
The heart that can't be kept: love with nothing to do with matter

author:Mr. Wang's remarks

There used to be an advertisement: "A diamond is eternal, and a diamond is forever." "How many men and women have a soft spot for diamond rings. However, in real love, even if the diamond ring is dazzling, can it really retain a heart that is determined to leave? Even if the family property is rich, can it become a solid guarantee for marriage?

The heart that can't be kept: love with nothing to do with matter

I once heard a story about a man who bought an expensive diamond ring for the woman he loved, hoping to show his sincerity. However, the moment the woman put on the ring, her heart had drifted into the distance. That diamond ring, like a cold shackle, could not lock her yearning for freedom.

There was another couple, with a lot of money, who seemed to have everything. However, their marriage is like an empty castle, gorgeous on the outside but cold on the inside. They once thought that wealth could fill the void in their hearts, but they did not know that true love could not be measured by material things.

The divorce of the former richest man in the world revealed unimaginable details in his marriage. Once upon a time, their happy life was rumored in the world, and after their divorce, it all became a lie.

Love is a kind of spiritual fit and a wordless tacit understanding. It's not a momentary passion, it's long-lasting

The heart that can't be kept: love with nothing to do with matter

of companionship and waiting. When love comes, there is no need for words to express it, and there is no need for any external proof. It flows like a clear spring, washing away the dust on the soul.

True love is the meeting and acquaintance of two hearts. It's not about age, status, status, it's just about that sincere emotion. In the world of love, there is no distinction between rich and poor, only the mutual attraction and dependence of two hearts.

When we meet the right person, we don't need to prove our worth with any material things. Because true love is priceless, it transcends material constraints and achieves the fit of the heart. And those who measure their worth by material things may never understand this pure emotion.

The heart that can't be kept is not because the material is not rich enough, but because the pursuit of the soul is different. When two people have the same heart, even if they are penniless, they can have the most sincere love. And when the mind drifts away, no amount of material can fill that emptiness.

Family property is not a guarantee of marriage, as it does not guarantee the longevity of the relationship. A true marriage is built on mutual understanding, trust and support. Only when two people have the same heart and support each other can they go through the ups and downs of life and create a better future together.

The heart that can't be kept: love with nothing to do with matter

In this materialistic world, we should not let material things be the only measure of love. The person who loves you will be responsible for everything you do, and you will also think about the person you love. Therefore, the ancients said that "husband and wife are of the same heart, and their profits are gold".

True love is priceless, it transcends material constraints and achieves the harmony of the heart. Let us cherish that pure emotion and feel that sincere love with our hearts.
