
In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

author:Miracle Book

"Mom, let me save you!"

In an inconspicuous small village in Shouguang, Shandong, there was an earth-shattering story of maternal love. An ordinary rural woman, struggling on the brink of life and death, rekindling hope in despair, finally miraculously saved her life.

If you ask her where she draws her from such tenacious vitality, she will not hesitate to point to her 8-year-old daughter, the little girl who saved her dying mother with her own bone marrow.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Now that 6 years have passed, how is this family of three?

Let's find out.

I. Introduction

Not far from us, there is such a small village in Shouguang City, Shandong Province, where a kind and hard-working peasant family lives, they are Ba Lili and Xiao Weiqiang.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Ba Lili is a native of this village, and her family was poor since she was a child, but Ba Lili is a strong girl who is not afraid of hardships and strives to help her family share the burden of life. In the village, Balili is known for her hard work and ability, and is loved by everyone.

Xiao Weiqiang is a young man from other places, after coming to this village, he noticed Ba Lili at first sight, a beautiful and capable girl. After dating, the two sprouted a spark of love, and soon entered the palace of marriage.

After marriage, Xiao Weiqiang and Ba Lili were very affectionate. In order to make life better, they work hard and work hard to earn money. They work hard in the fields during the day, and at night they go out to do odd jobs, and although life is hard, as long as the family is together, they feel very happy.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

After several years of hard work, the two finally saved enough money to build a house. In their hometown, they built a beautiful little western-style house, and when the house was built, Balili was also full of joy, she was pregnant with the couple's first child.

In this regard, Xiao Weiqiang is very excited and happy. He began to look forward to the arrival of the child with joy, fantasizing about the scene of playing with the child. In this home, a new life has been added to the young couple, which makes the young couple feel another kind of happiness.

Soon, Balili gave birth to a healthy and beautiful daughter. This loving couple takes care of this daughter even more, she is the crystallization of their love, and she is the smallest pearl in the palm of this family.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

As their daughter grew up, Ba Lili and Xiao Weiqiang took her with them, and they took their daughter with them wherever they went. Although life is still hard, looking at my lovely daughter, all the tiredness is swept away, and it is replaced by a full sense of happiness.

There are many left-behind children in this village, whose parents have gone out to work and are left at home to be cared for by their grandparents. When Balili saw these poor children, she couldn't bear to let her daughter suffer. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, she must take her daughter by her side and give her the best care and education.

However, the good times did not last long, and the happy little family suffered a huge change when their daughter was 6 years old.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

That day, her daughter was playing at the entrance of the village, but she was still young and ignorant of the world, so she ran to the main road at the entrance of the village. This road is full of traffic and traffic. In an instant, the daughter was hit by a speeding car and died instantly.

Receiving this bad news, Ba Lili and Xiao Weiqiang were like five thunderbolts. They hurried to the scene of the incident, but what they saw was their daughter's cold and stiff body. Balili was in great pain, and she cried bitterly as she held her daughter's corpse.

Having lost their beloved daughter all at once, the young parents fell into deep despair and pain. Especially Ba Lili, she has irreparable trauma in her heart, and she always blames herself for not taking good care of her daughter, which led to this tragedy.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

In order to comfort his heartbroken wife, Xiao Wei held back his grief and tried to give his wife spiritual support. They suffered the devastation of losing their children and spent two years in despair.

Fortunately, life goes on. In 2008, Balili gave birth to another daughter, which rekindled hope for the family. Ba Lili poured all her mother's love into this daughter, and the husband and wife took care of her meticulously, for fear that she would be hurt in any way.

They named this daughter Xuanxuan, and watching her grow up healthy and happy day by day, Ba Lili and Xiao Weiqiang's lives are slowly on the right track.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

In order to give their daughter the best life, they worked hard and worked hard to run their business. Relying on diligence and kindness, the couple's business became more and more prosperous, and their lives gradually became more prosperous.

Looking at her well-behaved and obedient daughter, Ba Lili sincerely felt relieved and happy. She kept in mind the misfortune that happened to her eldest daughter, and took care of Xuan Xuan more every day, for fear that she would encounter any accidents.

An ordinary and happy home lives happily in the passage of time. However, the good times did not last long, and when Xuan Xuan was 8 years old, the family was hit by a sudden bad news again.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Second, the sick part of Balili

That year, Balili was 38 years old. One day, she suddenly felt a little unwell and always felt weak. At first, she thought it was just a change of seasons and didn't take it to heart.

