
In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

author:A history of history

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In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

In 1949, the People's Liberation Army broke through the defense line of the Yangtze River and marched all the way.

It didn't take long for Nanchang to take Jiangxi, and after learning that Jiangxi had been captured, Chen Zhengren, the political commissar of the military region, was about to cry with excitement.

At this time, he was called over, and after telling him about the current situation, especially the situation in Jiangxi, and asked him to go back to "take revenge", Chen Zhengren's mother died tragically at the hands of that person.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

In order to "take revenge" on him, the chairman specially gave him the strength of a regiment and demanded that he must be captured alive.

Who was this Chen Zhengren's mother-killing enemy? Why did the chairman send a regiment of troops to avenge him? Since he was an enemy, why did he order him to be captured alive?

Click on it and see how Chen Zhengren avenged his "revenge for killing his mother".

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Kill your mother's enemy

Chen Zhengren's mother-killing enemy is called "Xiao Jiabi", if it was only he who killed Chen Zhengren's mother, he would not have sent a regiment of troops to encircle and suppress it.

This Xiao Jiabi not only killed Chen Zhengren's mother, but also mutilated the Red Army, and caused the Red Army to suffer huge losses, a large number of mass party members died in his hands, the means were extremely cruel, and even had the title of "Living Yama".

Xiao Jiabi was born in 1887 in a landlord family in Suichuan, Jiangxi, and his family was wealthy since he was a child, and his family doted on him excessively.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

When he was a child, his family was wealthy, Xiao Jiabi had no pressure to survive, and his daily routine was other children or scourge nearby livestock, and the family members who were bullied by him would also come to the door, but his family had money, and he sent those people away with the money, and his family would not punish Xiao Jiabi, which also caused him to act more and more blindly.

When he reached the age of going to school, his father spent a lot of effort to send him to Suichuan Higher School and Nanchang College of Law and Politics in order to give him a good education, but his grades were not satisfactory. After graduating from the Jiangxi Provincial Higher Agricultural College, he returned home to be unemployed.

Although he is a landlord, he hopes that his son can "go further", so he found a relationship and spent money to get Xiao Jiabi a position of "head of the Dakeng Township Security Regiment".

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Although the official position is not big, it is enough for Xiao Jiabi to show off his power in the local area. With his family background and position to support him, Xiao Jiabi completely began to do whatever he wanted in the local area and did a lot of evil things.

In fact, it is just a big pit township, and there are not too many things to do in ordinary times, so he wanders around with a group of subordinates all day long, and when he sees something unpleasant, he orders people to go up and beat him, and even makes a lot of death.

However, the matter of killing people has no effect on Xiao Jiabi at all, and his father has used his own "money ability" to settle it for him.

Seeing Xiao Jiabi so arrogant, there will definitely be people who are not convinced, but they have no money and no power, and they are not as vicious as Xiao Jiabi, so they can't fight against it, so everyone can only swallow their anger, take a detour when they see him, and try not to let him notice themselves.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

After Xiao Jiabi became a tyrant in Suizhou, he also brought a lot of money to his family by virtue of his position, which made Xiao's father think that it was the right decision to "buy an official" for his son.

So he funded again and supported his son Xiao Jiabi to become the head of the Suizhou County Jingwei Regiment.

If those things before were all "petty fights", after becoming the regiment general, he overestimated his own strength, and even had the courage to invade our army, and it was these behaviors that sent Xiao Jiabi to a dead end.

With the accumulation of wealth and the rise of official positions, Xiao Jiabi's ambitions were gradually exposed, and he even wanted to be the "emperor" of Jiangxi and become the person who was really in power.

Xiao Jiabi's grades in school were average, but his cultivation in the classroom also made him understand some truths, if he wants to "dominate one side", he must have military power, so he "recruited troops" in the local area, and really let him see one of his private troops.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

After having this team, Xiao Jiabi became more energetic in the local area, and once someone wanted to resist him, he would be retaliated by Xiao Jiabi's madness, and even his family would not be spared.

Xiao Jiabi's method of making the people "surrender" or afraid of themselves is very simple and rude, that is, to catch a few "typical" and punish them severely, the people have no ability to resist, in order to survive, they can only continue to endure the darkness.

In such a dark life, the most test is human nature, Xiao Jiabi is doing evil in the local area, but there are also many people who "envy" him, after all, he doesn't have to worry about life problems, he doesn't have to face an existential crisis, and he can "trample on others".

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Many people who have not formed the correct three views, in order to be able to "get ahead" in troubled times, decided to join Xiao Jiabi's team, which also led to Xiao Jiabi's continuous strength.

