
The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

author:September gossip


On the glorious stage of CCTV Financial Channel, Zhao He dedicated 34 years of youth to the cause he loved.

Facing the camera, he is always professional and calm, however, on the stage of life, he is always ashamed of his wife.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Despite his successful career, he and his family have been living a rented life.

6 months after retirement, the impermanence of fate caused Zhao He to die suddenly due to illness, leaving his wife with endless grief.

At the last moment of his life, he left a short 40-word last word that made his wife cry.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Zhao He's last words, affectionate and sincere, are his deep attachment and reluctance to his family. And why did he work for decades and never buy a house?

Dedication for 34 years

On the stage of CCTV, Zhao He is an unassuming senior host.

He has been with CCTV for more than 30 years and has witnessed the growth and changes of this platform.

For him, work is not only a profession, but also the essence of life.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

He regards CCTV as his home, pays silently every day, and does his best for every performance.

However, at the age of 59, Cho Hyuk was diagnosed with bladder cancer.

He chose to suffer in silence and insisted on working until retirement.

His colleagues noticed his thinning but chose to respect his decision. His wife waited every day, worried about his safety, and only wanted to be with him through this difficult time.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

After retiring, Zhao He's condition took a sharp turn for the worse. In the face of his wife's worries, he showed endless remorse.

He regretted neglecting his health for the sake of his work, and if he had been treated earlier, the outcome might have been different.

However, time cannot be turned back, and his last words to his wife are only 40 words, full of guilt and regret in his heart.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

His wife's eyes were full of tears, and she gently leaned close to his ear, and said in a trembling voice: "Spending time with you is the most wonderful moment of my life." ”

Zhao He closed his eyes tightly, and slowly left this world with guilt in his heart. He dedicated his whole to the stage of CCTV, but he had to give up his precious time with his family.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Zhao He's life is a portrayal of his incomparable love for his career, but behind this brilliance is the support and dedication of his wife who he silently endured.

She was always by Zhao He's side and selflessly supported him, however, she failed to notice the abnormality of her husband's body in time.

Zhao He's death has triggered people's deep thinking about the meaning of life.

In this world, there is nothing more precious and worthy of our cherishing than family.

Every moment we spend with our fellow relatives is the truest happiness in our lives.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

When Zhao He first joined CCTV, he was still a young and enthusiastic young man.

He was assigned to the Finance Channel and started his career as an ordinary choreographer.

At that time, CCTV was in the early stage of development, the conditions were difficult, the work pressure was high, and it was often necessary to work overtime and stay up late.

However, Zhao He never complained, he just silently threw himself into his work.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

During his years at CCTV, he witnessed the growth and development of the financial channel.

From an ordinary choreographer to a producer, Zhao He has walked to the pinnacle of his career step by step.

His efforts and dedication have been widely recognized and praised.

However, while pursuing career success, Zhao He overlooks the importance of family.

He devotes most of his time and energy to his work and spends little time with his family.

It wasn't until the last moment of his life that he realized the importance of family.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Zhao He has a unique eye and is good at discovering subtle problems, which makes the quality of the program he is responsible for recognized and praised by the leadership.

Soon, he was promoted to host and took over the hottest financial talk show at the time.

After becoming the host, Zhao He's name gradually became well-known, and his family was also very proud, so he became a high-profile member of CCTV.

However, Zhao He did not become arrogant because of this, he always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and constantly inspired the younger generations to remain patient and hardworking.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Zhao He's wife is a virtuous woman who takes care of the family wholeheartedly so that Zhao He can concentrate on his work.

She never complains about hard work, and knows that her husband's work at the TV station is very stressful. Every night, she massages Zhao He to relieve his fatigue from the day.

Zhao He was grateful and decided to repay his wife's efforts in the days to come.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

However, fate played a cruel joke on them.

Cho Hyuk was diagnosed with cancer, and the sudden blow changed the trajectory of their lives completely.

At the end of his life, Zhao He deeply realized that success could not replace the companionship and love of his family.

He gave everything for his career, but he neglected the most important people around him.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Zhao He's story has become a profound lesson, reminding people to cherish the people in front of them and not to ignore the warmth of family and the importance of family affection in pursuit of career.

A wife who pays silently

In his youth in college, Cho Hyuk met his wife and quickly fell in love.

After graduation, they naturally decided to hold hands to spend the rest of their lives together and enter the palace of marriage.

This virtuous and virtuous wife has always been consistent with Zhao He, supports him without regrets, takes care of family chores for him, and makes him have no worries.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Zhao He, who has just stepped into the workplace, once worked as the host of an economic program at a little-known local TV station.

The ratings of this show have been sluggish, and many hosts have left, but Zhao He chose to stick to it.

He knew that this was a valuable opportunity to hone himself and gain experience.

Despite her meager income, her wife never complained.

She firmly believes in her husband's ability and talent, and understands that he is quietly fighting for his ideals and future.

When Zhao He felt lost and confused, his wife always used gentle words to solve his problems and encourage him to persevere.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Day after day, year after year, Zhao He's hard work finally paid off.

His hosting style has gradually become popular with the audience, and the ratings of the show have also improved.

He has grown from an obscure little host to the backbone of the station.

And behind all this, it is inseparable from the silent dedication and support of his wife.

She used her weak shoulders to prop up a warm home for Zhao He and became his most solid backing.

Whenever Zhao He stood on the stage, his heart was full of gratitude, and he knew that without the company and support of his wife, there would be no today's achievements.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Today, Zhao He and his wife have gone through many years of ups and downs hand in hand.

Their love has gone through the baptism of the years and has become more firm and precious.