However, this symptom persists, and sometimes Balili even feels dizzy. She went to the pharmacy to buy some blood-tonifying medicines, but after taking them for a while, she didn't improve much.

Gradually, Barili found that her face was becoming more and more pale and bloodless. Not only that, but she also had many red spots and bruises the size of her fingernails, which were all unusual.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Seeing these abnormalities in his wife's body, Xiao Weiqiang was very worried. He immediately accompanied Balili to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, trying to find out what the symptoms were.

After the results of the examination came out, the doctor's face was solemn, and Xiao Weiqiang was called to a separate room by himself. He told Xiao Weiqiang that Ba Lili was suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which was in the middle stage.

Getting this result, Xiao Weiqiang was like being struck by lightning, he knew the horror of leukemia, and the whole person fell into despair. However, he still mustered up the courage to inform Ba Lili of his condition.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Ba Lili was also shocked, the first thought that flashed in her heart was not herself, but how her 8-year-old daughter Xuanxuan should live. Thinking of the possibility of leaving her daughter, Ba Lili couldn't hold back tears from her eyes.

Xiao Weiqiang comforted Ba Lili that as long as she was actively treated, she would definitely be able to cure the disease. For the sake of his wife, he took her to several major hospitals for consultations, but the results were the same, and Balili had to start chemotherapy immediately.

The chemotherapy process was painful, and it was not uncommon for hair to fall out profusely and to look increasingly haggard. These side effects tormented Ba Lili, while Xiao Weiqiang stayed in the hospital and took care of them around the clock.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

For his wife's medical expenses, Xiao Weiqiang sold his family's property and borrowed debts everywhere. He has a strong personality and has rarely asked for help for many years, but this time, for the sake of Balili, he went door-to-door to ask relatives and friends for help.

And Xuan Xuan also took a long vacation, and came to the hospital every day to take care of her sick mother. She read storybooks to her mother, helped her massage her swollen legs, and did all the filial piety of a child.

After a year and a half of hard struggle, Ba Lili's condition was finally brought under control, all indicators improved, and her face became rosy. The family was ecstatic, hugging each other and celebrating the return of hope.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

However, just two months later, Balili's condition suddenly deteriorated. A dizziness episode, and the results of another examination were desperate - doctors said that her illness was less than half a year away.

This sudden news put the family in a desperate situation. Doctors say she now has to rely on a bone marrow transplant to survive.

So, Xiao Weiqiang brought all of Ba Lili's relatives to do bone marrow matching. But all the results were unsatisfactory, and there was no match for the matching. In the end, Balili's father barely succeeded, but he was unable to donate due to his advanced age.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Once again, the desperate result was obtained, and Balili's hope for life gradually faded. She couldn't bear to continue to drag down her family, and even had the idea of ending her life.

Balili is very depressed and desperate, and she has always been a positive and optimistic woman. No matter how difficult life is, Ba Lili has never given up hope.

But this time facing the shadow of death, Ba Lili was disheartened. She looked at herself on the sickbed, her face was sallow, emaciated, and she was very different from her former beautiful and capable self.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Balili knows that leukemia is a terminal disease that is difficult to cure. Chemotherapy only delays time, and in the end, they will give up the treatment and let the disease destroy their lives. Thinking of this, Barili burst into tears.

She looked at her husband and daughter who were taking care of her at the bedside, and felt guilty in her heart. A strong man who has sold all his possessions for himself and borrowed from all over the place. and the innocent daughter, who should have been happy to study at an age, but now stays in the sad ward all day long.

Balili knew that she had become a burden to the family. Mental treatment will not help, and you will still lose to the disease in the end. She couldn't bear to continue to drain her family's energy, money and time.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

One night, Balili tidied herself up and went to the creek at the edge of the village. She watched the river flow silently in the moonlight and decided to end her meaningless life there.

Just as Balili was standing on the edge of the river embankment and about to take a fatal step, her husband's call stopped her. On the other end of the phone, the daughter cried and shouted, "Mom, you must live!"

Hearing her daughter's pitiful cries, Balili was in a dilemma. She understands that living will only increase the pain of her family, however, she is sorry for her daughter's expectations and concerns, and her mother's love cannot bear to be so selfish.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Barili struggled in pain for a long, long time by the riverbank. In the end, she chose to go home and decided to continue the fight against the disease, even if it was slim, she had to try to live with her family every day.

