
Attention to parents: these manifestations of "bear children" may be suggestive of ADHD!

author:Guangzhou Erboshi Psychological Counseling

Do your children also have such problems - they like to make small movements in class, do not abide by discipline, and will disturb other classmates to listen to class, do not listen to lectures in class, go home and write homework and don't know anything, can't sit still in class, always fight between classes, teachers often look for parents, can't keep up with study, procrastinate in writing homework, lose their temper when they encounter problems that they can't do, and don't know what to do.

In the face of such children, parents often feel a headache but are helpless. In fact, these seemingly naughty "bear children" may not be naughty and mischievous, lack of discipline, but ADHD. The clinical manifestations of ADHD are mainly three aspects: attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Attention to parents: these manifestations of "bear children" may be suggestive of ADHD!

1. Attention deficit

1. Carelessness: Studying and doing things without paying attention to details, and careless mistakes often occur, such as missing answers in exams and scribbling.

2. Lack of attention time: The concentration time when studying, doing things or playing is shorter (less than 25 minutes for 7-10 years old, less than 30 minutes for 10-12 years old, and less than 35 minutes for 12 years old).

3. Poor communication: When others speak to him, it often seems that he is not listening or not hearing, and often contradicts his parents.

4. Failure to follow instructions: often do not follow instructions, and do not complete their school homework and other things.

5. Poor planning: It is difficult to arrange daily study and life.

6. Brain avoidance: Frequent avoidance, disgust, or reluctance to perform tasks that require constant mental effort, such as in class or while doing homework.

7. Frequently lost things: often lose some commonly used things, such as toys, pencils, books or other learning utensils.

8. Distracted distraction: Often distracted by external things or irrelevant stimuli.

9. Forgetting things often: forgetting tasks assigned by teachers, assignments, etc.

Attention to parents: these manifestations of "bear children" may be suggestive of ADHD!

2. Hyperactivity

1. Unable to sit still: Frequently leave your seat in the classroom or other situations where you need to sit in a seat.

2. Frequent fighting: often running around or climbing up and down excessively in inappropriate situations.

3. It's hard to play quietly.

4. Passive busyness: often being busy, or often feeling like being driven to do things.

5. Keep talking: often talk a lot, and talk endlessly.

6. Preemptively answer: Always answer questions before they are finished.

7. Extreme impatience: It is difficult to wait in order, such as queuing, racing, or other group activities.

8. Influencing others: Frequently interrupting or interfering with others, such as interfering into someone else's conversation or game.

Attention to parents: these manifestations of "bear children" may be suggestive of ADHD!

3. Impulsiveness

1. Often overreact to unpleasant stimuli, easily excited and impulsive, regardless of the occasion, regardless of the consequences, difficult to control themselves and even hurt others.

2. Not following the rules of the game, lack of patience or waiting.

3. Impulsive behavior, like to climb high, climb over railings, suddenly cross the road, etc.

4. Lack of patience, such as frequently interrupting others, cutting in line, etc.

Preschool: Excessive noise and troublemaking, poor discipline, annoying, obvious aggressive behavior, often causing trouble, often causing trouble in kindergarten, unable to follow discipline.

School-age: hyperactive, difficulty quieting, difficulty concentrating, tantrums, impulsiveness and poor self-control, strained relationships with classmates and teachers, poor academic performance, confrontation, disobedience and conduct problems.

After entering school, they feel difficulty concentrating, poor or significantly declining academic performance, disgusted with school and poor mood, doing things without considering the consequences, often talking back to their parents, arguing with teachers, lacking the spirit of cooperation with classmates, and easily overreacting.

Children with ADHD behave differently at different ages. Generally, if the above problems occur, parents should consider the possibility of ADHD and take the child to a specialist hospital for treatment in time.

Attention to parents: these manifestations of "bear children" may be suggestive of ADHD!

Note: The article is for the purpose of popular science, and some of the content and pictures are from the Internet.

Guangzhou Angel Children's Hospital

A healthy child, a happy family!