

author:Chinese actress 108 will

Chinese female star one hundred and eight generals

Unloading Hero Spectrum Thirty-seventh

Guan Zhilin

Real name: Guan Jiahui


Representative works

Movies "The Dancing Man is Not Over", "Angel in Blood", "Dragons Hunt for the Treasure", "Summer Lucky Star"


"Angel in Bloody Clothes" is Guan Zhilin's masterpiece of unloading. tells the story: Nurse Juanjuan was raped by unknown gangsters on the way off the night shift, which hit her heart a lot, but fortunately the taxi driver Brother Qiang rescued her and was able to escape. But the nightmare is not over, Juanjuan met those gangsters again in the hospital, she did not go to the police, but the gangsters were weak-hearted, and raped her again on the way home from the night shift, and in the struggle she mistakenly killed a gangster, and was charged by the court. In order to help her clear her name, Juanjuan's colleague Ah Wen found the eyewitness Brother Qiang, and Juanjuan was acquitted by the court. The person who was mistakenly killed by Juanjuan was the younger brother of the gangster leader, and he was so angry with the loss of his relatives that he vowed to avenge his brother and raped Arwen in the same way. In order to protect Juanjuan and Arwen, Brother Qiang sacrificed his life. The two angels in white, who couldn't bear it anymore, were finally forced to embark on a path of revenge......

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PEOPLE - 50 most beautiful celebrities in the world

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