
50 Project "Digital Words"

author:There are storytellers

The text is as follows:

In construction management, engineering materials and speeches, some construction processes, processes, methods and control contents are often highly summarized by "simple words at the beginning of numbers", which is concise and concise. But these "digital phrases" often make people forget what they are referring to. It is now collected and compiled as follows for the on-site construction personnel to check and use.

One word for nothing

1. One machine, one box, one gate and one leakage: refers to the requirements for the electrical safety of on-site machines and equipment: a special switch box for a piece of electrical equipment, and an isolation switch (one gate) and a leakage protector in the switch box.

2. One certificate and two documents: It means that the materials used for the project must have a formal factory certificate, a material certificate and a laboratory test sheet that has passed the on-site sampling.

3. One post with two responsibilities: In the construction project, it refers to a specific job with dual responsibilities, emphasizing the safety responsibilities of each job, that is, the job responsibilities and safety responsibilities of the post.

Two words in short

1. Two certificates: refer to the "Qualification Certificate" and "Post Certificate" that the main management and technical personnel on site must have.

2. Two noes and one construction: In the construction process, the Ministry of Railways emphasized that it is necessary to firmly establish "no regrets, no sinners, and immortal projects".

Three words in short

1. Three wastes: refers to the "waste water, waste gas, and waste residue" that need to be properly disposed of in environmental protection.

2. Three controls: refers to the control in the construction process: pre-control, in-process control, and post-control. The focus of quality control should be pre-emptive. It also refers to the three major controls of "quality, progress and investment".

3. Three guarantees: refers to the general requirements for construction: quality, safety and progress.

4. "Three treasures": refers to the wearing and installation of safety helmets, safety belts and safety nets.

5. Three publics: refers to the three principles in the assessment and evaluation work: openness, fairness and justice.

6. Three orders: refers to the commencement order, suspension order and resumption of work order issued by the superintendent after the consent of the owner.

7. Tripartite: refers to the "tripartite" in the engineering construction management system: the project owner, the contractor and the supervision unit.

8. Sanquan: refers to the quality management of all employees, all-round and the whole process in the quality assurance system.

9. Three inspections: refers to self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection or special inspection in construction.

10. Three works: refers to each construction process, technical and quality inspection personnel should do: pre-work technical disclosure, in-process inspection and guidance, and post-work summary and evaluation.

11. Three stresses: refers to the three stresses on safety in the construction process: before going to work, stressing safety precautions; during construction, stressing the key points of safe operation; and after finishing work, commenting on today's safety situation and lessons learned.

12. Three violations: refers to the abbreviation of "illegal command, illegal operation, and violation of labor discipline".

13. Three networks: telecommunications network, broadband network, and television network.

14. Three electricity: that is, electricity, telecommunications, radio and television facilities.

15. Three simultaneities: It means that the environment and soil and water conservation in the construction of the project should be synchronized with the construction of the main body of the project, that is, the design, construction and inspection at the same time. It must be done at the same time, leaving no future troubles.

16. Three processes: refers to the construction of each process, requiring the construction personnel to do: check the upper process, ensure the process, and serve the next process.

17. Three reviews: refers to the review of the change of hands between surveyors, the review of the technical person in charge and the review of the chief engineer in the surveying work. It also refers to the review of the technical leader, the quality inspection engineer and the supervision engineer in the on-site technical and quality control work.

18. Three do not harm: It refers to not harming oneself, not harming others, and not being harmed by others. See "Four Do No Harm" at the back.

19. Three fixed systems: refers to the system of "fixed people, fixed machines and fixed post responsibilities" in the management of machinery and equipment.

20. Three non-handover: refers to the handover between construction processes: no self-inspection record is not handed over, no handover is not handed over without acceptance by the quality inspection engineer, and no handover is done without the signature of the supervising engineer.

21. Three everything: all processes have standards, all standards have inspections, and all inspections have conclusions.

22. Three-level power distribution: that is, the total distribution, distribution and switch box of the power supply system. Safe electricity consumption requires three-level power distribution and step-by-step protection.

23. Three links and one level: the conditions that need to be met at the construction site before the start of construction: road pass, water pass, electricity pass and site leveling. If it says "five links and one level", it should add communication (including network) and ventilation; if it says "seven links": it should add postal communication and heating.

24. Three-in-one comprehensive: refers to the requirements and methods of total quality management. That is, the whole process, all quality, full participation in the management and the comprehensive use of management, professional technology and mathematical statistics methods.

25. Three pipes and four lines: refers to the "three pipes" in the tunnel construction support work: ventilation pipes, high-pressure air pipes, and high-pressure water pipes;

26. Three treasures, four mouths and five borders: refers to some items in the on-site safety inspection.

(1) "Three treasures": refers to the wearing and installation of safety helmets, safety belts and safety nets.