In each other's company, they have created a warm and happy family together, which has become the envy of many people.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

During the golden age of the 90s, Zhao Hyuk had a burning dream to make his show stand out from the crowd.

He knows that in order to stand out in the ratings war, he must break the shackles of tradition and capture the audience's attention in a new and unique way.

As a result, Zhao He began to carry out drastic reforms to the program.

He abandoned the serious and rigid hosting style, and turned to a relaxed and pleasant way of talking, allowing the audience to gain knowledge in laughter.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

He also cleverly designed a series of interactive sessions, where the audience could win rich physical prizes by participating in the economic knowledge quiz, which undoubtedly greatly enhanced the audience's participation and the enjoyment of the program.

Zhao He understands that in order for ordinary people to understand esoteric economic knowledge, it is necessary to simplify the complex and explain those advanced concepts in easy-to-understand language.

Therefore, he devoted a lot of effort to collect all kinds of vivid cases to make boring economic theories vivid and interesting.

With his efforts, the show has gradually been loved and sought after by the audience, and the ratings have been rising.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is 2000. With his unremitting efforts and outstanding performance, Zhao He successfully passed the strict selection and officially became the host of CCTV's important programs.

At this moment, his wife felt sincerely proud and relieved for him.

The intensity of CCTV's work is far beyond Zhao He's previous imagination, he often stays up late to prepare for the show, his life and rest are extremely irregular, and his physical health is getting worse.

Seeing her husband working so hard, the wife was distressed.

She did her best to take care of Zhao He's daily life, decocting supplements and Chinese medicine for him on time every day, and cooking nutritious food herself.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Whenever night falls, she will accompany Zhao He, prepare supper and hot drinks, just hoping to share some pressure for him, so that he can feel the warmth and care of home after busy work.

Under the bright starry sky in 2008, Zhao He, a 47-year-old man, finally won the most dazzling star in his long hosting career - the "Golden Microphone Award".

This award is an unattainable dream for everyone who works hard in the broadcasting industry.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Now, it really fell into Zhao He's hands, as warm and solid as his wife.

This award is not only an affirmation of Zhao He's professional ability, but also a high praise for his all-round quality.

That night, Zhao He's wife smiled so brightly in the crowd that her eyes were full of pride and happiness.

Zhao He knew that half of the credit for this award went to her.

In those years, she silently supported him and took care of him, so that he could devote himself wholeheartedly to his work.

After success, Zhao He gained fame and fortune, but his and his wife's lives did not change because of this.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

They still live in that old house full of memories and live a simple and warm life.

The wife said that there are too many good memories of them here, the breath of the husband, and their stories. She didn't want to change all that because of fame and fortune, those memories were priceless treasures to her.

Zhao He is deeply grateful for his wife's support for him. He knew that without his wife's encouragement and care, he might not have been able to get to where he is today.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

After retirement, he plans to take his wife on a trip to famous mountains and rivers to make up for the debt he owes her over the years.

They will watch the sunrise and sunset together, listen to the ebb and flow of the tide, and feel the magnificence and tranquility of nature.

In the impermanence of fate, Zhao He suffered a sudden illness, and the flame of life was cruelly extinguished in the merciless time.

His dream, the journey with his wife, was snuffed out by the cold tentacles of death before it could be realized.

However, this does not mean that his life is crippled.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Because, his wife, the woman he loved dearly, was always by his side, warming him every moment with her love.

It is in this context that sadness and nostalgia are intertwined.

Zhao He's departure undoubtedly left a huge regret for the world.

His wife, however, chose to find strength in it.

She knows that the beauty in life is not only those dreams, but also those days and nights spent with her lover.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

She has walked the hills of life with Zhao He, shared laughter and tears together, and those memories are full enough to fill her heart.

In every corner of the world, there is the breath of Zhao He.

His smile, his eyes, and his words have become an eternal imprint on his wife's heart.

She knew that although her husband had passed away, their hearts had never been separated.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Their love is like a pine tree on Mount Tai, although it is stormy, it has always stood tall.

She thanked fate for letting her meet Zhao He, and thanked fate for letting her spend those irreproducible times with him.

She understands that regrets and losses in life are inevitable, but she also firmly believes that as long as there is love, there will be no regrets in life.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

She will continue to live with Zhao He's love, because she knows that this is what Zhao He wants her to do the most.


In today's world, the rapid progress of science and technology is like a speeding train, driving great changes in society.

Traditional televisions are being replaced by mobile phones and the Internet, which not only brings us more convenient and diverse entertainment methods, but also makes us gradually ignore real-life communication.

Despite the convenience that the virtual world brings, there is no substitute for the value of real interaction and emotional exchange between people.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

We need to find a balance where technology becomes our tool, not our slaves.

As a public figure, every word and action of the host will be amplified and have a profound impact on the audience. We should learn from them, but at the same time, we should keep independent thinking and avoid blind obedience.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

The host himself should also be aware of the impact of his words and deeds on society, always remain humble and cautious, and use a positive image to influence the public.

Cancer, a disease that makes people talk about it, has become a major killer of human health.

We should pay more attention to cancer prevention and treatment, raise public health awareness, and advocate a healthy lifestyle.

At the same time, we also want to actively support cancer research and hope to defeat this disease as soon as possible through the power of science.

The host Zhao He, who worked at CCTV for 34 years, died of illness 6 months after retirement

Finally, we miss those CCTV hosts who passed away due to cancer, which is not only a memory and tribute to them, but also a deep reflection on life, work and health.

Let us remember their spirit, cherish our health, face life positively, and create a better future together.

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