
From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

author:I'm Dr Xiaoyu

Harvard girl, is considered the annual traffic password.

From the sudden popularity of the genius female student bully Guo Wenjing, to the much-talked-about Liu Yiting, who is now ridiculed by the group as a chicken baby joke.

All of our colleagues in the editorial department disagree with the recent reports that the Harvard girl, Liu Yiting, has been reduced to the ordinary middle class.

We advocate long-termism and insist on looking at each child's growth from a long-term perspective.

Today, we would like to share our views on Harvard Liu Yiting, hoping to trigger more thinking.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

Utilitarian mind

Some people say that Liu Yiting's current situation is a chicken baby scam, and she does not hesitate to laugh at her with a loser in life and falling off the altar.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

There are two reasons for this conclusion:

First, Harvard scholars have not achieved an open life, not only to be unknown to everyone, but to frequent setbacks.

Liu Yiting: After graduating from Harvard, her three jobs were not long;

After applying to Harvard Business School was rejected, he went out to start his own business, which ultimately failed, and then he started a business with his partner, which ended hastily.

Now he is a partner in "Qinling Capital", with mediocre performance, and he is also one of the thousands of workers.

In the eyes of the public, shouldn't Harvard students kill everyone in seconds when they appear? Not to mention entering a big factory to get a high salary, it's not a matter of starting a successful business, right?!

Liu Yiting didn't do the top, nor did she complete her original grand ambitions, so she deserved to be ridiculed by the group!

The second is that Harvard scholars were not married by the high-ranking aristocratic Prince Charming, but married a lawyer or a divorce lawyer.

Therefore, Liu Yiting is not doing well, and the elite has fallen!

The discussion on the Internet is hot, and many people like to watch the report of "Runren is miserable", but once the heat passes, they go back to their homes.

Negative emotions such as pessimism, abuse, and disappointment are most likely to trigger people's primitive desires.

Especially at a time when the economy is in a downward cycle, we have no way to verify the reports that cater to everyone's psychological comfort.

In fact, Liu Yiting's success now has nothing to do with the public, and Harvard graduation is not necessarily on the rise.

Even if Liu Yiting is not a top talent now, it is also a height that ordinary people cannot reach.

Liu Yiting's example reminds me of the topic of "Ivy League students making Ivy League students" that exploded some time ago.

Ivy League graduates who spent millions of dollars did not enter the top fame and get a million annual salary, but entered the study abroad industry and became planning tutors.

Because of this, many people feel that studying abroad is worthless.

But this value cannot be measured equally, just like whether you are doing well or not, outsiders cannot judge.

If you have to materialize the value of studying abroad and whether you live well or not to every number, this extremely utilitarian mentality will kill many people.

If a society judges the value of individuals only on the basis of average standards, then each person is nothing more than an industrial product.

Everyone's paths, life goals, and aspirations are very different, and Harvard Ivy League students must be able to speak out how and how they do, which is in line with the standard path of non-derailment.

We can't use a unified standard to measure everyone's success, even if we use secular success to define Liu Yiting, she is actually upper-middle.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths
From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

The desire to imitate

We live in an age of over-imitation.

I heard that taking the sports route can add points, and I swarm to engage in sports; I heard that if I engage in art, I can enter a famous school, and there is a long queue at art institutions; I heard that if I participate in summer school, my application will be stable, so I have several summer schools.

Later, I heard that after reading "Harvard Girl XXXX", the child could enter Harvard, so I followed the trend and copied the planning steps in the book.

Harvard girl Liu Yiting is not?

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

It was popular all over the country that year, and it became a childhood memory kill for many people.

Whether it was popular back then or ridiculed today, it shows that many people have no goal and just want to succeed through imitation.

Is this good?

The American writer Bai Liukang said in the book "Imitation Desire" that the desire to imitate is both horizontal and vertical.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

Vertical imitation is to look up, imitate people with higher status than you, see what celebrities, celebrities, and big names are doing, and you want to be like them, this is a Hall of Fame imitation;

The parody of the Hall of Fame is bright and positive, and it unites people under a good desire that people start wanting something they couldn't have imagined before, while helping others go further.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

Horizontal imitation is to look around and imitate people who are similar to you, what they are doing, you have to do. This kind of imitation is covert, and it is also called the imitation of the new life hall.

The imitation of the new birth hall, where everyone is close, breeds competition and conflict, is destructive, and leads to a lack of diversity.

Because it's based on the false belief that other people have it, we don't, so there is a state of fear, scarcity, anger.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

There is nothing wrong with everyone pursuing a prestigious school itself, but in order to go to a prestigious school, copying the successful path of "Harvard Girl XXX", without considering their own actual situation, is tantamount to seeking fish from a tree.

Now I still want to imitate "Harvard Girl XXX" when I grow up, but it turns out that it is a dream, and the injury is replaced by endless abuse and complaints.

There is no way in this world that you can replicate success.

Everyone must first have their own goals, discover and develop deep desires, in order not to be harmed by cheap imitations.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

Parental decision-making + child effort

When more and more famous school students such as Gu Ailing and Guo Wenjing enter the eyes of the public from the virtual Internet, what perspective should we use?

Is it to follow the fanning of the media, follow the trend and complain, or imitate and reproduce the planned route?

I don't think that's the case with sensible and wise parents.

It is very powerful to be able to go to world-class universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and Yale.

This kind of power is not only reflected in the children's own strength, but also tests the vision and determination of parents.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

Some people say that Liu Yiting's achievements were not top at the beginning, and she even began to create yellow rumors on the Internet.

However, this did not prevent her from participating in the visit to the United States through the selection, nor did it prevent her from performing well during the event to get a letter of recommendation, let alone applying to Harvard.

Especially when she came to Harvard University, which was under great academic pressure, she was able to graduate successfully and gain a foothold in the United States, which shows that she is a good strength.

Liu Yiting is like this, so is Gu Ailing, and Guo Wenjing is no exception.

It's not hard to admit the excellence of others!

In addition to the excellent children, it is also very lucky to have a reliable parent.

Regardless of whether Liu Yiting's mother's account in the book is true, we have to admit that there must be a smart mother behind Liu Yiting's success.

From Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl who was ridiculed by the group, I saw 2 truths

She can take the initiative to understand and take advantage of the information gap, so that her children can catch the dividends of the times, which is already very remarkable in that era.

Parents can grasp the opportunity, find the information gap, find the appropriate education method for their child as early as possible, and stick to it, the child will be much easier.

Behind Gu Ailing's explosion, it is not Gu Ma Gu Yan's dedication.

Since Gu Ailing was 2 years old, Gu's mother took time to take her back to China every year, just to let her learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture, and later let her go to Haidian Huangzhuang to learn Olympiad mathematics in the summer vacation.

Gu's mother is also a ski instructor, and in order to let her children insist on skiing, Gu Ailing has driven 8 hours to ski every snow season weekend since she was 3 years old.

The same is true of Guo Wenjing's parents, whose superior resources provide material and spiritual support for their children's pursuits.

As parents, we should not look at things negatively with ridicule and negativity, but more rationally see the success behind them and what is worth learning.