
The number of "severing diplomatic relations" in Taiwan has risen sharply, and the unjust big ones are not taken seriously in sending money!


Text: Zhang Youhua

After the election, Nauru "severed diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, and on January 26, Tuvalu's finance minister said that we will comprehensively review all relations with Taiwan, which is called diplomatic rhetoric. From the diplomatic rhetoric, it can be heard that the country will leave Taiwan, and there have been many international jokes in the past, and even the United States will not speak in Tuvalu this time.

The number of "severing diplomatic relations" in Taiwan has risen sharply, and the unjust big ones are not taken seriously in sending money!

In addition, Australia has said that it will not interfere with the sovereignty of Tuvalu. Because of the trend of the entire South Pacific, the United States can control three countries, that is, Marshall and Palau, which are controlled by the United States, and the rest from Banu to Tuvalu are all Australia's sphere of influence, and Australia has influence in this region. But he knew what that meant when the Foreign Minister had already spoken about non-interference with Tuvalu's sovereign act. There is also a comprehensive review of relations, and these two have already hinted that he wants to abandon Taiwan.

As a matter of fact, the two countries have been alarmed since July and August last year, but they have always said that "diplomatic relations are permanent" and "friendship is stable", and that Tuvalu cherishes their friendship with each other. What do you mean by cherishing mutual friendship, and do you need to emphasize friendship? What Taiwan's foreign affairs units are saying is becoming more and more strange, so strange that everyone does not understand it, and they have repeatedly made international jokes. In July and August last year, many people gave warnings, and Taiwan's foreign affairs units even scolded the warning people. As a result, when Nauru abandoned Taiwan and left, Wu Zhaoxie was still angry, and it can be seen from this that Taiwan's foreign affairs units are now completely helpless and will only accuse you of spending money.

In the past, these countries only demanded tens of millions of dollars from Taiwan, but now they are hundreds of millions of dollars, which is tantamount to emotional blackmail. Tuvalu asked for a sum of money during the Lee Teng-hui era, because they may be climate refugees, and if the sea level rises for a period of extreme weather, Tuvalu and Nauru will become climate refugees at sea. In order to solve this problem, he asked Taiwan for a sum of money to build a national hotel in Australia.

The number of "severing diplomatic relations" in Taiwan has risen sharply, and the unjust big ones are not taken seriously in sending money!

Because these are all countries with small populations that need to be resettled, one is more than 12,000, the other is more than 21,000, adding up to more than 30,000 people, which is less than the population of any township in Taiwan. The best way for them was to find Australia and say that they wanted to build a hotel called the National Hotel, and applied for a sum of money from Taiwan. Taiwan also gave money, and the hotel was built, but the result was not used by Taiwan, and Taiwan has no right to use it if it wants. It can be seen from this that if an unequal relationship is placed in this place, whether Taiwan should maintain it or not.

Every time Taiwan talks about the frequent transmission of warning information, Taiwan's foreign affairs unit will issue a statement to refute it, but in fact, when did Wu Zhaoxie accurately calculate? At present, there are two other countries, one is Haiti and the other is Guatemala, and these two countries also have frequent warning information, and even Paraguay is the same. Taiwan's actions in foreign affairs often only want to hear what he sounds good about, and it doesn't want anything else. You Xikun said that it is better to cut off the light, and if the light is broken, the United Nations is equivalent to the votes, do you want these countries to speak for you? This is a very realistic example, no matter how much or less his land area and population are, or whether he is large or small, there should always be a set of ways to cope with the pressure from the outside world. It didn't.

The number of "severing diplomatic relations" in Taiwan has risen sharply, and the unjust big ones are not taken seriously in sending money!

Second, often when others leave you, they say all the cruel things, and when they pull and pull with you, they say all the good things, which is not the act of doing foreign affairs. Third, when you have to give up a lot of sovereign things, what is your response? Fourth, you have pinned your hopes on the United States and Australia, and have the United States and Australia helped you? In fact, for a long time, Taiwan has guarded the western gate for Australia and the back door of Latin America, that is, Central America, for the United States. In both places, Taiwan spent a lot of money, and what did you get in the end?

Now that everyone is talking about two countries that are also raising the alarm, one is Guatemala and the other is Haiti, how can Taiwan's foreign affairs units solve this problem? If Taiwan settles down like this, if there are less than nine countries in this avalanche-like "severance of diplomatic relations," how can we maintain our international personality? Therefore, whether it is the United States or Australia, they are all talking about nice words, and Taiwan should not become self-absorbed. Taiwan has made enough international jokes that if you really want to tell them one by one, you won't be able to finish telling them all.

The number of "severing diplomatic relations" in Taiwan has risen sharply, and the unjust big ones are not taken seriously in sending money!

The DPP's naivety about foreign affairs is really puzzling, and one more important thing is that in the US presidential election in November this year, Trump came to power, and when Trump lost the election four years ago, everyone stuffed AIT's FB to express support for Trump. In this case, Taiwan can't use emotions or other ways to scold Trump, how did you scold the Biden administration when Biden came up 4 years ago, and today, 4 years later, I miss Biden and hope that Biden will be re-elected, which is the most naïve thing about Taiwan.

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