
A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

author:Wangxing Rhapsody

Now the weather is getting colder, but many pet owners feel that they don't need to deworm their dogs in winter, which is a wrong idea, even in winter dogs will still have the chance of being infected with parasites~

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Dogs are always tickling

If you notice that your dog is scratching its body frequently, especially on its back and abdomen, it is likely that it is infected with parasites. These parasites can cause itching and redness on your dog's skin.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Loss of appetite

Sometimes a dog's loss of appetite is not due to picky eating, but because of the presence of parasites in the body. The parasite will suck nutrients from the dog's body, causing the dog to have a decreased appetite.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

The dog has diarrhea

There are many causes of diarrhea in dogs, but one of the most common causes is an infection with a parasite. The parasite can cause inflammation in your dog's intestines, leading to diarrhea.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Weight lowering

If you notice that your dog's weight has dropped significantly in a short period of time, it may be infected with parasites. Parasites can affect your dog's digestion and absorption, causing them to malnourish.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Red and swollen skin

If your dog's skin is red, swollen, inflamed, or inflamed, it may be infected with parasites. These symptoms are usually accompanied by itching and pain, making the dog very uncomfortable.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

How to prevent parasites?

Regular deworming should not be forgotten

Just as you remember to brush your teeth every day, it's important to deworm your dog regularly. Go to a pet hospital or pet store, buy some deworming medicine, and give it to your dog according to the instructions.

Some dogs will not cooperate when deworming, you can give it some delicious snacks to promote cooperation.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Don't let the dog eat indiscriminately

Some dogs are just snacks and want to stuff everything in their mouths. However, many of the things outside are not clean, and there may be parasite eggs. So, when you go out to walk your dog, you have to keep an eye on it and don't let it eat indiscriminately.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Strengthens your dog's immunity

Dogs with strong immunity are naturally good and are not easy to be targeted by parasites. Therefore, it is important to give your dog more nutritious things, such as nutritious and high-quality dog food, fresh meat and vegetables. You can also give it some vitamins and minerals to make it healthier.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Avoid going to the grass and ponds

Grass, ponds, and other places are the "base camp" of parasites. If the dog often goes to these places to play, it is easy to get hit. Therefore, try not to take the dog to these places as much as possible, or put on protective clothing when you go, and bathe and check the body in time when you come back.

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!

Conclusion: How often do you deworm dogs?

A dog with a belly full of worms will have these symptoms, don't ignore it when winter comes!