother's actions brought tears to my eyes

author:Happy wind chimes

Dictation: Zhang Xiufang

Text arrangement: wind chimes

My name is Zhang Xiufang, I am 58 years old and I am a retired primary school teacher. I've loved teaching since I was a kid and I think it's rewarding to be able to educate children. I have taught countless students and gained a lot of friendship and respect. I love my job, I love my colleagues and students, and I feel like a happy person.

I have been married for many years and have not had children, my husband and I have suffered a lot in order to have a child, God still favors us, and when I was 32 years old, I became pregnant unexpectedly. It was a miracle for us, we were overjoyed, and we felt that it was the best gift God had ever given us. We told our friends and family the news, and they all blessed us and were happy for us.

My husband also takes good care of me, cooks me food every day, walks with me, tells me jokes and makes me happy. Our lives are full of happiness and anticipation, and we can't wait to meet our children.

Finally, I reached my due date, my husband accompanied me to the hospital, I gave birth to a healthy boy without incident, we were both so excited that we were in tears, we held our baby and felt like the happiest people in the world.

We stayed in the hospital for three days and then went home. Our home is very warmly furnished, and our relatives and friends have come to visit us and sent us a lot of gifts, wishing our children healthy growth, happiness and happiness.

However, just when we were at our happiest, an unexpected disaster struck suddenly. It was a Sunday afternoon, and my husband said he was going to buy some groceries and make dinner for me and the kids. I said okay, tell him to be careful and come back early. He said no problem, kissed me, touched the child's head, and went out. I looked at his back, my heart was full of love, I felt that he was the best husband in the world, the best father, how lucky I was to be able to marry him and have his children.

I was 58 years old, I had been taking care of my sick mother for 8 years, my son was married, and my brother's actions brought tears to my eyes

However, he never came back, and 2 hours later, I received a phone call from a strange man, who said he was a police officer and that my husband had been in a car accident. I listened, and all at once I was stupid, I couldn't believe it. He said my husband was hit by a speeding truck at an intersection and my husband died on the spot.

I listened, I felt like the sky was falling, I put down the phone, I couldn't breathe crying, I held my baby, I said to him, your dad is gone, your dad will never come back, and then I raised my son alone.

Eight years ago, when I learned that my mother had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, I had mixed feelings. I was 50 years old, had just retired, and my mother was 73 years old, and I watched her fade memories and perceptions, and I watched her often forget her name, where she lived, and even the faces of our loved ones. I know that her world is slowly blurring, and all we can do is be there for her as much as possible.

I took my mother into my own home, and our house is a small two-room house, my mother and I live in one room, and my son lives in the other. Every morning, I prepare breakfast for her, help her dress, wash her face, and brush her teeth. During the day, I would accompany her for walks, watch TV, and chat so that she would not feel lonely. In the evenings, I will help her with bathing, laundry, cleaning, and making sure she is comfortable.

I know that for my mother, home is her safe haven. I hope that through my efforts, I can make her feel the warmth and happiness of home. I would cook for her and cook the dishes she liked, I would walk with her through the familiar streets, I would watch TV with her and tell her those beautiful stories.

I was 58 years old, I had been taking care of my sick mother for 8 years, my son was married, and my brother's actions brought tears to my eyes

The son is also very filial, and every day when he comes back from work, he will visit his mother first. He would talk to her, tell her about the outside world, and buy her things she liked. Although my mother couldn't remember our names, she could feel our love and care. She smiled sweetly whenever we approached her.

Looking at my mother's smiling face, my heart was also filled with happiness and satisfaction. I know that no matter how difficult it is, as long as we love and care with our hearts, we can make our mother feel the warmth and happiness of home.

I also have a younger brother, we have a good relationship since childhood, he is also very filial, every year he comes back to visit his mother.

His younger brother's family are all working in other places, and every time he sees his mother's deteriorating condition, he feels distressed. He also thought about coming back to take care of his mother, but the pressure of life and the busyness of work made him unable to take a break.