As the saying goes, "no profit can not be early", Xiao Jiabi had an army in his hands, but his team was not enough in front of the Kuomintang, just at that time the Kuomintang was collecting local forces all over the country, whether they were from mountain bandits or a group of rabble, as long as it seemed that the Kuomintang had a scale, they would come to persuade them.

Kuomintang officials promised Xiao Jiabi high-ranking officials, and even covered the cost of raising his team, and he completely sided with the Kuomintang under the temptation of interests.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Enemies of the Red Army

In 1927, Xiao Jiabi got a message that Chairman Mao was heading in his direction.

At that time, the chairman had just led the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and he happened to lead his troops to march to Jinggangshan, passing through Suizhou on the way, which happened to be the territory of Xiaojiabi.

From the moment the chairman and others entered Suizhou County, Xiao Jiabi had already set his eyes on them, and at that time the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party had broken down, and Lao Jiang Zheng ordered the whole country to arrest our party, and also let the Kuomintang forces in various places vigorously crack down on our party.

As a member of the Kuomintang forces, Xiao Jiabi naturally wanted to take the opportunity to perform well.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Knowing that the Red Army was going to pass through Dafen in Suizhou, Xiao Jiabi and others were very familiar with this area, so before the Red Army passed, Xiao Jiabi sent people to ambush in this vicinity and wait for the Red Army to pass by and raid.

The Red Army did not expect to be attacked by surprise during the normal march, and we were exhausted by the hurried journey for several days, and with the surprise attack of our opponents, we had to rush into battle.

Xiao Jiabi had advanced weapons given by the Kuomintang in his hands, and they were familiar with the local terrain, so they beat the Red Army very passively in the first battle, causing us a lot of losses.

After the chairman learned of Xiao Jiabi, he was very angry, but he still focused on the overall situation, and it was not suitable to disrupt the overall plan for the sake of Xiao Jiabi, a local force.

The chairman has never forgotten the lesson of this time, and the same is true of all the surviving Red Army soldiers.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

If Xiao Jiabi could stop after the first evil and no longer endanger his neighbors and the Red Army, maybe our party would let him go in the future, but unfortunately Xiao Jiabi didn't realize his mistake at all and blindly did whatever he wanted, which pushed him into the abyss.

In 1928, Chairman Mao led the team to conquer Suichuan, during which he naturally had a battle with Xiao Jiabi's team, and with the lessons of the last time, he made a detailed plan for Xiao Jiabi's Red Army.

Sure enough, Xiao Jiabi's group of people was a rabble, and under the planned attack of the Red Army, Xiao Jiabi's team suffered a lot of losses, and this war was almost the "biggest setback" that Xiao Jiabi encountered.

After learning of Xiao Jiabi's grievances against Xiao Jiabi's Red Army, the Kuomintang understood that this was an opportunity for Xiao Jiabi to deal with the Red Army, so they allocated Xiao Jiabi a large number of weapons and military supplies.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

With the support of the Kuomintang, Xiao Jiabi's team slowly recovered, but he was hurt by the Red Army and did not dare to confront the Red Army head-on, so he had to constantly harass us near our army.

At this time, Chen Zhengren was also transferred back to Suichuan by our party, Chen Zhengren joined the Communist Party in 1925, and was one of the founders of the Suichuan party organization, and served as the secretary of the special branch of the Communist Party of China in Suichuan County.

Later, he was transferred to Wan'an for work reasons, serving as the head of the Propaganda Department of the Wan'an County Party Committee and other positions, and working in Wan'an also launched the Wan'an Uprising.

Chen Zhengren's work organization is in the eyes, especially Chairman Mao admires him very much, thinking that he is competent in all aspects of work and is a rare talent.

Transferring him back to Suichuan is also in the hope that he can continue to play a role in Suichuan.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

However, the good times did not last long, the 81st and 79th regiments of the Kuomintang attacked Wan'an County, and soon occupied Wan'an County, and their next target was Suichuan.

Although the Red Army could fight against it, the chairman assessed the general trend of the national revolution and that Suichuan was not an area that had to be occupied, and that it was more important to preserve the strength of our army in comparison, because it was decided that the Red Army would make a strategic retreat and return to Jinggangshan.

Since the Red Army is going to withdraw from Suichuan, the national army will soon arrive, and in addition to the Red Army, the party organizations and political organs in Suichuan will also evacuate with the Red Army.

The night before the evacuation, Chen Zhengren took advantage of the late night to say goodbye to his mother, and he chatted with his mother for a while, and then told his mother the news that he was going to Jinggangshan with the Red Army, and told his mother to take good care of himself.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Chen Zhengren didn't dare to tell his mother when he would come back, because he didn't know, and what he didn't know was whether he would come back alive.

