
Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

author:Cong Fan designed Pan Chenhui

Decoration addition is really the most worrying and worst thing in the decoration process, pretending to be more than tens of thousands of gone! Especially for novices, decoration is a painstaking thing, and then adding items will really drive people crazy!

Have you ever added items to the decoration of your home? What are the easiest places to add items in the decoration? Today I will sort out these places that will maliciously add items.

This is the most commonly used method of decoration companies, and it is easy to ignore a few items, but the project with a high price will be added to the budget at a low price to sign a contract at a low price.

1. Skirting board

The baseboard is calculated by meters, and the baseboard is generally not easy to calculate the exact quantity, because when it comes to the wall background, cabinets, etc., the calculation will be more vague, or how much more than how many meters to add.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

2. Threshold stone

The tiles do not contain threshold stones, which are generally raised when the floor tiles are pasted, and it will be recommended that you make marble threshold stones, and then it will be more expensive.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

3. Window sill stone

When you put it forward, you will say that the window sill in the contract is directly scraped putty, and then you feel that the putty is easy to get dirty in the later stage, and you are required to paste marble, and the price will be quoted a little more expensive.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

4. Biko

There is no beautiful seam in the tiling, and then when the tiling is pasted, it is said that the dense seam is uneven, and you are required to pave the empty seam, and the empty seam needs to be done beautifully, and this set of beautiful seams will also cost thousands of pieces.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

5. a curtain box

Many quotations for the ceiling are charged by the square, in fact, the cost of the curtain box has been spread into the square of the ceiling, and then the curtain box is charged separately during construction. And it is charged by the meter, and it costs more than 100 per meter.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

6. Ceiling calculation

The calculation of the ceiling cost is generally calculated according to the area, but if it is a multi-level complex ceiling, then additional money will be charged, this fee must be negotiated in advance, because it is not a standard billing, it is easy to get tired.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

7. Cabinet price calculation

The calculation of cabinets is generally calculated according to the linear meter, which refers to the money of one meter of floor cabinet and one meter of wall cabinet, but often there are more ground cabinets than wall cabinets, so the base cabinet still needs to be counted extra. If the price ratio of hanging cabinets is 3:7, it is reasonable, if it is 2:8, it will be too tricky.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

8. Wrapping riser

Be sure to ask the price of the riser in advance, many companies don't say it in advance, and then say that the riser is not good-looking, if you want to look good, you need to guarantee it, and temporarily charge a high fee.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

9. Paint white and colored paint

If it is a package of paint costs, you must say hello in advance, the whole house can change the color of several wall paints, and at the same time, it is difficult to paint colored paint, so colored paint will be charged extra.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

10. Material handling fees, garbage removal freight, and finished product protection fees

These three costs are often charged by the decoration company, because some of the main materials are purchased by the owner, the garbage after installation, the finished product protection, the decoration company said that it will affect the construction if it is not treated, I think it doesn't matter if you charge these fees, but you must say it in advance, like the later temporary or increased resolutely do not give.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

11. Wardrobe price calculation

There are two ways to calculate the price of a wardrobe, one is the projected area, and the other is the unfolded area. Personally, it is recommended to choose the projection area to calculate, because the unfolded area is not clear to the general owner, and the board will be reused.

Be vigilant! After the decoration, I realized that they were all pits, and they were maliciously added by 5 or 60,000 These places must be kept in mind

12. Hydropower additions

Hydropower is the easiest part to do your hands and feet, if you are not there, let him count it himself, most of them are possible out of tens of meters, anyway, you can't see anything when the concealed project is covered. Or a bottom box will give you how many meters, and the bottom box will charge extra money.