
In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died



Everyone has a love for beauty, especially girls, and having a figure that can wear the smallest size of clothes is a girl's lifelong desire, so there is that good woman is not a hundred.

Slimming seems to be a girl's lifelong task, and some girls choose to diet in order to maintain their figure, but with the emergence of Liu Genghong, more and more girls are beginning to contact healthy ways to lose weight.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

In fact, as early as many years ago, there was such a woman who led China's fitness industry to the peak, and it was only because of her sudden death at the peak that people slowly forgot her.

Who was she, what role did she play in China's fitness business, and how did she pass away?

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

Sudden death, difficult to accept

In September 2001, the mourning hall of Babaoshan Cemetery in Beijing caused quite a stir because nearly 3,000 people gathered here, and all of them came for a one-person farewell ceremony.

Many people who don't know are speculating one after another, is this a big man who died? But the media has not reported it, who is this person who died, and why did it cause such a big battle?

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

After some understanding, I learned that the person who passed away was the well-known bodybuilding queen Ma Hua at the time, but Ma Hua had just recorded the show a few months ago, why did he die suddenly?

As the most famous bodybuilding ambassador in the country at that time, MCA not only had its own bodybuilding venue, but also invited various bodybuilding activities in an endless stream, and in February of that year, MCA had just finished participating in the program recording.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

But after that, MCA suddenly disappeared, you know, even if MCA does not participate in the recording of the show, he will go to his bodybuilding venue to teach students, and suddenly disappear, obviously not something workaholic MCA can do.

In fact, after MCA participated in the recording of a program in February, he went to the hospital for an examination because he was unwell, and it was the results of this examination that made MCA unable to return to the bodybuilding career.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

Before MCA went to the hospital for examination, there were some abnormalities in her body, MCA is a bodybuilder, slender and powerful, but she frequently experienced inexplicable dizziness and nosebleeds during that time.

At first, MCA didn't care, because during that time, her daily schedule was full, the opening of the gym branch, program recording, bodybuilding offline promotion, etc., and she was very busy.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

MCA just thought that he was too tired during that time, and it would be good to rest and rest after being busy, but as time went by, MCA's physical condition did not improve, but these symptoms appeared more and more frequently.

Ma Hua's husband persuaded Ma Hua to go to the hospital for a check-up, at least to know what caused it, so that he could prescribe the right medicine, or he was always a little uneasy.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

In order to reassure his family, after participating in the recording of the show in February, Ma Hua, accompanied by her husband, went to the hospital for a detailed examination, but the results of the examination caught MCA off guard like a bolt from the blue.

After a series of examinations, MCA was diagnosed with leukemia, which was still a rare disease in China at that time, and even now the leukemia is still incurable, and MCA has missed the best time for treatment because of neglect.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

In fact, in the memories of many people, purple scars appeared on the body when they participated in the show before MCA was diagnosed, but the traces of these diseases were ignored by the busy MCA.

After Ma Hua was diagnosed, he was detained by the hospital and began to receive treatment, after a period of treatment, Ma Hua began to lose weight, and even his hair fell out due to chemotherapy.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

But even so, MCA is actively undergoing treatment, and she has always dreamed of dancing her favorite calisthenics again, but God did not fulfill her wish, after 6 months of treatment.

MCA still passed away in September, during the period of MCA's treatment, the news was completely blocked, and many people did not know that she was sick, and only thought that she was on vacation to rest.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

So when the bad news was announced, many MCA followers couldn't accept this fact, they didn't believe that the person who was so hearty in front of the screen would suddenly get sick and die suddenly.

This is the scene of people gathering in Babaoshan, and many people want to take another look at MCA, the healthy goddess who once led them to shine brightly.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

Bodybuilding queen, leading the way

MCA is definitely a new era of women, in the 90s, MCA joined the bodybuilding ranks despite everyone's opposition and swept the bodybuilding industry around the world.

MCA, like many girls, has pursued beauty in her body since she was a child, but she is different from other girls, because although she maintains her figure, she is completely in a healthy way.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

The reason why she has a different view on fitness and staying in shape is also due to his father, MCA's father is a soldier, and the child who grew up in a military family seems to have a different demeanor from an early age.

