
In the last 15 days of winter, seize the opportunity to help the yang, tonify the kidney, and benefit the essence, and make up for the roots in one fell swoop

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Zhanju

In the blink of an eye, it is almost spring, we have been talking to you about the winter Lord sealing, at this time, the tonic is a matter of twice the result with half the effort, I don't know if these two or three months have passed, have you acted?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people and nature are a whole, and if you want to maintain health, you must learn to conform to nature, so in winter, the corresponding kidney in the human body is the kidney, and the winter qi is also through the kidney, so the most important thing to make up for in winter and the best effect is to tonify the kidney. The kidney is the yin and yang of the main body, and the kidney is also the innate foundation of the human body, which contains the kidney essence, which can transform the kidney qi, and the kidney qi is divided into kidney yin and kidney yang, so the kidney is replenished, it can be said to be replenished to the root.

In the last 15 days of winter, seize the opportunity to help the yang, tonify the kidney, and benefit the essence, and make up for the roots in one fell swoop

Usually they always feel that they are very weak, the whole person is sick and has no energy, they are afraid of the cold, they have to wear one more piece of clothing than others at any time, their waist and legs always feel cold and painful, and they can't exert their strength; and some people have perennial stools that are not formed and often have diarrhea; or they urinate a lot, even if they are in the daytime, they lie there at night, and they have to get up all the time, which is very annoying.

In the last 15 days of winter, seize the opportunity to help the yang, tonify the kidney, and benefit the essence, and make up for the roots in one fell swoop

The most important thing is that our male friends have decreased libido or decreased function. These problems are all manifestations of kidney yang deficiency. After a long time, the kidney essence is deficient, and it will be accompanied by symptoms of premature aging such as forgetfulness, hair loss, and loose teeth. So today, Dr. Cui will share with you a prescription, which is to help the yang, tonify the kidney, and benefit the essence, and help you to make up for the root in one fell swoop.

In the last 15 days of winter, seize the opportunity to help the yang, tonify the kidney, and benefit the essence, and make up for the roots in one fell swoop

This recipe is the right gui pill, the aconite, cinnamon, deer antler gum warm the kidney and help yang, among which the antler is still a flesh and blood product, the tonic power is strong and the medicinal effect is fast; rehman, wolfberry, yam and dogwood liver, spleen and kidney tonify together, nourish yin and fill essence; dodder seed flat tonifies yin and yang, eucommia ulmoides nourishes liver and kidney, strengthens muscles and bones, angelica nourishes blood and blood, and cooperates with antlers to nourish essence and blood.

In the last 15 days of winter, seize the opportunity to help the yang, tonify the kidney, and benefit the essence, and make up for the roots in one fell swoop

We can see that in addition to yang tonic drugs, there are also a large number of yin tonic medicines, which actually play the role of yin and yang tonic and fill in the lean marrow, and now it has also been made into Chinese patent medicine, which is convenient to take.

But here Dr. Cui would like to remind everyone that the medication must be correct, if it is not correct, not only will it not work, but it may have the opposite effect, so if you need it, you must let a professional doctor help you distinguish the syndrome before using the medicine!