
The 2024 "People's Livelihood List" of the central ministries and commissions is here

author:Netinfo Tai'an

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- The 2024 "people's livelihood list" of the central ministries and commissions is here

Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

Employment, medical care, pension, education...... Recently, the central ministries and commissions have held annual work meetings intensively to formulate a series of tasks and goals for people's livelihood.

In the new year, how will these livelihood measures affect your life?

Employment: The top priority is to do a good job in the employment of young people such as college graduates

Employment is the most basic livelihood of the people, affecting thousands of households.

The 2024 "People's Livelihood List" of the central ministries and commissions is here

Job seekers learn about information at a New Year's Day job fair held in Qilin District, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, January 1, 2024. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Yang Junpeng)

The relevant person in charge of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that this year will further tap the potential of jobs, improve the employment industry coordination and linkage system, deepen the "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises employment and entrepreneurship sailing plan, launch advanced manufacturing to promote employment, and expand the employment space of the digital economy, green economy, and silver economy.

The number of college graduates in the class of 2024 is expected to reach a new high, reaching 11.79 million.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will give top priority to the employment of college graduates, make every effort to expand employment positions, and build a service system that connects inside and outside the university, so that college graduates and other young people can enjoy equal and convenient basic public services.

The Ministry of Finance will coordinate the use of policies such as tax reductions and exemptions, social security subsidies, and loan interest discounts, and support enterprises to stabilize and expand their jobs and individual entrepreneurship and employment through multiple channels. We will continue to support the implementation of projects such as the "Special Post Program" and the "Program for College Students to Volunteer to Volunteer to the Western Region," and implement policies such as tuition compensation for college graduates who seek employment in grassroots units such as the central and western regions and hardship and remote areas.

Housing: Accelerate the solution of the housing problem of new citizens, young people, and migrant workers

Not long ago, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development launched a new round of affordable housing planning and construction. Housing is the basis of people's happiness. Building good houses for the people, improving the quality of housing, and building livable, resilient and smart cities are the focus of housing construction work in 2024.

Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that it is necessary to build a new model of real estate development, establish a new mechanism for the linkage of "people, housing, land and money", improve the basic system of the whole life cycle of housing from development and construction to maintenance and use, accelerate the solution of the housing problem of new citizens, young people and migrant workers, and make efforts to build good houses.

Urban renewal is related to the vital interests of the people, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also has new arrangements in this regard:

It is necessary to study the establishment of an urban design system, renovate a number of old urban communities, focus on solving the problems of installing elevators to enter the house on the flat floor, parking difficulties, etc., build a number of complete communities, make up for the shortcomings of facilities such as the old and the young, strengthen the construction of barrier-free environment and renovation for the elderly, and create a number of models for the construction of child-friendly spaces.

Medical insurance: further reduce the burden of medical expenses on the people

Combing through the "ledger" of the people of Healthy China in 2023, it can be found that the triple system of basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, and medical assistance has benefited more than 150 million outpatient and inpatient medical treatments for the masses, reducing the burden by more than 170 billion yuan. Many people are concerned about whether the burden of medical expenses can be further reduced.

The National Medical Security Work Conference revealed good news: in 2024, a new batch of centralized procurement of drug consumables organized by the state will be carried out, and the agreement on the selected varieties in centralized procurement will be continued after the expiration of the agreement, so as to achieve a total of at least 500 drugs at the national and provincial levels.

Improve the multi-level medical security system to more accurately reduce the burden of medical expenses on patients with serious illnesses, promote the special governance of drug prices linked to the Internet, explore new mechanisms for the formation of drug prices, implement the list of government service items handled by medical insurance, and promote more online handling of medical insurance public service matters...... In 2024, the "combination punch" of medical insurance burden reduction will continue to land.

The medical security fund is the "life-saving money" of the people, which must be used on the cutting edge and spent in a clear place. The National Health Insurance Administration will strengthen the high-pressure situation of fund supervision, give full play to the role of a "searchlight" to deal with corruption in the pharmaceutical field, and cooperate with multiple departments to carry out special governance in key areas. Focus on the project price with prominent contradictions, and carry out special management of large-scale equipment inspection price.

Education: Provide a more equitable and quality education for every child

Centennial plan, education-oriented. The 2024 National Education Work Conference proposes to further consolidate the basic education base. We should do a good job in mapping and forecasting the school-age population, pay close attention to the establishment of a public education service supply mechanism that is coordinated with the changes in the permanent population, and promote the planning and distribution of educational resources in urban and rural areas, so as to better meet the needs of the masses for good education.

Compulsory education highlights "high-quality balance" and "urban-rural integration", existing high-quality schools in cities and towns should tap the potential and expand their capacity, new high-quality schools should accelerate their growth, strengthen the improvement of weak schools through education associations, communities, group schools, etc., and run every school at the doorstep. High-quality educational resources will continue to be delivered to underdeveloped areas, rural schools, and weak schools, so as to provide more equitable and high-quality education for every child.

Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Education, said that the rights and interests of students in groups such as the children of migrant workers, floating population, and disabled children should be paid attention to and protected, and the school admission and promotion system should be improved. For left-behind children and students with family difficulties, it is necessary to improve the student financial aid system covering the entire school period, strengthen academic support, and give adequate humanistic care and psychological counseling.

Pension: Vigorously develop inclusive pension services

There are nearly 300 million elderly people aged 60 and above in mainland China, and the aging of the population continues to deepen, and the demand for elderly care services is strong.

Not long ago, the state issued its first special document to support the development of the silver economy. In response to the urgency and anxiety of the elderly, a series of practical measures are proposed.

The National Civil Affairs Work Conference also gave the answer: vigorously develop inclusive pension services, accelerate the promotion of pension service legislation, and continuously improve the well-being of the elderly.

The elderly with disabilities and dementia and the low- and middle-income groups are the key groups. The Ministry of Civil Affairs will dynamically adjust the list of national basic pension services, guide local governments to implement the list system, and implement services such as centralized care for the economically disadvantaged and disabled elderly, visits and care for the elderly who are lonely and widowed, and home renovation for the elderly, so as to weave a solid security network for the elderly.

Surveys show that in mainland China, more than ninety percent of the elderly tend to care for the elderly at home.

The 2024 "People's Livelihood List" of the central ministries and commissions is here

On December 27, 2023, the elderly played chess in the community cultural activity room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liang quick photo

Promote elderly care services into communities and families, organize and implement actions to improve basic elderly care services at home and in the community, improve relevant norms and standards, and do a good job in the construction of exemplary community home-based elderly care service networks...... Based on reality, this year, the civil affairs department will strive to let the elderly enjoy more inclusive and affordable services.

Consumption: Upgrading quality and enriching experience

The "National Quarter of an Hour Convenient Life Festival" is being held, and the "2024 National Online New Year Goods Festival" is launched...... At the beginning of the new year, the commerce department innovatively held various special activities, and the festival consumption atmosphere became stronger and stronger.

The National Business Work Conference made it clear that in 2024, it will promote the continuous expansion of consumption and improve the market and circulation system. With the "Consumption Promotion Year" as the main line, we will do a good job in various consumption promotion activities. Stimulate consumption potential, cultivate and expand new consumption, stabilize and expand traditional consumption, and promote the upgrading of service consumption quality.

The reporter learned that in the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on promoting key consumption such as automobiles, home appliances, home furnishings, and catering.

For example, in terms of automobiles, we will continue to promote new energy vehicles to the countryside, promote the development of after-markets such as automobile events and RV camping, and promote automobile consumption in the whole chain. It will also promote the consumption of green smart home appliances and promote the high-quality development of the catering industry.

The Spring Festival holiday is coming, and the tourism boom in many places is surging. In 2024, the cultural and tourism sector will release policy dividends, continue the good trend of recovery and high-quality development of the tourism industry, and continuously enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products.

"Rice Bags" and "Vegetable Baskets": Stable Production and Supply to Protect "Happiness on the Tip of the Tongue"

In 2023, the grain output will hit a record high, the soybean area and output will increase, the self-sufficiency rate will continue to increase, and the supply of meat, eggs, milk, cotton, oil, sugar, fruits, vegetables and fish will be sufficient, and the quality and safety will be guaranteed. In 2024, how to serve the food bowl more firmly, and will the people's dining table be richer?

We will continue to make efforts to stabilize the area and increase yields to ensure that the grain output will be stable at more than 1.3 trillion catties in 2024, and solidly promote a new round of 100 billion catties of grain production capacity improvement...... The National Conference of Directors of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released a strong signal to stabilize production and ensure supply.

In order to make the people's "vegetable basket" more comfortable and more assured, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will optimize the pig production capacity regulation mechanism, promote the balance between production and demand in the dairy industry, promote the balanced supply of vegetables and fruits, accelerate the development of deep-sea aquaculture, and strengthen the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products.

Guarantee: Let the people in need feel more warmth

Social assistance is related to the food and clothing of people in need. In the new year, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will improve systems and measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, children, and the disabled in difficulty; at the same time, it will promote the convergence of the policy of assistance for preventing the return to poverty and the policy of normalized assistance for low-income populations, and resolutely maintain the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale.

In terms of child welfare and protection of rights and interests, we will focus on children in difficulty, especially orphans, de facto unsupported children, and left-behind children in rural areas, and strengthen care and protection, so as to create better conditions for children's growth.

In addition, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will formulate policies and measures for the development of service-based social assistance, promote the expansion of social assistance from financial assistance and in-kind assistance to service assistance, and respond to the diverse needs of aid recipients in a timely manner.

Source: Xinhua News Agency