As he spoke, Chen Zhengren's voice choked up, looking at his mother's old face, but he couldn't fulfill his filial piety in front of him at present.

The mother was also reluctant to give up her child, but she still held back her tears to comfort him: "Child, you can go with confidence, my mother knows that you are doing things for the poor people, as long as your revolution can succeed, I will die and turn a blind eye." ”

Chen Zhengren only thought that this was his mother's feelings, but who expected that not long after they left, his mother really died.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Avenge your mother

After the main force of the Red Army withdrew from Suichuan, Xiao Jiabi soon got the news, so he reoccupied Suichuan with the Kuomintang army, Luo Puquan and others.

After occupying the county seat, Xiao Jiabi's task was to "wipe out" and "arrest" the Communist Party and Red Army forces that remained in the county seat. For a time, the white terror shrouded Suichuan County.

Chen Zhengren, as one of the founders of the Suichuan Party organization, Xiao Jiabi naturally hated him so much that he wanted to personally catch him for meritorious service, but Chen Zhengren had already left with the army, and Xiao Jiabi couldn't catch him at all.

Although the revolutionary cadres could not be arrested, their families were still there, and I don't know who revealed to Xiao Jiabi that the families of the Red Army and the revolutionaries were still in the county seat, especially Chen Zhengren's mother did not leave.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

So he sent a large team of people to arrest people directly at home, including Chen Zhengren's mother.

After arresting Chen Zhengren's mother, Xiao Jiabi hurriedly called the Nanjing government, on the one hand to "ask for credit" from above, and on the other hand, to ask for advice on how to deal with these revolutionary family members.

As a matter of fact, Red Army cadres seldom told their families confidential matters, and the Kuomintang could not get useful clues from their family members, whose greatest role was to "plot rebellion" against Red Army cadres.

Xiao Jiabi asked Chen Zhengren's mother to persuade Chen Zhengren to let Chen defect to the Kuomintang, and promised to let Chen's mother "eat and drink spicy food".

Although Chen's mother is not highly educated, she knows that her son's career is for the poor people, and the country in front of her must not be handed over to the person in front of her.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

Although Chen's mother had been whipped by Xiao Jiabi and her body was covered with scars, when she heard Xiao Jiabi's delusional attempt to persuade her son to surrender, Chen's mother still did not hesitate to spit on Xiao Jiabi's face: "I don't know what you want to know, I can't call back the righteous people, but it is impossible for my son to take refuge in your group of beasts." ”

Chen's mother's actions completely angered Xiao Jiabi, and he went up directly and gave Chen's mother two slaps.

In the next few days, they tried all kinds of means against Chen's mother, but they still couldn't make Chen's mother bow her head, Xiao Jiabi had no patience, so he had to brutally kill Chen's mother.

In addition to Chen's mother, many revolutionary family members and the masses were also persecuted by Xiao Jiabi, and according to statistics, he killed more than 2,000 people.

After learning that his mother had been killed, Chen Zhengren couldn't sleep day and night, but the revolutionary cause was not yet complete, and he could not abandon the revolution, so he could only bury the sadness of losing his mother in his heart.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

After the People's Liberation Army took Nanchang in 1949, Chen Zhengren knew that his time for revenge had come, and the chairman found him and said to him: "We have a revenge that should be avenged, not only for the people of Jiangxi, but also for your mother." ”

The chairman gave Chen Zhengren a regiment of troops, and he had to capture Xiao Jiabi alive.

In the face of the general trend of national liberation, Xiao Jiabi did not want to be numerous, and he also wanted to fight a guerrilla war with the People's Liberation Army.

Under the leadership of Chen Zhengren, the People's Liberation Army beat them to the point that they had no power to fight back, and many people understood that Xiao Jiabi was in the past, so they chose to abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

However, there are still some people who do not give up, and under the encirclement and suppression of the People's Liberation Army, Xiao Jiabi took more than 20 of his subordinates to hide in the mountains.

In 1949, the political commissar of the military region returned to his hometown to avenge the murder of his mother, and the chairman: Give you a regiment and capture him alive

However, the local people have long hated Xiao Jiabi, everyone is paying attention to the movement in the mountains, and it didn't take long for Xiao Jiabi to be discovered, and the People's Liberation Army immediately led people to successfully capture him alive.

Xiao Jiabi's last appearance was at the sentencing meeting, and the people who were oppressed on this day came to see what the result would be for Xiao Jiabi, and for this kind of villain who disregarded human life, he was directly sentenced to death and immediately executed.

Xiao Jiabi's death is completely what he deserves, and those who endanger the masses and do not respect the lives of others should be sentenced to death, otherwise they will be sorry for the lost soul.

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