
When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points

author:The old garden is silent and slow
When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points


The gray hair urges the old, and the green sun forces the old age. - "Returning to Nanshan at Dusk" Meng Haoran

Year after year, time flies, and suddenly looking back, people are over 60 years old. Many things are only deeply understood in old age. How to make our old age life more dignified and confident is a problem we must consider.

Many people may think that if you have enough savings and have economic "hard power", others will respect you, and your life will be secure, and you will naturally have confidence.

In fact, when people reach old age, they face more complex life situations. Having enough money can indeed ensure that you have food and clothing to wear and not starve and freeze, but there are three other things that are more important.

When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points

When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points

01. The ability to "take care of one's own life" independently, without relying on others, and grasping the initiative in life.

When people get old, they will understand that a healthy body and the ability to "take care of themselves" independently are far more important than gold and silver.

The money is gone, you can earn it. But if you lose your health and need to stay in bed for a long time, you will only be left with suffering for the rest of your life.

So, don't go to a job that sacrifices your health in order to make money. In addition, we should pay more attention to taking care of our bodies in life, the body of the elderly is very fragile, and all aspects of function have declined, so we must be more cautious.

Outside roadside stalls for snacks and barbecue stalls, try to eat as little as possible, and it is best to buy your own vegetables and cook.

Young people like to drink milk tea and drinks, we don't want to follow the trend to buy and eat and drink, make your own tea and drink, and go out with a thermos cup.

When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points

02. The elders and younger generations can live in harmony, and the children are promising, and they can be filial and kind to the elderly.

When people get old, there is a big difference between a family where their children are filial and a family where their children are not filial enough.

Children can be filial to their parents, so even if they have no savings when they are old, their children can fulfill the responsibility of supporting their parents, then the old man must be full of blessings in his old age, and he will have face when he goes outside, people will think that his parents teach well, the family has a good reputation, and people will respect you.

Therefore, as elders, we must also understand and care for our children more, and do not interfere in their children's lives with a strong attitude.

When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points

A relative in his hometown, who has been farming all his life, after the age of 60, because he has no pension, he actually has no money in his life after retirement, only a little savings, which is not enough to cope with the living expenses in his later years.

But he is very reasonable, and the children he has educated are also very filial, the children have all graduated from college, a son is a doctor, and a daughter is a teacher in a local public junior high school, and he is also very stable.

The children sent him 2,000 yuan of living expenses every month, and also renovated the house in his hometown, the old man in the village is naturally faced, although he has no savings, but the children develop well, and filial piety, naturally can get the respect of others, life also has confidence.

When people get old, they understand that what makes you live more dignified is not a deposit of millions, but these 3 points

03, do not rely on the old and sell the old, with noble character and top wisdom in the world.

Some people are old, after the age of 60, although they have a net worth of tens of millions and millions of savings, but they do not set a good example in their behavior, often rely on the old and sell the old, treat their children harshly, bully others in society, and do some "immoral" things, then they will not be respected by others.

Some people are old, even if they have no savings, but they have noble morals, they are also very inherently cultivated, they will not mess around, and they are full of the wisdom of the elders in life and work, so such people will also be respected by others.

There is a saying in the Analects: "Examine oneself, always think about one's own mistakes, and cultivate one's body."

People over 60, whether they have money or not, they must always examine themselves, don't be stubborn, and don't get into the horns.

We should always reflect on our own behavior, abide by social morality, often revise our behavior, and improve our inner cultivation.

If you persist in doing so, even if you can't be a saint, you can establish a high reputation in society and win the respect of others.