The burden of caring for my mother naturally fell on me, and I have no complaints, because I know that it is my responsibility.

Over the past 8 years, I have witnessed my mother's condition gradually deteriorate. I know that no matter how difficult it is, I will always be there for her and protect her with my love. While life can make us feel helpless and tired at times, as long as we have each other, we have it all.

The year before last, my son talked about a girlfriend named Lin Tingting, who was a nurse. The first time I saw her, I liked her very much, and her smile was like the spring sun, warm and bright.

I was 58 years old, I had been taking care of my sick mother for 8 years, my son was married, and my brother's actions brought tears to my eyes

Tingting is very good to my son, the two of them take care of each other and support each other. At the same time, she was also very respectful to me and always greeted me with concern.

What touched me even more was that Tingting also cared about her mother. She often came to my house to help me with some household chores and ease my burden. She would also chat with her mother and tell her some interesting things, which made her smile from ear to ear. She even checks her mother to make sure she's in good health. When my mother needed injections and medicines, Tingting always took care of her personally, which made me feel very gratified.

Gradually, I treated Tingting as if she were my own daughter. I hope that she and her son can get married as soon as possible, give me a lovely grandson, and let the family incense continue.

Every time I think about the days ahead, my heart is filled with anticipation and joy. I believe that with Tingting's company, our family will be happier and more happy.

This year, my son and Tingting are planning to get married, and my heart is full of joy, as if I see a happy future for my family. In my eyes, they are like a match made in heaven, and there is no need for words to tacit understanding and love each other.

Once, Tingting's parents and I sat together over tea and talked about the marriage of two young people. They smiled, but then, their words made me feel pressured: "To get married, you need to have a marriage room, this is the minimum we give Tingting." ”

I was shaken. Although I understand the current social reality, I am also well aware of my family's financial situation.

I was 58 years old, I had been taking care of my sick mother for 8 years, my son was married, and my brother's actions brought tears to my eyes

Our house is a small two-room, if the son gets married and has a child, it is really impossible to live, the son and, Tingting are young people with dreams, they love each other deeply, and they are unwilling to give up each other because of external pressure.

My son and Tingting looked at me with firm eyes: "Mom, we don't want to give up on each other because of the problem of the house. We will work hard to make money and strive to buy a house of our own as soon as possible. ”

My heart was touched by their firmness, but at the same time it was full of apprehension. I know they're under a lot of pressure, and my son is working overtime every day to take on more projects just to be able to save enough for a down payment on a house.

Tingting also worked hard to save money, sacrificing a lot of her rest time. I couldn't bear to see them working so hard. I know that as parents, we can't provide them with enough financial support, we can only give them moral encouragement and support.

Whenever they are tired, I gently pat them on the shoulder and tell them, "You are the best, and your hard work and perseverance will definitely pay for a bright future." ”

Later, my younger brother learned about the predicament our family was facing, he called me and said: "Sister, I know that you have paid a lot for your mother over the years, I am really grateful to you, now my nephew is getting married, I need to buy a wedding house, I can't help much in the field, I transferred 500,000 yuan to my nephew, which is considered to be compensation for your payment, and it is also a little bit of my heart, please be sure to accept it." ”

Hearing my brother's words, a warm current welled up in my heart. I was so emotional, I couldn't speak for a while. The corners of my eyes moistened, and tears slipped down my face.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my emotions: "Brother, you can see the outside world when you say that. Taking care of my mother is what I should do, how can I ask you for compensation?"

My younger brother seemed to feel my emotions, and his voice was a little choked: "Sister, I know that you have been silently paying for this family. You can accept the 500,000 yuan, which is a little bit of my heart. ”

I understand my brother's intentions and feel his care and love for our family.

Do you think I should take the 500,000?

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#I'm here to chat about homely cooking##Winter life check-in season#