
2024 Provincial Two Sessions Special Report|Excerpt from the Government Work Report Dare to dare to work hard and focus on eight aspects of work

author:Heilongjiang News Network
2024 Provincial Two Sessions Special Report|Excerpt from the Government Work Report Dare to dare to work hard and focus on eight aspects of work


Cultivate and expand a modern industrial system with Longjiang's characteristic advantages

Give full play to the role of an incrementer of scientific and technological innovation. Break through the technical problems of "stuck neck", and implement 70 key projects in key areas such as intelligent agricultural machinery. Create a platform carrier for scientific and technological innovation. 600 scientific and technological achievements have been transformed. Cultivate and expand the main body of scientific and technological innovation, and increase the number of high-tech enterprises by 600 throughout the year. In-depth implementation of 60 articles on talent revitalization.

Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries. Strengthen the demonstration and guidance of high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries, promote industrial digitization and digital industrialization, and promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy.

Vigorously develop strategic emerging industries and future industries. Accelerate the development of the digital economy and bioeconomy, focusing on key areas such as new energy, aerospace, high-end equipment, new materials, and biomedicine. Forward-looking layout of future industries, cultivate the formation of new quality productivity.

Cultivate and expand modern industrial clusters. Innovate the cooperation model between the central and local governments, promote the upstream and downstream supporting of the industrial chain, and strive to build pillar industrial clusters such as automobiles, leading industrial clusters such as aerospace, and characteristic industrial clusters such as infant formula milk powder.


Accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas

Consolidate and enhance the overall grain production capacity. We will continue to stabilize the area and increase the total output, and implement the plan to increase the grain output by 10 million tons. Expand the scope of implementation of black soil protection. We will further implement the revitalization of the seed industry, develop green, low-carbon circular agriculture and smart agriculture, and strive to become a national leading area for smart agriculture.

Vigorously develop the intensive processing of agricultural products. We will further implement the three-year action plan for the high-quality development of the agricultural product processing industry, and promote the high-end, green and cluster development of intensive processing of agricultural products. Strengthen and expand corn and other processing industries, improve and expand modern animal husbandry, and do fine and excellent edible fungi and other characteristic industries. Improve the construction of the standard system of "black soil excellent products" and "nine treasures and eighteen products", and carry out the production and marketing docking of "first-tier city brand line".

Promote the high-quality development of the county economy. Coordinate and promote the comprehensive revitalization of new urbanization and rural areas, and cultivate and expand industrial parks and leading industries with county characteristics. Learn to use the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to build a livable, workable and beautiful village.


Efforts should be made to expand domestic demand

Promote consumption expansion, upgrading, and quality improvement. Stabilize and expand traditional consumption. Cultivate and expand new types of consumption. Strengthen law enforcement and supervision in the consumer sector.

Vigorously develop characteristic cultural tourism. Strengthen the market-oriented operation, standardized construction, standardized management, and intelligent empowerment of the cultural and tourism industry, and continuously improve the quality of the development of the cultural and tourism industry. Promote the development of the whole industry chain of ice and snow sports, ice and snow culture, ice and snow equipment, and ice and snow tourism.

Efforts should be made to expand effective investment. Deepen the annual activities of industrial project construction, build 1,000 provincial-level key industrial projects, and strive to account for more than 50% of new engine and strategic emerging industry projects. Plan to promote a number of major infrastructure projects, and coordinate the promotion of major water conservancy projects such as grain production capacity improvement.

Improve the quality and efficiency of investment promotion. Focusing on the construction of a modern industrial system, we will plan attractive and competitive industrial projects. Vigorously attract foreign investment. Improve the investment assessment mechanism.


Comprehensively deepen reforms in key areas

Improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises. In-depth implementation of the special action for the revitalization of state-owned enterprises and the deepening and upgrading of reform. We will further promote the reform of the three major groups of agricultural reclamation, forest industry and Longmei.

Promote the development and growth of private enterprises. Implement policies to support the private economy, and protect the property rights of private enterprises and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs. Cultivate and expand innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new enterprises, small giant enterprises, and individual champion enterprises. Establish a normalized communication and exchange mechanism between government and enterprises. Continue to optimize the environment for the development of the private economy.

Promote fiscal, taxation and financial reforms. Further deepen the reform of the fiscal system at the provincial and sub-provincial levels, and implement structural tax and fee reduction policies. Prevent and resolve the risk of local government debt, actively resolve the existing hidden debt, and resolutely curb the new hidden debt. Promote high-quality financial development, continue to promote the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions, and ensure that systemic financial risks do not occur.

Deepen rural reform. We will do a good job in the pilot project of entering the market for rural collective management construction land, continue to deepen the reform of the collective forest tenure system, actively develop new agricultural business entities, and deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives.

Make every effort to create a first-class business environment. Adhere to the "number of running Longjiang" as the guide, to create the simplest service links, the fewest service materials, the shortest service time, the smallest service cost, the best convenience, the highest satisfaction of the "six most" characteristic business brand. Continue to carry out special actions to optimize the business environment. For the demands of enterprises and the masses, we should not find reasons for not doing it, but think of ways to do it for what we can, and do it right away and do it well.


Expand high-level openness and cooperation

Promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of trade with Russia. Implement the program of "buying all Russia and selling the whole country, and buying the whole country and selling all Russia", increase the export of high value-added products, expand the import of bulk commodities, improve the processing capacity on the ground, build a cross-border industrial chain, and promote the high-quality development of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone.