3. Daughter Xuanxuan saves her mother

Xiao Weiqiang was unwilling to give up, he thought of one last way - let his daughter Xuanxuan try to match Ba Lili's bone marrow. Although Xuan Xuan is only 8 years old, this is the last hope to save Ba Lili. So, they took Xuan Xuan to do a matching test.

After the matching results came out, the doctor happily told them that Xuan Xuan's bone marrow was a perfect match for Ba Lili! Xiao Weiqiang and Ba Lili were not too happy to get the good news, because they couldn't bear to let their 8-year-old daughter suffer the pain of bone marrow extraction. What's more, they are worried about whether such an operation will cause damage to the child's young body.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

However, Xuan Xuan's thoughts are different from those of her parents. When she learned that she could save her mother, the little girl did not hesitate to express her wish - she must donate bone marrow to save her mother's life.

In the face of repeated dissuasion from her parents, Xuan Xuan was extremely resolute. "Even if I run out of bone marrow, I have to save my mother!" There was firmness in the little girl's tone.

Once Xuan Xuan made up her mind, it would be difficult for Ba Lili and Xiao Weiqiang to persuade her again. The husband and wife were very unhappy, they were moved by their daughter's filial piety, but they were worried that she would suffer.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Eventually, they had to succumb to their daughter's insistence. Xuan Xuan was overjoyed when she learned that she could save her mother. In order to reach the weight standard for donating bone marrow as soon as possible, she began to eat all kinds of high-calorie foods like crazy, and quickly gained 20 pounds in less than a month.

This change made Balili, who was still in the hospital room, very puzzled, she didn't know why her daughter didn't come to see her, and she didn't know that she was trying to gain weight and prepare to donate bone marrow.

Finally, in the early morning, Xuan Xuan was pushed into the operating room. The process of extracting bone marrow was extremely difficult, the needle was thick and long, and Xuan Xuan was in a cold sweat in pain, but she didn't say a word, just for her mother to recover as soon as possible.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

After the operation, Xiao Weiqiang hugged his daughter and cried bitterly. The medical staff were also touched by the selfless dedication of this little angel. Everyone said that they had never seen such a brave and kind child.

And Ba Lili finally understood the signs before in the ward - it turned out that her daughter was silently preparing bone marrow for her, so she didn't come to see her, and Ba Lili, who knew the truth, couldn't help but burst into tears.

After observation and treatment, the bone marrow of the mother and daughter were perfectly matched and the transplant was very successful. Ba Lili's recovery after the operation is also very good, and all indicators are improving.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

Finally, because of the selfless dedication of her daughter at the age of 8, Barili was reborn from the hands of death. The mother was treated, and the daughter grew from a brave and kind little girl to an admirable little angel.

4. Afterword

After the successful bone marrow transplant, Balili's body is getting better every day. A month later, Ba Lili's health has basically recovered, and the doctors agreed to let Ba Lili be discharged from the hospital and go home to reunite with her family.

Back home, she and her husband returned to business. In 2022, they opened a wedding shop in their hometown, mainly selling wedding dresses, wedding supplies, etc. Ba Lili and her husband have a tacit understanding and a very successful business, and they use their excess profits to enrich Xuan Xuan's life.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

And to their relief, after this test of life and death, Xuan Xuan has become more sensible and obedient. She knows that it is not easy for her parents, so she will do her homework seriously after school and help her parents share the housework.

For Ba Lili and Xiao Weiqiang, being able to regain a happy life with their loved ones is the most valuable wealth they have gained. Through ups and downs, this loving couple and their smart and brave daughter have become inseparable from each other.

They have experienced life and death, so they have learned to cherish the present even more. Balili knows that birth, old age, sickness and death are the only way in life, and she is grateful to God for giving her a second life and allowing her to have such a good family.

In order to save her mother with leukemia, the 8-year-old girl gained dozens of pounds, how is her mother now?

This hard-won happiness is precious to Balili. She will never give up hope easily, because there is still so much beauty in life for her to explore and enjoy.

I think that Ba Lili and her family will continue to cherish the life in front of them, and only then will they turn into a way and drift away before they are victorious in the fight against the disease. In the future, they will spend more happy times until each other's hair is gray and hunchbacked.