
No one will pay for anything other than what you are worth

author:Read when you're confused

If a family mother loses, then she must not lose to others, but to her own children.

She lost not in IQ, but in the compromise of kindness and forbearance.

Because from the moment she gave birth to the child, she thought about exchanging everything she had for the child's quiet years!

No one will pay for anything other than what you are worth

The mother's three views determine the child's development;

The mother's emotions determine the child's future.

Control your emotions, emotions without dignity are worthless.

Behind emotions is strength and pattern, you can't convince anyone, and you can't change anyone, what you have to do is to constantly change yourself and improve yourself.

No one will pay for anything other than what you are worth

The mother's vision determines the child's world.

Don't give too much to your children, "supply exceeds demand" love is superfluous, we must learn to "don't ask for help", don't let children feel that your contribution is taken for granted.

"Humility" can never be exchanged for gratitude and respect, so remember your place in the home, it is the master and not the servant!

Don't let your child feel that everything is easy, so he won't be able to appreciate the cherishing and preciousness of "love"!

No one will pay for anything other than what you are worth

Letting go and letting the child do his own thing, whether he does it well or badly, is his own experience.

Survival of the fittest, when there is a disagreement between the two sides, I rarely think about what the reason behind it is, so I have suffered a big loss.

Because what you tell him is "what others tell him", not his own perception, so he will not accept it.

Identifying with him, solving problems is the most important thing.

Someone won't take the information you tell them for granted.

And he will argue with you for his own understanding.

Only by agreeing with him will you have the opportunity to find the root cause of the problem, and concession is the best time and method.

No one will pay for anything other than what you are worth

Give your child the right to speak and make decisions, identify with him, accept him, appreciate him, and let him dare to express his ideas and ideas.

If you always want your child to learn to "shut up" and listen to you first in everything, then who will he tell the grievances in his heart? Tell people outside, we don't know whether he is good or bad, so we allow your child to have his own suggestions and opinions.

In the three views of parents, the future of their children is hidden.

Three-year-olds look big, seven-year-olds look old.

After the age of ten, don't tell him any big truths, because the child should understand everything, and the more you talk, the more annoying he will be!

No one will pay for anything other than what you are worth

When the emotions are vented and perceived by the parents, the child's temper will disappear by 1/3, and the child's emotions will basically stabilize when they are recognized.

There is nothing that cannot be let go, the goal is clear, and your life will have motivation;

Anxiety is because you think too much, and fear is because you are afraid of losing.

With less anticipation, your stress will disappear. If you can't change the facts, then change your attitude!

Being a rational person and doing things is good for yourself and others.

Clear boundaries are good for everyone, and if you can't always draw your mental boundaries, then you need to improve your cognitive level!
