
I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

author:Wangxing Rhapsody

Friends who have dogs, have you found that dogs sometimes run crazy at home, which makes you confused? I have been raising dogs for many years to know that dogs run crazy at home, there are these reasons!

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

Energetic and nowhere to vent

Dogs are active creatures that need a lot of exercise to burn off excess energy. If the dog's daily exercise is insufficient, it will run around the house to vent its excess energy.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

Excited, excited

Dogs will also run around the house when they are excited and excited. For example, when the owner comes home and hears a noise outside, the dog will express its excitement and excitement by running wildly.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

Feeling bored

Sometimes the dog runs around the house just because it's bored. If the owner does not give it enough attention and companionship, the dog will use crazy running to get the owner's attention.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

Instinct driven

Dogs running wild can be driven by instinct. In the wild, dogs need to run fast to hunt down prey or escape predators. Although this is no longer necessary for domestic dogs, this instinct is still there.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

Chase small animals or toys

Dogs have a very strong chasing instinct, and when they see small animals or toys at home, they will chase after them excitedly. This kind of chase game allows the dog to release excess energy, and also satisfies its curiosity and desire to play.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home


Dogs may also express their emotions by running crazy when they feel anxious and uneasy. For example, when hearing thunder, firecrackers, or other strange things, such as strangers and other animals, the dog may feel uneasy and start running around the house.

The shovel officer should find it in time and relieve the dog's anxiety and restlessness, and can reward the dog with some small snacks to relieve it.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home


When dogs are in heat, they will undergo some special changes both physically and psychologically, which makes them feel very uncomfortable. In order to alleviate this discomfort, the dog may choose to run crazy to vent his emotions and release the desire brought by estrus.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

So, if you see your dog running around the house during heat, don't worry, they may just be venting their desires and relieving their discomfort.

Dogs in estrus have serious nutrient loss, so it is recommended that pet owners supplement their nutrition and choose a nutritious dog food for their staple food.

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

Conclusion: Does your dog suddenly run wild?

I have had a dog for many years to know that there are these reasons why dogs run wild at home

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