
A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

author:Lu Rong Cultural Tourism Vision


Anhui is blooming with moving beauty all the time

Blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, landscapes, ancient villages, grass and trees

Everything is starting to bloom at its best

A piece of life, full of bloom

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The low-key Anhui is not as glamorous as heavy makeup

There is no line-up for dress-up

Always with such a faint fairy aura


A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

It's not fandel, it's not worldly

Far away, like a painting of ink and blue

The freshness and elegance of that beauty is truly intoxicating

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

"A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou"

Since ancient times, it has been a wonderland that everyone yearns for

Strange mountains and stones, blue tiles and white walls, hazy landscapes

There's all the poetry you could want here

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!


Yellow Mountain

When it comes to Anhui, the most eye-catching is the world's first strange mountain - Yellow Mountain, the great traveler Xu Xiake of the Ming Dynasty praised the famous sentence that "the return of the five mountains does not look at the mountain, and the return of the Yellow Mountain does not look at the mountain".

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Huangshan Mountain, located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, is a member of the World Cultural Heritage Sites, World Natural Heritage, Global Geoparks, and World Biosphere Reserves Network.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The original name of Yellow Mountain is "Yi Mountain", because the peak rock is blue and black, and the name is called Cangdai in the distance, and later because of the legend that Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor had made alchemy here, so it was renamed "Yellow Mountain".

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Huangshan is famous for its strange pines, strange stones, sea of clouds, hot springs, and winter snow "five unique" landscapes, which amazes every traveler who comes here.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Yellow Mountain is the hometown of clouds and mist, with the peak as the body, with the cloud as the clothing, in it, as if it is to walk into the fairyland of the immortal cultivation, the clouds and mist are swirling, hazy and dreamy.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Climbing to the top of Huangshan Mountain, people will feel the heroic spirit of "being at the top of the mountain, seeing the mountains at a glance".

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The smoke is light like dust, like fluttering butterflies, like petals floating in the air, when the sun shines, looking down from the top of the mountain, white clouds, green pines, and strange stones outline a fantastic beauty.

If you look down from the top of the mountain when the wind rises, you will see the clouds surging and the sea of clouds churning, just like the stormy waves in the sea.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Someone once said that "not to welcome the pine, run in vain", go to the Yellow Mountain must see the most eye-catching strange pine landscape welcome pine in the Yellow Mountain, to the welcome pine is a complete trip to the Yellow Mountain.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Walking through the beautiful scenery of Huangshan, maybe at some point, you also want to open your arms and embrace the natural beauty of this natural artifice.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!



Hongcun, an ancient town like an ink painting, stands leisurely on the land of Huizhou, and although there are many tourists, it still can't stop the heart of it.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

How many people have set foot and how many people have sighted, Hongcun is still a pure land isolated from the world, and it is extraordinary.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

This village by the mountains and rivers, the lake is clear and lotus, the arched bridge is like a rainbow, and it looks like a painting from a distance.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

In the spring of March, the beautiful scenery of the South Lake came as promised, and the pink walls and tiles on the shore of the lake amazed the visitors.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The time here is soft, and the scenery of ink painting by the South Lake always attracts many people who come here to sketch, and record the beautiful scenery with their own hands to leave precious memories, and sometimes I really envy that ability and taste.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

A gust of wind blows in the quaint alleys, as if telling the story of the past, and the moss on the walls and the traces on the road all write the history of this village, revealing a faint fragrance of ink.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!



Chengkan has an ancient village of Huizhou for more than 1,800 years, and Chengkan in spring blooms with the most charming and beautiful brilliance.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

During the Song Dynasty, the famous physicist Zhu Xi praised it as "Chengkan Shuangxianli, the first village in the south of the Yangtze River", and the architectural scenery of the Hui school with the mountains and rivers behind the mountains and rivers is enough to make people feel amazing.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The layout of the whole village is built according to the innate gossip, and the winding alleys are like a maze, which is amazing.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Looking from afar, the undulating horse-head wall, the farmhouse fireworks fluttering in the wind under the sunset, the small bridge and flowing water next to the smoke and rain and fine willows, quietly, like Danqing ink, intoxicating.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Mountains, rivers and villages, illuminated by the warm sun, reflect each other, and show the beauty of wisdom in the perfect blend of each other.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Walking in the ancient village, it seems that you can feel the beauty of the years more, the green moss bluestone slabs, the narrow paths, quiet and mysterious, telling the ancient story.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Find a place to sit quietly, take advantage of the warm sun, bask in the sun, and soak up the sun and talk about interesting things with the old people here.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!


Wuhu Xiangshui Stream Wuhu Xiangshui Stream rape flowers enter the full blooming period, here also ushered in the most beautiful appearance of the year, the blooming rape flowers are like a golden ocean, full of spring, the scenery is beautiful.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

There is a mountain stream located at the east foot of Fushan in Eqiao Town, the sound of water is different on rainy days, and the sound of "knock knock knock" is issued, like the golden gong and golden drum are beating together, the sound is clear, the mountain rings and the valley should be, so it is called "Xiangshui Stream".

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The golden rape flowers are overwhelming, surging, and magnificent, and no one can not be amazed by this 10,000 acres of flower fields.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The Xiangshuijian area on the bank of the Yangtze River has vertical and horizontal ditches, dense river networks, and orderly field houses, and the beautiful pastoral scenery of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River comes into view.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

When you come to this place that photographers love, you must take a few beautiful photos and be a pastoral "little princess".

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!


Peach Blossom Pond

"The water depth of Peach Blossom Lake is a thousand feet, not as deep as Wang Lun's love for me", this poem is officially a famous sentence written by Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, in Peach Blossom Lake.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

Empty fields, lush forests, come here can not help but make people feel refreshed, the breeze is gentle, enjoy a poetic journey.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

The old streets of the ancient village are paved with irregular cobblestones, and the walls on both sides are mottled, and you will see clear pools of water when you pass through the narrow old streets.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!


Chaohu Lake Wetland

One of the five largest freshwater lakes in the country, where you can feel the breeze by the lake, the sunrise and sunset, and the sunny lake water paints a beautiful landscape.

A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!
A lifetime of obsession, no dream to Huizhou! Here is all the poetry you want!

There are fantastic mountains and rocks, there are ancient village landscapes that have been quiet for many years, and beautiful landscapes are waiting for you in Anhui.