
Is the child autistic if he is not social?

author:Guangzhou Erboshi Psychological Counseling

Some parents may find that their babies are not very social at school, play alone, and teachers do not like to talk to them. In this regard, experts remind that such a performance does not necessarily mean that the baby has autism, but parents should be more vigilant.

Although the current rate of autism is increasing year by year, as a parent, there is no need to be overly anxious, and do not "label" arbitrarily without a strict medical diagnosis. So, what are the early warning signs of children's psychological and behavioral development, let's take a look~

Is the child autistic if he is not social?

The first is a social communication disorder

It is manifested in delayed language development, poor body language, poor interaction with others, poor eye contact, ignorance of other people's words, and often self-centered, especially self-centered.

Is the child autistic if he is not social?

The second is narrow interests and stereotyped behavior

Children with autism often have stereotypical and abnormal behaviors such as playing with their hands, rotating their fingers, shaking paper in front of their eyes, and liking to make strange sounds.

Some children may even become obsessed with certain objects or plays, such as arranging objects and turning on and off light buttons repeatedly. Some children also exhibit ritual behaviors, such as having to follow a fixed route when going out or returning home. Narrow interests, often addicted to certain toys or fixed hobbies.

Is the child autistic if he is not social?

The third is sensory integration disorder

For example, they do not respond to other people's voices, but they are particularly sensitive to some very small sounds that ordinary children hardly notice.

Particularly afraid of thunder or firecrackers, does not like to be touched or hugged by others, and is very insensitive to pain.

Is the child autistic if he is not social?

Warm tips from Guangzhou Angel Children's Hospital

When you find that your baby has some signals, you should also make a comprehensive judgment, if it is an occasional single behavior, you don't have to be overly nervous, and you can continue to observe and judge later; if the baby has some lonely behaviors, it is recommended that parents carry out relevant examinations.

Parents should talk to their babies more, take them outside to play, and have more contact with other children. If the child has any of the above symptoms, parents should pay more attention and take the child to the doctor if necessary.

In addition, the examination of children with autism should also be routine, parents should be calm, abandon the traditional "disease" and "psychological problems" and other concepts of shackles, take the healthy growth of the baby as the starting point, and achieve early prevention, early detection and early treatment.

Is the child autistic if he is not social?

Note: The article is for the purpose of popular science, and some of the content and pictures are from the Internet.

Guangzhou Angel Children's Hospital

A healthy child, a happy family!