
The "magical fate" of the two new students of Yang University in the same month of the same year and the same class dormitory

author:Litchi News

  Recently, the College of Horticulture and Plant Protection of Yangzhou University welcomed a pair of special new sister flowers. Although they are not really sisters, they have a similar kinship relationship - born in the same month of the same year, they are not only classmates in the same class, but also roommates in the same dormitory! What's even more amazing is that the two have many of the same hobbies.

The "magical fate" of the two new students of Yang University in the same month of the same year and the same class dormitory

On the right is Da Chen Ting↑

  The two people's birthdays are only five days apart

  The two girls, both named Chen Ting, are freshmen in The Gardening Class 2102. Both Tingting were born in July 2003, and their birthdays are only five days apart. Their hometowns are thousands of kilometers apart, With Dating from Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, and Xiaoting from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. As if it were a kind of predestined connection, in the selection of more than ten million people in the college entrance examination, two people with exactly the same name applied for the same school, entered the same major, and were assigned to the same class and dormitory. "When I was looking at the results of the placement, I noticed that there was a classmate in the class with the same name and surname as me, and then I found that we were still bunk beds in the same dormitory! At that time, I was very excited, and I thought that it must be a special fate to meet such a coincidence when I just entered the university, and I have been looking forward to meeting her as soon as possible. Da Chen Ting told reporters.

The "magical fate" of the two new students of Yang University in the same month of the same year and the same class dormitory

  When asked why she chose the horticulture major, Xiao Chen Ting told reporters that in fact, her first choice was Yangda's veterinary medicine, but she did not plan to change majors for the time being. Da Chen Ting said that she originally wanted to enter the pharmacy major, but through the college sharing meeting and consulting information, she had a strong interest in the horticulture major. She said: "The horticulture profession is not just a variety of flowers and grasses that ordinary people think, I hope that through learning, I can engage in related scientific research work in the future, study new varieties, and cultivate new crops." Broadly speaking, horticulture, like medicine and pharmacy, is a discipline related to the life sciences. ”

  Another "me" in the world has the same interests

The "magical fate" of the two new students of Yang University in the same month of the same year and the same class dormitory

  Through exchanges, the reporter learned that the two Tingtings have begun to communicate with each other in the summer. Xiao Chen Ting said that they added QQ to both sides, and in the process of online chat, they were surprised to find that there were many common topics between them. Xiao Chen Ting smiled and told reporters: "The songs we usually like to listen to are European and American English songs and pure music. We also love to read literary works, especially Chinese and foreign novels and essays. It's also amazing that I just read "The Siege" she watched before, and the books she recommended to me are also in my list next month. It felt like meeting another 'me' in the world! ”

  It is reported that when the school opened online, they signed up for different student organizations in the college: Xiao Chen Ting chose to enter the news agency, and Da Chen Ting joined the federation of clubs. Da Chen Ting said that although their interests and hobbies are similar, they are more extroverted in personality and hope to further exercise their social skills in the university's student organizations.

  Meet and greet with courtesy Swap the beds are a bit warm

The "magical fate" of the two new students of Yang University in the same month of the same year and the same class dormitory

  The reporter learned that before meeting offline, the two invariably prepared small gifts for each other. "This is a special meat floss from my hometown of Taicang, and I specially brought it to you to taste." As soon as she entered the dormitory, Xiao Chen Ting couldn't wait to take out the meeting gift given to Big Chen Ting from her bag. Big Chen Ting saw Xiao Chen Ting's online dynamics and found that she liked Xiao Xiong very much, so she carefully selected a small bear pendant. Da Chen Ting said that she hopes that this cute little bear can witness the beginning of our friendship. The reporter found that the two also exchanged beds. It turned out that Xiao Chen Ting was injured in the hand due to an accident some time ago, and after the big Chen Ting who was originally in the lower bunk knew, he took the initiative to change the bed with her and let Xiao Chen Ting sleep on the lower bunk to facilitate her activities.

  The accumulation of many small probabilities has created an encounter in the vast sea of people, which Westerners call "fate" and Chinese call it "fate". Karma is rare and precious. Both Tingting said that in the days to come, they will help each other, forge ahead together, do what they are interested in on the basis of completing their studies, and meet more new friends.

  (Source: Jiangsu Radio and Television Rong Media News Center / Ming Yuhua Correspondent / Zhang Yuxin Xue Chengrui Editor / Zhao Mengyan )