
Sincerity is nirvana: Lynk & Co joins hands with Hema to release "sincerity" benefits

author:IT Focus

In 2024, the "snatching" war in the automobile circle is still in full swing, AVATR 12 found Tony Leung to endorse, Zhiji held hands with Tang Wei, and Lynk & Co is no longer the brand that "does big things quietly" at the beginning, but chose another mysterious "blue star" in the event co-branding, which attracted the attention of many users only in the warm-up stage.

Sincerity is nirvana: Lynk & Co joins hands with Hema to release "sincerity" benefits

Lynk & Co joins hands with Freshippo: "08 Fang Laicai" to start the New Year welfare carnival

On January 22, Lynk & Co and Hema launched an online live broadcast, and the surprise benefits of 1,000 yuan car purchase made many users lock these two brands, and on January 23, a unique New Year welfare activity was held, and in the Lynk & Co brand user center in Hangzhou, the "08 Fang Laicai" activity was very lively. As long as you check in at the store, you can get customized peripherals, and the first 30 test drive users every day will also receive a Hema gift card. This wave of welfare operations not only made people say "too suitable", but also made everyone praise Lynk & Co's creativity.

Sincerity is nirvana: Lynk & Co joins hands with Hema to release "sincerity" benefits

Sincere cooperation is the secret of win-win

This cooperation with Hema is different from previous celebrity endorsements. Lynk & Co is a clever combination of interaction, check-in, and test drive, so whether you're a social savvy or a quiet observer, you'll find a way to participate. More importantly, this cooperation not only brings tangible benefits to prospective car owners, but also attracts high-quality customers to Freshippo.

Sincerity is nirvana: Lynk & Co joins hands with Hema to release "sincerity" benefits

Interpret the "optimal solution" for the combination of life and automobiles

As a high-end brand in China, Lynk & Co has always insisted on being closely connected with "Generation Z" while transforming to the new energy track. This cross-border cooperation is a perfect combination of automobiles and lifestyles. Lynk & Co not only demonstrated its excellent product strength, but also sent a clear message to other car companies: sincerity is the key to winning users.

Sincerity is nirvana: Lynk & Co joins hands with Hema to release "sincerity" benefits

The Spring Festival is approaching, major car companies are making every effort to sprint sales, Lynk & Co chose to cooperate with Hema cross-border, bringing real benefits to users, and at the same time proving to users that they chose Lynk & Co 08EM-P as a car, from welfare to driving experience can give users full marks, choose "08EM-P" no regrets.