When MCA was very young, MCA's father paid special attention to MCA's physical training, and when other children got up early to sleep, MCA got up early to accompany his father to run.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

It is for this reason that MCA also fell in love with running, no matter what the weather was, MCA had to go out for a lap every day, and MCA's father sent her to the gymnastics team when MCA was older.

In the gymnastics team, Ma Hua's willpower was honed again, and when he reached the age of enlistment, Ma Hua, as a military child, naturally became a member of the military ranks.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

But after the army recovered, MCA did not accept the work arranged by the army like others, but chose a strange path, that is, to join the bodybuilding industry.

When I was in the army, MCA knew through the media that people abroad have much richer fitness methods than in China, and fitness does not only rely on running, but also through aerobics.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

This kind of fitness method similar to dance but not dance immediately attracted the attention of MCA, and many people in China knew a little about calisthenics at that time, but there were only foreign calisthenics.

However, there are still great differences between Chinese and foreigners, body structure and other aspects, so MCA is determined to improve a version of bodybuilding gymnastics suitable for Chinese with years of experience in gymnastics and exercise.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

In this way, at the insistence of MCA, this set of bodybuilding gymnastics really took shape, and with rhythmic music, it immediately became popular in various sports venues.

Ma Hua, who had a small achievement in aerobics, immediately pursued the victory, participated in the aerobics competition, and won the runner-up in one fell swoop.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

MCA was successfully selected with his rich experience, although this show did not promote in the end, but it made MCA realize that aerobics is a sport that can be regarded as a career.

With this idea, MCA immediately opened a gym, and through publicity, many little girls immediately came to sign up for classes, and for a time MCA's gym became the most popular sports venue.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

After that, MCA was invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, with a health song, MCA completely brought aerobics to thousands of households, and after that, MCA's reputation became bigger and bigger, and gymnastics halls opened more and more.

What's even more heartwarming is that MCA is not high up because of the increase in fame, no one in his eyes, he still spreads aerobics in a simple way when he was a child, and even does all kinds of things himself.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

At this time, MCA has already become a well-known goddess of aerobics, as long as it is related to MCA-related activities, it will be very popular, and MCA has completely set off a popular wave of aerobics.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

Although people are not there, the spirit will remain forever

Therefore, MCA was no less than a first-line star in the entertainment industry at that time, and in people's hearts, she was the eldest sister in the fitness industry and a person standing at the top of the pyramid.

After so many years, although MCA is gone, the spirit of MCA has always echoed among us, and MCA has opened a new era of fitness.

It is also after MCA that China's fitness programs have gradually become richer, and people are not only willing to accept a variety of fitness programs, but also actively participate in them.

The body is the capital of the revolution, this sentence definitely has its certain truth, only when the body is healthy, we can have more energy to do what we want to do, this beautiful rivers and mountains, want to visit all is inseparable from a healthy body.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

MCA led people to experience the joy of healthy life in that era, she not only made people have a healthy body, but also conveyed to everyone a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

At that time, some people said that as long as they saw MCA's smile, no matter how unhappy they were, they would leave it behind, and jumping with MCA's aerobics would cure all diseases.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

This is the charm of MCA, so after MCA's death, many people sighed that there will be no bodybuilding queen in the future, and MCA is the epitome of the changes of the times.

The spirit she brought to us is worth learning from each of us, and although MCA is no longer there, her love and spirit for fitness have long been engraved in the hearts of generations of Chinese.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

I believe that even if time flies and people forget the name MCA, the spirit flowing in the blood will not change, and it will always be remembered and passed on by us.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died


MCA has devoted his whole life to bodybuilding, and it is extremely difficult for people in the 90s to be able to accept new things, and to be able to grow and develop this matter to make it acceptable to everyone.

Thanks to MCA for giving people an understanding of bodybuilding in that era, and leading the people of the whole country into a healthy lifestyle and enriching people's lives, MCA's death is undoubtedly a great loss for China.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

In today's busy life, we need people like MCA to work hard for the health of the whole people, but fortunately, there are now a group of people like Liu Genghong to continue the spirit of MCA and continue to lead people to a healthy life.

In 2001, the 41-year-old bodybuilding queen MCA died suddenly: a large red and purple scar appeared on her body before she died

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