(2) "Four mouths": refers to the edge protection of staircase and elevator entrances, pit protection, passage mouth protection, balcony floor roof, etc.

(3) "Five edges": that is, the safety protection facilities of the building facing the edge, the roof facing the edge, the balcony facing the edge, the lifting port facing the edge, and the foundation pit facing the edge of the project under construction.

27. Three standards or three certificates system: refers to the quality management standard system, environmental standard system, health and safety standard system of the enterprise, referred to as "three standards" in the enterprise, and is also called three certificate system or three certificates in one.

28. Integration of three standards: refers to the unity of policy and objectives, the integration of management functions, the integration of system documents, the coordination of process control, the synchronization of performance monitoring, and the integration of continuous improvement, referred to as "integration of three standards".

29. Three-standard integrated certification: Simply put, it is the integration and certification of the three management systems of quality (QMS), environment (EMS) and occupational health and safety (OHSAS).

30. Three-level safety education: safety education at three levels: the company, the project management department, and the construction team. The first level: the company level, the content is the national policy, and the company's safety policy; the second level: the project department level, the content is the project department's safety management system; the third level: the team level, the content is the specific safety operation procedures and operation precautions. Generally speaking, the team level is the most substantial, as it is actually related to the safety of the individual.

31. Three-phase five-wire system: refers to the system with a dedicated neutral point direct grounding of the neutral line (called TN-S zero protection system). Three-phase electricity, plus five wires: three phase wires (A, B, C), neutral wire (N wire), and ground wire (PE wire) for three-phase electricity.

32. Three-step seven-step method: refers to the three-step seven-step excavation method of soil layer or unstable rock mass tunnel or large-section tunnel, which is based on the arc guide pit excavation to retain the core soil as the basic model, divided into upper, middle and lower three steps and seven excavation faces, and the excavation and support of each part are staggered along the longitudinal direction of the tunnel and the tunnel construction method of parallel advancement.

33. Three-stage, four-section and eight-process: refers to the division of stages and sections in subgrade filling, as well as the specific construction process.

(1) "Three stages": preparation stage, construction stage and completion acceptance stage; "four sections": filling area, leveling area, rolling area and inspection area;

(2) "Eight processes": construction preparation→ substrate treatment→ layered filling→ paving→ sprinkling or cooling→ rolling and tamping→ inspection and acceptance→ refurbishment and forming.

34. Three ahead of the first four in place and one strengthened: refers to the key links that must be emphasized in tunnel construction.

"Three ahead": refers to advance forecasting, reinforcement and support; "four in place"; construction method selection, support measures, rapid closure, lining follow-up in place; "one strengthening": strengthening measurement.

Four-word simple language

1. Quartet: refers to the four units in the construction of the project: the construction unit, the design unit, the contractor and the supervision unit.

2. Four electricity: refers to communication, signaling, power and electrification projects in railway construction.

3. Four new: refers to the new technologies, new processes, new equipment and new materials that are vigorously promoted and applied in the construction of the project.

4. Four controls: refers to construction quality, safety, progress and investment control. If we say "five controls", we should add environmental protection controls.

5. Four one: the slogan put forward by the construction and supervision unit for the reputation and long-term interests of the enterprise: build a project, set up a monument, build an image, and make friends (or sow a new wind).

6. Four same: refers to the acceptance requirements of each batch of steel, which should be composed of steel with the same grade, the same heat number, the same specification and the same delivery state.

7. Four do not harm: It refers to not harming oneself, not harming others, not being harmed by others, and protecting others from being harmed.

8. Four do not let go: refers to the principle of dealing with safety or quality problems or accidents:

(1) Failure to find out the real cause of the accident, that is, the origin point of the "incident", and not letting it go;

(2) The person responsible for the mistake did not deal with it, did not reflect deeply, did not accept the lesson, and did not let go;

(3) The relevant parties and even all employees did not receive education and learn from the experience, and did not let go;

(4) Failure to formulate practical measures to prevent the recurrence of such accidents.

9. Communication of four ditches: refers to the communication of gutters, drainage ditches, side ditches and blind ditches of the tunnel.

10. Four standardizations: refer to the four standardization requirements of railway engineering construction: standardization of management system, standardization of staffing, standardization of on-site management, and standardization of process control.

11. Four stages and eight steps: refers to the quality management procedure for all employees (PDCA cycle work method). In this way, our thinking methods and work content can be more organized, systematic, visualized and scientific.

(1) "Four Phases" (PDCA): Plan, Do, Check, and Action.

(2) The "eight steps" are the concretization of four stages: find out the quality problems→ analyze the influencing factors→ find out the main causes→ formulate improvement measures→ implement the measures in accordance with → investigate the implementation effect→ summarize the lessons learned→ put forward the unsolved problems, and enter the next PDCA cycle.

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