
It's a big fuss! The man shows off speeding and kills someone without being prosecuted! Netizens dropped their jaws in shock: What a big umbrella

author:Midnight in the world

Can you imagine? A man drove over the speed limit and hit and killed a person, but not only was he not brought to court, but his driver's license was not even taken away! That's not all, he still bragged on the Internet about how powerful he was! Recently, many netizens were so angry when they saw his arrogant remarks that they were about to explode! The man also said that he had only paid 550,000 yuan, and the insurance company had paid 890,000 yuan. After being disclosed by the media, it also attracted questions and condemnation from all walks of life. (Source: Gale News)

It's a big fuss! The man shows off speeding and kills someone without being prosecuted! Netizens dropped their jaws in shock: What a big umbrella

Event recap

According to the screenshots and videos of the group chat posted by netizens, a young man named Li in Anhui is only 23 years old this year, has no culture, and has no job, so he likes to drive his car around. At around 10 p.m. on May 19, 2023, he was driving at a speed of 160 kilometers on a road in Fuyang, hitting and killing an old man riding a tricycle, and also crashed the car. The police came and said it was his fault and he was responsible.

It's a big fuss! The man shows off speeding and kills someone without being prosecuted! Netizens dropped their jaws in shock: What a big umbrella

After Li hit and killed someone, he didn't run, and he didn't drink or take drugs, but he already had 13 violations on his driver's license, and he also killed someone once. He talked to the old man's family, gave them 500,000 yuan, said sorry, and settled it.

On July 11, 2023, the police arrested Li, saying that he had committed a traffic accident and wanted to prosecute him. But later the procuratorate said that Li admitted his mistake, and the old man's family also forgave him, and the procuratorate believed that Li's crime was minor and did not need to be sentenced to criminal punishment and could be exempted from criminal punishment, so it made a decision not to prosecute and returned his driver's license to him.

On January 24, 2024, Li bragged to others on the Internet, saying that he was killed by a drag racing car, and also posted his driver's license and the decision of the procuratorate, saying that he only spent 500,000 yuan to settle it, and his driver's license has not been revoked, and said that the old man's family knocked on his bamboo pole. His words and photos were seen by netizens and forwarded to the Internet, so that everyone knew about it, and they were very angry.

It's a big fuss! The man shows off speeding and kills someone without being prosecuted! Netizens dropped their jaws in shock: What a big umbrella

On January 25, 2024, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News called the procuratorate in Fuyang and asked why they didn't sue Li and give him back his driver's license. People from the procuratorate said that they were investigating the matter, and the leaders were also holding a meeting to discuss it. The reporter called the traffic police in Fuyang again and asked them how to deal with it, but the traffic police said that it was inconvenient for them to say that they wanted to find the police who handled the case, and they could not say too much on the phone.

Event analysis

Li drove into someone and wanted to run away, which is really a lack of morality! Not only does he not understand the law, but he also does not respect life. This incident has also allowed us to see some problems and phenomena in the mainland's traffic safety. For example, many people drive and do not obey traffic rules, resulting in many traffic accidents. Did you know that there are nearly 200,000 traffic accidents on the mainland every year, more than 60,000 people are killed, more than 250,000 people are injured, and 12 billion yuan of money is wasted?

Moreover, 80% of these accidents are caused by illegal driving. Some people drive too fast, some drink and drive, some rush without waiting for a red light, some drive in the opposite direction, some people are too full in the car, and some people don't even wear seat belts.

These behaviors are dangerous, not only to oneself but also to others. However, some people just don't have a long memory, because they feel that the traffic regulations are not strict enough, not strong enough, and they can get away with it, so they just do whatever they want.

It's a big fuss! The man shows off speeding and kills someone without being prosecuted! Netizens dropped their jaws in shock: What a big umbrella

Another problem is that when the judiciary deals with traffic accidents, it is sometimes unfair, unreasonable, and opaque, which makes people lose confidence and trust in the law.

According to the law, if you drive against traffic rules and cause a serious accident, injure someone, kill someone, or damage property, you will go to jail for up to three years, if you drive into an accident and run away, or do other very bad things, you will go to jail for a minimum of three years, up to seven years, and if you run and kill someone, you will go to jail for a minimum of seven years.

Moreover, if you are a criminal suspect and the procuratorate does not prosecute you, it must also have conditions, for example, your accident is not very serious, did not cause great harm, and is not considered a crime; or you have exceeded the time limit prescribed by law for investigation; or you have sincerely repented, lost money, apologized, and the victim has forgiven you and reconciled with you.

However, in reality, sometimes the judiciary will do things that are not in accordance with the law, for example, they are unfair in determining the responsibility for the accident, unreasonable in assessing the severity of the accident, not transparent in the making and publication of the decision not to prosecute, and there may even be judicial corruption and umbrella problems.

These things will not only affect the fairness and authority of the judiciary, but also harm the rights and interests of victims and their families, cause society to lose trust and respect for the law, and undermine social harmony and stability.

It's a big fuss! The man shows off speeding and kills someone without being prosecuted! Netizens dropped their jaws in shock: What a big umbrella

Midnight view

However, it is not yet known whether this is true or not, and not long ago there was an incident in which the whistleblower was prosecuted and finally released, and now there is a criminal case in which a person who was killed is not prosecuted? The local authorities have to make it clear, don't let us guess.

If this is true, it would be unfair. How could this man get away with punishment so easily? If he hit and killed a person, is he not responsible? There must be something unsightly behind this, it may be that someone is helping him to make connections, or it may be that someone deliberately released water.

Either way, it's an insult to the law and a disrespect to the victims. We demand that the authorities investigate the matter thoroughly, give us a reasonable explanation, give the man a duly deserved punishment, and give the deceased a justice.

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