
Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

author:Saisai Qingjian


Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

"The First Lady of Japan", "The Former First Lady of Japan", and "The First Widow of Japan", it is hard to imagine that these three identities will appear in one person in just 10 years.

Akie Abe, the wife of Shinzo Abe. On July 8, 2022, Shinzo Abe was assassinated, and her widow has attracted attention from all over the world.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

In July 2023, according to the "Global Network", Abe Akie wants to spend 500 million yen to build the "Shinzo Memorial Hall" on her husband's anniversary.

When the news broke, the whole country in Japan was in an uproar, and those who bluntly said that she was "wasting public funds" accounted for the majority, and the rest may have attacked her for being reckless and willful. So, what is the current situation of the controversial Akie Abe?

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

«——[Revealing Nature, Life Reversal]——»

For Akie Abe, her marriage to him was a complete alliance of the two families. And her most important task is to help her husband ascend to the throne, and she is like the mother of the country.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

For a person who was born to be a gentleman, such a dignified life can only be for a period of time, not for a long time. Maybe after Shinzo Abe took office, Akie Abe felt that there was no need to hold it anymore.

She gradually began to regain her pre-marital self-indulgence, going to bars and nightclubs, not returning home at night, and being extremely extravagant; Her self-release has also been photographed by the Japanese media many times.

When her ugliness was revealed in front of the people, the people couldn't believe it, they didn't believe that the mother of the country, who was so dignified in front of people, was so ugly behind people.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

The difference between before and after, the difference between cloud and mud. But this still has no effect on Abe Akie, and he still does his own thing. He has even publicly admitted many times that he just likes the current extravagant life.

After all, her wanton behavior aroused people's disgust, and the mother of a country was so dusty. Compared with the anger and disgust of the people, Shinzo Abe is endlessly tolerant of his wife.

Shinzo Abe was indifferent to his wife's self-indulgence outside. The two in public are still a couple with deep affection and eyebrows.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

As the head of a country, Shinzo Abe's mind is not idle. But the son can bear it, but the mother can't. Abe's mother-in-law, Yoko Abe, is just as disgusted by her behavior as the people.

The reason is that the two have been married for many years and have never had children. And the daughter-in-law makes headlines from time to time, which makes the mother-in-law's face really unbearable.

Regarding Abe Akie's night of not returning, Yoko Abe once tactfully persuaded him. But Abe Akie has always gone her own way, so much so that the gap between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is getting bigger and bigger.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

There is no wind and no waves, and the discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was just a rumor from the outside world at first, but later the facts were clear and everyone knew about it. Yoko Abe has also repeatedly persuaded her son to divorce and remarry.

But Shinzo Abe not only did not divorce, nor did he renew the strings. For him, the two can live better without children. With her husband's tolerance, Abe Akie is even more unscrupulous.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

Even when Abe Akie accompanied Shinzo Abe on the important occasion of the national meeting, he was still speechless. She never talks about international people's livelihood, and is bent on chasing each other to discuss a certain star in her country.

But Shinzo Abe, who was next to him, was accustomed to it and smiled. But Abe Akie's self-indulgence and reckless behavior all ended on July 8, 2022.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

On the night of Shinzo Abe's death, Abe Akie's face did not show much sadness, but a reluctant smile. When her mother-in-law saw her, she was even more angry and shouted at her: "Get out."

The next day, Abe was forced to move out. When people saw her from the camera again, she was wearing a mask with a sad and lost face.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

On July 25, sitting in the car, she was not surprised by the unexpected car accident, as if she had foreseen it. After Abe's death, she also quickly withdrew from politics and drew a line with the Abe family.

At the time, people mistakenly thought that she and Shinzo Abe had no feelings, just for show. But three years later, the long-lost woman was rediscovered when she opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown of Yamaguchi Prefecture and lived in seclusion.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

The ups and downs between the two are over after all.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

«——[Wife's Car Accident, Husband's Assassination]——»

The death of Shinzo Abe, his wife Akie Abe attracted much attention. The two have been married for 35 years and have no children. This means that Abe Akie is most likely to inherit her husband's official influence in Japan.

Shinzo Abe was assassinated on July 8, 2022, and it is puzzling that on July 25, Akie Abe had a car accident, less than three weeks after Abe's death.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

At around 9 a.m. that day, the police escort car in which Abe Akie was riding encountered a serious rear-end collision on the Tokyo Expressway. At that time, the Japanese police issued a statement with unimaginable speed.

The statement said that the driver of the vehicle behind was an ordinary police officer who rear-ended the escort car in front of Abe Akie because of negligence.

Such a statement is intended to cover up. Even the Japanese public is skeptical, after all, it is too close to the time of Shinzo Abe's assassination.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

There were no casualties in this "accidental" car accident, but the world knows that this move is undoubtedly a warning. In other words, it is a direct threat.

Soon after, Akie Abe publicly announced his permanent retirement from Japanese politics. If the car accident has nothing to do with Abe Akie's withdrawal, it is a big joke in the world.

