
The proportion of DNF gold coins has picked up again?4 reasons are very real

author:Buried frost small building

With the launch of the Chinese New Year Pack, the most important thing for warriors is the consignment ratio of gold coins. After experiencing the turmoil at the time of the launch of the server, the proportion is gradually picking up. So let's talk to you about the reasons today.

Reduction in the income of the white chart

As we all know, the bulk of the previous gold coins were none other than various white pictures, such as "going up the mountain and going down to the sea to cut down trees". With the update of the Divine Realm version, a wave of major changes has been made to the income of previous dungeons, and these old brick factories are no longer in their former glory.

The proportion of DNF gold coins has picked up again?4 reasons are very real

Storm Ghost City Adventure class, also shutting out many trumpets. Coupled with the involution environment of the national service, the threshold is higher than a week. Such a two-end blockade naturally greatly reduces the output of gold coins.

Feeding consumption increases

The proportion of DNF gold coins has picked up again?4 reasons are very real

After the opening of the Divine Realm version, a large wave of equipment needs to be fed again, in fact, the gold consumption here is very large. At present, the price of the Soul Source gift box in the auction house has also risen, from more than 10,000 gold coins before to nearly 30,000 gold coins now. Even if you bring your own gold and green, you will get nearly 200,000 gold coins if your attribute grows once.

The light trail exchange was chopped

The proportion of DNF gold coins has picked up again?4 reasons are very real

Since the opening of the Dark Island, there has been a wave of official slashes on the exchange of light trails. The income of the four little dragons is simply gone, which is very hurtful for the "pig raiser" who is not very famous.

Free abyss tickets are sent in various ways

The proportion of DNF gold coins has picked up again?4 reasons are very real

Recently, DNF has given away various benefits, especially free abyss tickets, which makes people feel that they will lose money if they can't use it up. On the one hand, this is to allow everyone to graduate faster and customize equipment, and on the other hand, it is also a disguised blow to moving bricks. After all, everyone's fatigue is so much, they all run to the abyss, and there are naturally fewer people moving bricks.

What other reasons do the warriors think has made the gold coin ratio pick up? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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