
Experts refute rumors: widows can't get married in the year. Netizens are angry: I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the mouths of experts

author:Listening to stories is a long thing

Today, an article about "widows" appeared on the hot search.

What comes to mind when you think of widows?

I heard that according to the corresponding answers, you can know if you are a dirty person.

The lunar calendar 2024 is the Year of the Widow, and many people wanted to get married, but I heard that it was the Year of the Widow and stopped.

Experts refute rumors: widows can't get married in the year. Netizens are angry: I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the mouths of experts

The meaning: Don't believe that you can get married in the year of the widow.

There are three points of view in the comment area, which fully shows that the weight of experts is slowly weakening.

1. The current experts are really idle, and this kind of thing has to come out to refute rumors, what experts, experts to refute rumors?

The current experts are really idle, because there is no work to do, and everyone doesn't trust the experts anymore.

Experts refute rumors: widows can't get married in the year. Netizens are angry: I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the mouths of experts

Second, as long as you go against the experts, you must be right.

Experts refute rumors: widows can't get married in the year. Netizens are angry: I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the mouths of experts

Why is this happening?

The main reason is that after being pitted too many times, it is natural to consciously avoid the pit.

Third, I believe in what the experts oppose.

Experts refute rumors: widows can't get married in the year. Netizens are angry: I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the mouths of experts

One is more than the other.

It seems that the reputation of the expert is getting worse and worse.

Editor's point of view:

Showing up, the experts on the self-media every day are not experts in the real sense, and they must be highly vigilant about the views they say, and they must know what the interests behind him are.

I still believe that there are good experts, as long as they turn the right way, the experts are still very good.

For example, if the machine of an enterprise is broken, and many people are found to repair it but it is not repaired, then someone suggests that it should be tried by an expert Wang. As soon as expert Wang came, it was repaired in five minutes.

This is the specialization of the art industry! This is the true meaning of the expert.