After this, Abe Akie gradually faded out of people's sight.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

On July 7, 2022, Japanese state media praised a "female bodyguard of Internet celebrities" who became popular, saying that if she wanted to take someone's life, it would only take 0.2 seconds.

On July 8, it was this female bodyguard who closely protected Shinzo Abe. At the time of Shinzo Abe's speech, he was attacked by a gunshot and died. The "protection" of this female bodyguard was so good that Shinzo Abe was shot twice in a row.

It was later found that the perpetrator was an ordinary man who had not received any professional training. Moreover, the man's background is clean and unremarkable, and the reason he gave for the attack was even more bizarre.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

According to him, Shinzo Abe connived at cults in Japan, and the man's mother was poisoned by the cult and his six relatives did not recognize him. So much so that the man holds a grudge against Abe, believing that Abe, who connived at the cult, is the culprit.

Abe is dead, and there is no proof of death. The truth of this statement is known only to the man himself, and perhaps the person behind the man also knows.

After Abe's death, the Japanese people paid the most attention to Abe Akie in addition to paying attention to the suspect. In case something happens to her, Japan sent a guard team to protect her 24 hours a day.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

At that time, Abe's faction was the most conformist and basically controlled the right to speak in Japan. As long as Akie Abe nods, she can replace her husband to complete her unfinished business.

But even with the persuasion of many veterans, Abe still refused. Whether it was really because of unintentional political affairs, or because of the warning of the car accident, I'm afraid only she knows.

Having said that, Abe Akie's reputation in society has always been unsatisfactory, and what she does is completely different from her identity as the mother of the country.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

Alcoholism, nightclubs, star-chasing, etc., she has always been labeled as a "stupid woman spoiled by Abe". But her permanent withdrawal from politics has refreshed the public's perception of her.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

«——[Daughters of wealthy families, complement each other]——»

As the mother of a country, Abe Akie is certainly not an ordinary and unknown person. She is the daughter of the Japanese Morinaga Group, formerly known as Akie Matsuzaki, and it can be said that she was born in Rome.

After all, it is my daughter's house, so I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, and my life is safe. This is what the entire Matsuzaki family expects of the princess, and they have never expected her to do anything earth-shattering.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

For the entire chaebol family, her fate may have been predestined from birth. So much so that the family was extremely loose with her in terms of education, and she herself slowly developed a frank and reckless character.

It can be said that Abe Akie has not learned since he was a child, because his family has a huge "money ability", and his life path is also smooth, and no matter how bad his grades are, he can graduate from college normally.

After graduating, Akie Abe was the most unrestrained and unrestrained in the years before he got married. At that time, it was just ordinary, and most of the people in it did not understand this truth.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

Later, he woke up, but it was already the past year, and the good times were in vain.

In those years, Abe Zhaohui was a dignified lady in front of people, and after people, he clubbed, chased stars, spent money like running water, and did his best to do what he could. It was because of her high-profile luxury that she was noticed by the Abe family.

As the saying goes, politics and business are not separated, and the Abe family, which has been in politics for generations, also wants to complement each other with the chaebol family. So I've been looking for a woman of the right age to marry Shinzo Abe.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

If the Abe family and the Matsuzaki family get married, both families will be happy to see it. But Matsuzaki's first impression of Shinzo Abe was not very friendly.

When the two first met, Akie Matsuzaki looked like a peach and plum, but Shinzo Abe was mediocre and rustic. Compared with Shinzo Abe's love at first sight, Akie Matsuzaki is a little colder.

But Matsuzaki knew that her fate was already sealed. As a result, the ceiling of the political and business worlds has been strongly combined.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

Since then, Akie Matsuzaki's name has been given the surname of her husband, and it is for Akie Abe. The Morinaga Group behind her has also made Shinzo Abe soar in politics.

In order to canvass for Shinzo Abe, Abe Akie also let go of her status as a daughter, became a small radio anchor, and at the same time canvassed for her husband as a passer-by every day.

Loyal listeners of the radio station, influenced by her, voted for Shinzo Abe in large numbers. In 2006, Shinzo Abe was successfully elected, and Akie Abe also became the "First Lady of Japan".

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

After that, the two frequently appeared in the camera, and they looked like a virtuous couple. And Abe Akie's own temperament and dignified appearance are also loved by the Japanese people.

The two complement each other, and on the outside they are a couple with a deep affection. At home, Shinzo Abe gave Abe Akie endless favor and put her in the heart of his eyebrows.

But no one would have thought that her life would be so reversed, as if it was down to the dust.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown
Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown


Today's Abe Akie is in his own home pub, taking care of the trivial things of life. This sake brewery is close to Abe's grave, and Abe Akie often pays his respects. In your spare time, you can see Nanshan leisurely.

Whether she really loved Shinzo Abe, only she knows best. Time is cloudy, everything will pass after all, time is the best medicine.

Abe Akira: After her husband was assassinated, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and opened an izakaya in Abe's hometown

This situation can be recalled, and it was just ordinary at that time.

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