Enhance the level of all-round opening up. Deeply connect with RCEP and other regional cooperation, promote cooperation with Japan and South Korea in electronic information and other fields, expand cooperation with ASEAN in advanced manufacturing and other fields, strengthen cooperation with Australia and New Zealand in animal husbandry and other fields, consolidate traditional trade markets such as the European Union and the United States, and expand emerging trade markets such as the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.

Continue to improve the efficiency of boundary control points. In-depth implementation of the Suifenhe port capacity improvement, Tongjiang railway port facilities upgrade, Heihe highway port bridge unimpeded action. Improve the functions of ports, and speed up the construction of the Black Blind Island Highway Port and the Heihe International Pedestrian Port. Promote the organic integration of smart customs and smart port construction. High-quality construction of Harbin international air cargo hub and international logistics distribution hub.

An open platform for innovation and development. Implement the promotion strategy of the pilot free trade zone and accelerate the construction of the comprehensive bonded zone. High-standard planning and construction of the Black Blind Island Sino-Russian International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, and the acceleration of the construction of mutual trade imported goods processing industrial park.


Consolidate and enhance the advantages of green development

Fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control in depth. We will continue to fight the battle of blue sky, pure land and clear water, and complete the annual task of rectifying the feedback problems of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors with high quality.

Promote ecological environmental protection and restoration. Adhere to the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands, and implement major projects for ecosystem protection and restoration such as the sixth phase of the "Three Norths" shelterbelt. Accelerate the restoration of historical mines, and coordinate the construction of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park.

Actively promote green and low-carbon transformation. Actively and prudently promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure and land use structure, promote the green transformation of the energy industry, and form green and low-carbon production methods and lifestyles.


Effectively protect and improve people's livelihood

Promote high-quality and full employment. Coordinate and promote special programs such as the cultivation of employment momentum and skill upgrading to ensure that the employment situation is stable and improving.

Weave a tight social safety net. Implement the national overall planning system for basic pension insurance for enterprise employees and the fund gap sharing mechanism. We will further promote the expansion of basic medical insurance coverage and strengthen the normalized supervision of the use of medical insurance funds. Improve and improve the hierarchical and categorical social assistance system, and steadily increase the level of urban and rural subsistence allowances.

Do a good job in education that satisfies the people. Expand inclusive preschool education resources, accelerate the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education at the county level, and promote the diversified development of high school schools. Adjust the discipline and professional settings of institutions of higher learning. Promote the integrated development of vocational education and industrial clusters.

Promote the development of health care for the elderly. We will carry out the patriotic health campaign and the Healthy Longjiang Action in depth, strengthen the construction of a medical and health service system focusing on the grassroots level, and vigorously develop a close-knit county-level medical community and an urban medical alliance. Improve the birth support policy system, and the total number of nursery places for infants and young children under the age of 3 has reached 117,000, and promote the development of the silver economy. Strengthen food and drug supervision.

Accelerate the completion of shortcomings in people's livelihood infrastructure. Accelerate the "three major projects" such as affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both ordinary and emergency purposes, and the transformation of urban villages, and promote the smooth transition of the real estate industry to a new development model. Started to renovate old residential areas in towns. Actively resolve risks in the real estate sector. Accelerate post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and improve disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities as a whole.

Promote the construction of safe Heilongjiang. Strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system. Carry out in-depth work safety to tackle the root cause.


Continue to strengthen the construction of the government itself

We should take a clear-cut stand on politics. Persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, transform the deep understanding of the "two establishments" into a high degree of consciousness of the "two safeguards", continuously improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and be a good executor and doer for implementing the decisions of the Party Central Committee and the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee.

Strictly administer according to law. Deeply advance the establishment of a rule of law government, strictly follow the legally-prescribed authority and procedures to perform duties, exercise power, and assume responsibility, and be good at using rule of law thinking and methods to solve problems, resolve conflicts, and coordinate relationships. Strictly regulate fair and civilized law enforcement, strengthen the effectiveness of administrative reconsideration in substantively resolving administrative disputes, and truly satisfy the people. Conscientiously accept the legal supervision and work supervision of the people's congress, the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, the supervision and supervision, and the supervision of society and public opinion.

Continue to promote the construction of work style. Improve the efficiency of creative implementation, grasp the implementation to the letter, grasp the implementation vigorously and resolutely, grasp the implementation of truth-seeking and pragmatic, and dare to do good to grasp the implementation. Strictly implement the requirements of the "five details", carry forward the work style of "strict, true, meticulous, practical and fast", and resolutely rectify formalism and bureaucracy. Continuously enhance ability and ability, improve professional ability and professional quality. The government system should make careful calculations and truly live a tight life, and earnestly use precious financial funds to the best of their ability to achieve results.

Unswervingly promote the construction of party style and clean government. Strictly guard against the risks and hidden dangers of clean government in the fields of finance, state-owned enterprises, medicine, and grain purchase and sales, resolutely rectify the problems of corruption and unhealthy tendencies around the masses, reduce the space for rent-seeking of power, and use the rigidity of the system to prevent power from being capricious.

Under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, we should keep in mind the entrustment, be grateful and forge ahead, be loyal and responsible, work hard, strive to create a new situation of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation!


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